Chapter 8

I'm never getting on a bus

It didn't take me that long to pack... if not, didn't take long at all. I left my Minotaur horn with Percy's, as well as my hat and guitar, no way in hell I was gonna take those to the quest.

But before I did give Percy my guitar, I put a hand in the back of it, where mom had the quote written... my heart back to you, mom.

The camp store loaned Percy one hundred dollars in mortal money and twenty golden drachmas. These coins were as big as Girl Scout cookies and had images of various Greek gods stamped on one side and the Empire State Building on the other. The ancient mortal drachmas had been silver, Chiron told us, but Olympians never used less than pure gold. Chiron said the coins might come in handy for nonmortal transactions, no idea what that means but okay. He gave Annabeth and Percy  each a flask of nectar and an airtight bag full of ambrosia squares, to be used only in emergencies, if we were seriously hurt. It was god food, Chiron reminded us. It would cure us of almost any injury, but it was lethal to mortals... can't imagine what it will do, and if we use too much, we're kinda dead.

Annabeth was going to bring her blue Yankees cap, that Athena gave it to her in her 12th birthday. She also was going to take an architecture book, written in Ancient Greek, not that I care a lot.

Thomas and Grover wore their fake feet and trousers. They both wore a hat, to hide their horns and if it rains, the horns would be more noticeable cause well... of course, the hair will flatten and we will see it more clearly.

Kajsa was just going to bring a magazine... yes a magazine... and a comb, towels, and a... dagger, or two actually, made of Celestial Bronze as Thomas once told me what the weapons are made of. Gonna be honest, her being a daughter of Aphrodite shocks me to see she has such weapons, though again, she doesn't fight much, so being honest, as much as I hate her, Annabeth can beat her with her Celestial Bronze knife probably too easily.

We waved goodbye to the other campers, took one last look at the strawberry fields, the ocean and the Big House, then hiked up Half Blood Hill to the tall pine tree that used to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus.

Chiron was waiting for us in his wheelchair. Next to him was some surfer guy, if I remember correctly, he is Argus, the Head of Security in the camp. He is suppose to have eyes around his entire body, though his choice of clothes nullify that, but I still saw a few eyes in his palms... gross.

"This is Argus." Chiron told Percy. "He will drive you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye on things."

I heard footsteps behind us, just to see Luke running up that hill, carrying a pair of basketball shoes.

"Hey!" he panted. "Glad I caught you."

Annabeth blushed after that, does she realizes that he is legal and she is a 12 year old? This is so disgusting, bleh.

"Just wanted to say good luck." Luke told Percy. "And I thought... um, maybe you could use these."

He gave Percy the shoes, though they looked kinda normal... very normal.

Luke said, "Maia!"

And I talked to early... the shoes started to grow wings out of the heels. Percy was startled so he dropped them, and when the shoes flattened, thee wings retracted

"Awesome!" Grover said.

Luke smiled, "Those served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from Dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days..." his expression saddened.

Looking at Luke after his statement, the fact he might have been abandoned by Hermes, is one way to show that the gods really don't care about us. To them, this is probably a game to see who can make the most demigod children, and Zeus probably has the higher number... that's a no brainer. We're just pets to the gods, accidenta more exactly... was Hades leaving mom pregnant just a game for him too?

"Hey, man." Percy said. "Thanks."

"Listen, Percy..." Luke looked uncomfortable. "A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just... kill some monsters for me, okay?"

Percy shook hands with Luke, as I do too, though the moment I do... his presence, his soul, it feels... angry, very angry. He then pats Grover's head and slaps Thomas' shoulder in the form of 'good luck'. He then hugs Kajsa and then Annabeth, who could pass out at any moment... this wasn't a crush anymore, this was a full pledge romantic feelings.

Luke was gone, and I look at her, a bit disgusted, as Percy talked.

"You're hyperventilating." Percy said.

"Am not." Annabeth defended back.

"You let him capture the flag instead of you, didn't you?"

"Oh... why do I want to go anywhere with you, Percy? With either of you?"

She definitely meant me, as she stomps down to the other side of the hill... YEAH SCREW YOU TOO! I saw a white SUV waited on the shoulder of the road, as Argus follows, jingling his car keys.

"Luke meant well, Percy. But taking to the air... that would not be wise for you." Chiron told Percy.

I saw Percy bit disappointed, but he wasn't gonna let the shoes slide. Hey, Grover. You want a magic item?" he asked.

His eyes lit up. "Me?"

"Hey, yeah. The first flying satyr in history! Give it a go." I told him, now this I had to see.

Pretty soon we'd laced the sneakers over his fake feet, and the world's first flying satyr was ready for launch.

"Ready?" Thomas asked with thumbs up, as Grover sighs and nods.

"Maia!" he shouted.

