
If you could see the look of relief upon the MC's face when he realized what Taehyung actually meant by "an elephant on his body" you probably would've laughed as hard as Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok were.

The moment Taehyung pinched the skin between the two moles on his arms, the MC laughed in relief, while everyone else just laughed. It was adorable.

Finally catching his breath, Jae-suk calmed the audience down and turned to the royal family, who were still recovering from the whole thing.

"Any questions for the gentleman, Your Highnesses?"

Jungkook pressed on his buzzer and picked up his mic, he didn't even wait on the MC to call on him, "What's your ideal man?" he asks and the crowd starts whooping.

Taehyung frowns but doesn't speak. The MC hands him the mic. He knows the game being played here, he's got to describe the King for the audience to be satisfied. Yet Taehyung usually doesn't take things seriously anyway, "Wouldn't you like to know?" he said, giving the young prince a wink.

The prince blushed red, so hard that anyone would think he had a fever and the audience noticed it and started screaming. 

The MC took back the mic, "Oh? Could it be that the young prince is showing some interest in a candidate? Your Majesty it seems you have some competition."

Namjoon laughs and proceeds to bonk Jungkook on the back of the head for his insolence. 

Taehyung didn't give them time to ask anymore questions, he just turned on his heel and walked back down, leaving the prince to answer anything else. 

Jimin was up next. He grabbed the mic, presented himself, and awaited the questions. 

Someone in the crowd, a unfamiliar male voice started shouting his name. Jimin looked up, confused as the crowd busted out into screams again. 

The MC laughed, "You seem confused Jimin, why is that?"

Jimin held up the mic, "Uh, I guess its cause I'm confused as to why they're screaming?" he asks shyly.

The male voice begins screaming again, "Jimin-ah! You're very cool! YOU'RE! VERY! COOL!"

The crowd screams again, all of them joining in and shouting Jimin's name, Jimin has no clue where to hide, so he just crouches down laughing and hides his face.

"Don't tell me you're not aware that you have a ton of fans, Jimin?" The MC says.

Still on the ground, Jimin laughs, "I didn't know!"

The crowd starts going crazy again. The MC signals for them to calm down.

"Jimin, you're actually very cute, it seems that our audience thought you'd be very chic since you have so much charisma while dancing, but you're actually very cute."

Jimin laughs, "Yes, I'm a little different when I'm dancing," he admits.

"Yes, we've seen in the broadcasts that you are quite the expert in dancing sexily."

He laughs again, covering his mouth with his hand, he looks into the crowd, his friends are just as surprised as he is. Yet Hoseok gives him a big thumbs up. Jimin couldn't really take it seriously. "Um," he could feel his ears burn, "I don't know about sexy, but I can dance contemporary."

"Oh? Are you able to do it spontaneously?"

He nods shyly.

"Shall we bring in a piano then? And as our accompanist, we'll have General Min play for us! How about that folks!"

There are encouraging applause from the audience. From the wings, Min Yoongi raises a brow. The camera zooms in on him, he looks reluctant, but still goes over and sits on the piano that the staff brings onto the stage.

He sighs and stares dully at Jimin, who's taking his suit jacket off, "Any requests?" he asks sarcastically.

Jimin doesn't catch it, "Just play anything and I'll try to dance to it."

The general did as he was told. His fingers hovered over the piano. It's been a while, yet his fingers recognized the instrument immediately, his mind remembering those notes that complemented each other so well. 

A pure melody flew from his fingertips, he played around with the notes, the tempo, the keys.

Jimin followed him well. His body moved according to the melody, gracefully, matching every note whether it was with his feet, hands, arms, soul.

No one made a noise while he danced, all eyes fell on him, followed his every movement, their mouths opened in awe.

When the music stopped, the applause echoed. Jimin shyly walked over and put his jacket on, thanking General Min who shrugged and walked back to his post.

"Wow," The MC exclaims,  "the toughness that's hidden inside this cute appearance. I'm sure that you melt people's hearts." The audience laughs. "I think I'm going to melt right now!"

The small candidate laughed so hard he disappeared from the camera frame, his smile wide and his eyes into small crescent moons.

"Your Highnesses? Any questions? Comments?" 

Geong Min grabbed the mic. "Jimin-sshi, you have yet to go on a date with the King, right?" Jimin nods. "May we know your ideal date?"

Jimin smiles as he speaks. "I've always wanted a date on the beach. Walk around, sit by the waves and drink together while, um," -he blushes- "holding hands." 

People actually cooed. 

"Princess," Jae-suk said in a singsong voice, "I heard something about you the other day., something about you watching Jimin's dance during practice? Care to comment."

Geong Min took the mic and pushed her hair behind her ears, "Ah yes, so we're preparing for the opening song of the talent show and I usually stay around to monitor the practice sessions. While watching them run through the first number my eyes met Jimin's. He had this fierce gaze and" -she put her hand on her chest- "I felt my heart flutter!" The audience starts laughing, clapping and whistling. "I've never felt that before!" she giggles.

"Jimin-sshi, the princess seems to be rather smitten with you," -the MC nudges him- "why not give her a kiss?"