He got off the ground okay, but then fell over sideways so his backpack dragged through the grass. The winged shoes kept bucking up and down like tiny broncos.

"Practice." Chiron called after him. "You just need practice!"

"He's got it under control." I said trying too keep a smile.

"Aaaaa!' Grover went flying sideways down the hill like a possessed lawn mower, heading towards the van.

"He doesn't got it under control." I say rather disappointed in this.

Kajsa and Thomas quickly chase the flying satyr, but Chiron stops me and Percy.

"I should have trained you both better." he said. 'If only I had more time. Hercules, Jason – they all got more training."

"U-Um, we're aware." I told him.

"That's okay. I just wish-" Percy then stopped talking, what was he gonna wish for? I look at him and then look at Chiron.

"What am I thinking?" Chiron cried. "I can't let you both get away without this."

He pulled a pen from his coat pocket and handed it to Percy. It was an ordinary disposable ballpoint, black ink, removable cap... a pen I can find in Walgreens.

"Gee." Percy said. "Thanks."

"You know we can find this in Walgreens, right?" I asked him.

"Percy, that's a gift from your father. I've kept it for years, not knowing you were who I was waiting for. But the prophecy is clear to me now. You are the one." Chiron said, ignoring me... sonova-

But after that, I see Percy remove the pen... which completely transforms into a sword, a double edged bladed sword, with a leather wrapped grip and a flat hilt rivered in gold studs... damn.

"Can you find that in Walgreens?" Chiron just mocked me right now, now that sly bastard.

"I mean... is there a Demigod-Walgreens?"

"The sword has a long and tragic history that we need not go into." Chiron told Percy. "Its name is Anaklusmos."

"Riptide." Percy said after... gotta admit, it is a nice sword.

"Luckily, I have something for you too, Y/N." Chiron told me, as he grabs something from his pockets, not a pen... but a... golden ring with a red jewel on top... was this a way to ask for marriage or something?

"A ring? Is that a wedding ring of some sort?"

"Your father is the wealthiest of all god from our kind, the oracle told me once about the 'Child of Darkness', and that child is you. This ring was forged from Hades' wealth, tempered in Mount Edna by the Cyclopes, along side Anaklusmos, cooled in River Lethe. They're both deadly to monsters, to any creature from the Underworld, provided they don't kill you first. But the blades will pass through mortals like an illusion. They simply are not important enough for the blades to kill. And I should warn you both: as demigods, you can be killed by either celestial or normal weapons. You are twice as vulnerable."

"Wow, thanks." I said annoyed, as I put the ring in my ring finger, from my right hand. I look at it, gonna admit, it was very bright... an very expensive, this could cost a fortune. "So, uh... how do I summon my blade?"

"Is like a mental muscle, just ask to summon it." Chiron said... totally made sense. I slightly open my hand, as the ring completely materializes... into a FREAKING SPEAR?! Yes! Just... yes!

I looked in awe, as well as Percy. The spear was almost easily 6 feet tall, it had a gold-ish, steel color, there was a leather brown almost black grip in almost the entire staff part, the back of the spear was flat like a staff, but the blade? It is Celestial Bronze but it almost looked like gold, and the red jewel was across the middle in the front and back of the blade... guess what folks... I am married... to my spear, haha!

"Dude... this is so nice!" I told myself as I looked at the spear, complete work of art.

"The spear symbolizes aggression, but can also symbolize power, courage and strive, something I know you possess, even if you might not show it yet." Chiron said as Percy looked at the spear.

"Is it balanced?" he asked me, lifting it with one arm, yeah... both sides are balanced, maybe the blade add's slightly more weight to it's side... but still... it felt... natural.

"Feels amazing."

"It doesn't have a name, it was never used but now it is, and I hope you put a good name and reputation to such weapon, Y/N." Chiron said which made me nod, the spear materialized into a ring again, returning to my ring finger.

Chiron then said, "Recap the pen, Percy."

He did exactly that, touched the pen cap in his sword and the sword turned back into a pen. I see him put the pen in his pockets, very firmly.

"You can't." Chiron said.

"Can't what?" Percy asked.

"Lose the pen." he said. "It is enchanted. It will always reappear in your pocket. Try it."

I see him hesitate, but he still throws the pen away... I see him throw it, just to look at Chiron.

"It may take a few moments." Chiron told me "Now check your pocket."

Percy checks it, growing in shock, as he shows me the pen... the same pen he threw... that was cool.

"Cool, so the ring gets something?" I ask him, as Chiron looks at me with a smile... t-that was it?

"Well... the ring tightens, meaning is harder to remove from outside source, and it will increase length as you get taller... but with enough strength, the ring can be removed... and it doesn't return from my knowledge."... oh...

"Wait, what if a mortal sees us pulling out a sword, or a spear?" Percy asked.

Chiron smiled. "Mist is a powerful thing, Percy."


"Yes. Read The Iliad. It's full of references to the stuff. Whenever divine or monstrous elements mix with the mortal world, they generate Mist, which obscures the vision of humans. You will see things just as they are, being a half-blood, but humans will interpret things quite differently. Remarkable, really, the lengths to which humans will go to fit things into their version of reality."

He puts the pen back in his pockets.

I look at the two... this conversation wasn't gonna end anytime soon, so I just walk away to the white SUV. I see it still there, but it was on, and the lights were on too. I quickly walk to the back windows, where I saw Kajsa but more specifically, Thomas. So I ran and hit the glass, actually managing to scare him, but also Kajsa, Annabeth and Grover. I laughed seeing his reaction... it was priceless, as I open the door from the opposite side, laughing.

"Oh, yes, laugh it all up." Thomas said angrily as I move the seat forward, the one where Grover wasn't seated on, he was in the corner, and I go to the back row with Thomas and Kajsa. I sat in the rear row, with Kajsa in the middle and Thomas in the other side, with Annabeth and Grover in the front row.

"So? What did you get?" Thomas asked, as I show him the ring in my finger, which they see, as well as Annabeth and Grover.

"A ring, which seems to turn into a spear... it's pretty cool, I still have to give it a name." I said, as Kajsa completely had her gaze on the ring... gotta admit, it was really pretty.

"So... what about, Ebony?" Grover offered, as I snap my fingers with a smirk.

"That's a good name."

* * *

We were already in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, during the ride I discovered some things. Annabeth doesn't hate Percy, is all because Athena hates Poseidon that she doesn't really show any friendship against him. Annabeth got angry at him, I got angry on how she is basing this due to parent stuff, she talked back, I got angrier, she got angrier, and we argued for like 20 minutes... yeah 20 minutes, no joke. Kajsa tried to break the argument and well... she did successfully.

We both looked away after and pouted, sometimes I forget we're not adults and we're kids doing stupid things like this... a stupid but heroic thing... is this how heroes are born?

I see something taped to a mailbox, a photo of me and one of Percy, I ripped it before anyone saw it, yes even before Percy saw it. If people that the two missing kids are alive, I don't know what will happen to my dad, or Percy's step dad... well Percy step dad can choke on his own blood as he makes a pulls a bag of jewels from start to finish, but for him to never realize he is in a eternal loop...

Wow... is that how father plans his punishments?

"You want to know why she married him, Percy?" I heard Grover ask, as I look back seeing Percy watching to a certain road... the one to his home.

Percy stares at him. "Were you reading my mind or something"

"Just your emotions." He shrugged. "Guess I forgot to tell you satyrs can do that. You were thinking about your mom and your stepdad, right?"

Percy nodded after that, leaving Grover to tell him.

"Your mom married Gabe for you." Grover told him. "You call him 'Smelly', but you've got no idea. The guy has this aura... Yuck. I can smell him from here. I can smell traces of him on you, and you haven't been near him for a fortnight."

"Thanks." Percy said. "Where's the nearest shower?"

"You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepfather smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence of any demigod. As soon as I took a whiff inside his Camaro, I knew: Gabe has been covering your scent for years. If you hadn't lived with him every summer, you probably would've been found by monsters a long time ago. Your mom stayed with him to protect you. She was a smart lady. She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy – if that makes you feel any better."

The fact that Sally married to a freak like Gabe so Percy gets off the radar... geez, hope she isn't dead, if she is dead, she definitely deserves a place in the peak of Elysium... HOW DO I KNOW ABOUT ELYSIUM?!

"Ms. Jackson was always a badass in disguise." I told Grover, patting Percy's back, who smiled at me.

We waited, and we waited for a while for the bus to arrive, we waited a long while, as I see Percy, Annabeth and Kajsa playing Hacky Sack with one of Grover's apple, I didn't knowing I would be horrible... but also cause I need to some time to myself, regarding everything we learnt.

Mom dated Hades... Hades is the God of the Underworld in Ancient Greece, that means mom is there, I can see her again, bring her back if possible.

I then hear a huge bite, and I see that the apple disappeared completely, courtesy of Grover Underwood... Hacky Sack was no more.

I started to laugh with the rest, as we heard Grover apologize over and over with a huge blush.

Finally the bus came. As we stood in line to board, Grover started looking around, sniffing, same as Thomas.

"Everything okay?" I asked them, though they weren't very sure.

"Don't know, maybe is nothing." Thomas said. "You feel a weird presence or something off?"

"Mmm... as of now, no..." I looked slightly back, feeling a unique presence, an aura similar of that Hellhound... not the same, but similar.

"Something wrong?" Annabeth asked, being honest... not sure anymore.