Hoseok and Taehyung are whooping now, Jimin shakes his head shyly, a smile tugging at his lips, "Ah, no I couldn't possibly-"

"DO IT!" someone in the audience yells and the crowd starts joining in. Jimin scratches his hair nervously and walks over to the table, taking Geong Min's hand and giving her a smile before placing a kiss on her hand.

She pulled her hand away and fangirled.

It was now Hoseok's turn to go up on stage. Hoseok who lit up the stage with his smile, showed his moves and wowed the audience with his amazing dancing, popping literally to every beat before going down into a massive split then jumped up as if nothing amazing had happen.

"Glad to see you're in much better health" the MC said, "A lot of people were worried when you got hurt during the attack on the palace."

"Luckily I heal quickly," Hoseok said with a huge smile.

Jae-suk nodded, "I guess we have to give General Min a huge round of applause for rescuing you, right?" The audience did as they were told. Yoongi didn't react to it even when the camera's zoomed in on his face. "I heard he ran as soon as he heard you were missing. Could you be winning his heart?" He wiggled his brows.

Again, Yoongi showed no reaction. Hoseok glared at him mentally, but kept a huge smile on his face and laughed, "Nah, I'm sure I'm not his type," he joked, "Besides, my focus here is the King, not his guard."

"Ooo, sassy," the MC joked.

They went through the remaining candidates, each one answering questions and causing a rise out of the audience, each one looking for a way to stand out among the other 29 competitors.

It felt as if they were celebrities. Especially when they were taken to meet "their fans".

Seokjin couldn't believe they were actually doing this. Apparently the palace had handed out photobooks? And they were supposed to sign them and interact with fans? 

What were they, idols?

He had removed his suit jacket, had set it on his chair. He brushed off his shirt and pants and waited. Next to him Tae didn't look so worried, Jackson seemed pretty calm to. He guessed its because they really didn't feel the pressure, the need to actually prove themselves to thousands of people who had probably already picked favorites.

Come on Seokjin, he told himself, You were an acting major. Act like you have some confidence.

It was the only thing that worked. The doors opened and in came the press and the fans lined up. Going one by one to line up in front of their favorite candidate. 

Seokjin was actually surprised that he had many lining up in front of him. There were some people who went to multiple candidates, he guessed that they were just taking advantage of getting to talk to handsome men, even if they were all into men.

Well, some into women too, he reminded himself as he watched Jimin who seemed to flirt with both male and females that came to him. He was a natural at it.

Paying careful attention to every person that visited him, Seokjin didn't notice that Namjoon was staring at him from the corner till one girl pointed it out.

"I think he really likes you," the girl whispered to him as he signed the picture of his face, "He won't stop staring at you."

Seokjin quickly glanced back. The royal family was sitting several steps higher, each sitting on a throne. As soon as he looked up he could see that Namjoon really was staring at him. Not only that, as soon as their eyes met the King winked at him, Seokjin blushed and went back to signing his name. "I sure hope he does," Seokjin whispered to her, handing the photo-book back to her. 

"Do you like him?" the girl asked, "like really really like him?"

Seokjin smiled widely. The girl couldn't be a day over seven or eight years old, she had that amazing childish curiosity that you could only have from being that young. "I do," he admitted, "very much."

The little girl smiled back, "I hope you marry him."

"I hope so too."

Then she got off her little pink stool that she had brought along and went to get in line for Taehyung.

The next person in line came up to him, Seokjin smiled at him, he opened his mouth, about to greet the guy when a loud noise reverberates in the hall.

Someone screams, people start running. The crowd starts moving away enough to reveal a person with a gun. 

The soldiers nearby start signalling for them to move, yelling at them to go to the safe house. They can't pull out their guns and shoot the attacker down in fear that they might hit someone else or someone being grabbed as hostage.

Jin looks back just in time to see soldiers covering the royal family, pushing them back, helping them escape.

"Hyung, let's go!" Taehyung shouts as soon as another shot is fired, he grabs him by the shoulder and starts pulling him back.

Seokjin's mind was somewhere else.

He saw it. When the crowd ran and pushed the little girl down. She was on her hands and knees, too frightened to move, people jumping over here without a care. Then when they managed to leave her there he saw attacker, he was pointing the gun right at her.

"The little girl!" Seokjin yelled, hopping over the table and dashed, hurdling as fast as he could. The attacker aimed the gun just as soon as Seokjin covered her with his body.

There was the sound of a gunshot, but Seokjin didn't feel that it hit him. He looked back, grabbing the girl and rolling with her.

Hoseok was there, fighting with the attacker, both of them pushing to take the gun. "Run, Hyung!" he yelled, causing Seokjin to get to his feet and take the little girl with him.

He tossed her to Taehyung who ran out of the room with her. Seokjin turned back to Hoseok. He couldn't handle the guy on his own. Seokjin was bigger, surely he could-

The attacker threw Hoseok to the ground and aimed. Seokjin saw a blur, heard the bang, then heard another bang and as soon as he blinked he saw the attacker on the ground.

Min Yoongi was standing in front of a fallen Hoseok, gun in hand, aimed at the attacker, his other hand clutching at his shoulder that was now spewing blood.

He had been shot, but shot the attacker back just in time.