"Let's just get inside." Kajsa said, as we follow her inside. We luckily find seats together in the back. We all sit and put out backpacks in front, and we just wait for the bus to go. I hear a few slaps, and see Annabeth slapping her Yankee cap against her thighs, and Kajsa playing with her thumbs... both of them nervously, being honest, I was too.

That was until I fell that presence... I look forward and see someone enter.

Annabeth clamped her hand onto Percy's knee and said, "Percy."

An old lady had just boarded the bus. She wore a crumpled velvet dress, lace gloves and a shapeless orange-knit hat that shadowed her face, and she carried a big paisley purse. When she tilted her head up, her black eyes glittered, and my heart skipped a beat.

I know her... is Dodds, never knew her name... she has that aura... and two more as well. I looked at Percy who looked at me as well as Grover.

Behind her came two more old ladies: one in a green hat, one in a purple hat. Otherwise they looked exactly like Dodds. Same gnarled hands, paisley handbags, wrinkled velvet dresses. Triplet demon grandmothers.... Triple demons... The Fates are not that... sh*t... those are The Furies: Alecto, Magaera and Tisiphone.

I quickly gulped, I am a Son of Hades, I probably am immune, but the others are not.

They sat in the front row, behind the driver. The two on the aisle crossed their legs over the walkway, making an X. It was casual enough, but it sent a clear message: nobody leaves.

"Crap... The Furies." I whispered to Kajsa who quickly looked a bit scared... I mean, I don't blame her, I am too and I'm a child from the Underworld.

The bus pulled out of the station, and we headed through the slick streets of Manhattan.

"She didn't stay dead long." Percy said, which made me look at him confused. "I thought you said they could be dispelled for a lifetime."

"I said if you're lucky." Annabeth said. "You're obviously not."

"All three of them." Grover whimpered. "Di Immortales."

It's okay." Annabeth said, obviously thinking hard. "The Furies. The three worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. No problem. We'll just slip out the windows."

"They don't open." Thomas said.

"A back exit?" she suggested.

There wasn't one... this looks either unlucky or calculated. If there was, I would gladly jump out, and do the secret technique: Tuck and Roll.

I see where we are, Ninth Avenue, going straight to Lincoln Tunnel.

"They won't attack us with witnesses around." Percy said. "Will they?"

"Mortals don't have good eyes." Annabeth said.

"Right... mist." I said annoyed with said mist... these guys are toast.

"So they would see us get mauled by old ladies, merde."

"Maybe an emergency roof...?" Percy asked.

We hit the Lincoln Tunnel, and the bus went dark except for the running lights down the aisle. It was eerily quiet without the sound of the rain.

Dodds got up, in such a unnatural way, her voice so flat, she told to everyone in the bus. "I need to use the restroom."

"So do I." said the second sister.

"So do I." said the third sister.

They were coming down the isle, we were running out of time.

"I've got it." Annabeth said. "Percy take my hat."


"You're the one they want. Turn invisible and go up the aisle. Let them pass you. Maybe you can get to the front and get away."

"But you guys-"

"There might be a chance they won't notice us, I-I mean if they come from the Underworld, that sort of makes me their superior, Hades is King, that makes me... Prince? I can, I-I don't know, try to convince them to spare them, not sure about you if your the target." I told him.

"W-We can't trust if that will work. I can't leave you guys."

"Don't worry about us." Grover said. "Go!"

I saw Percy's hands tremble, but he puts the hat on, disappearing.

The Furies started to sniff forward, and I could see a bit of anger, I just want to grab my spear, kill them and run out of here, this is getting a bit too much.

They kept walking forward, but I saw them sort of transform. Their faces were still as ugly as ever, but their bodies? They were brown hag like bodies with wings, they look like bat wings, hands and feet looked like gargoyles, and their handbags were now whips.

The Furies started to surround us, hissing, I sort of got in front of everyone, knowing my connection, hoping it works. "Where is it? Where?"

The people were now starting to scream, can't imagine what they're thinking.

"Don't kill them! The one your chasing is gone, they are friends of mine, I won't-"

"You chose the wrong side, Prince." another of the Furies screamed at me.

"You kill me, Hades will banish you to the deepest depths of Tartarus!"

The Furies kept their scary glares at me, until the the bus completely turns to the left, making everything crash to the right, I was standing, so I crash with the wall, groaning.

I slightly look up and try to get in my feet, until I was thrown slightly left after what it seems, the driver goes through a highway, until moments later, the brakes sort of hit, the bus did a full circle and crashed into the trees...


The Furies regained their balance, as I summon my spear and got on guard, holding the blade towards them, Annabeth waving her bronze knife, Kajsa holding her daggers and Grover with Thomas were throwing cans.

Annabeth was yelling in Ancient Greek, with The Furies having their whips on hand.

"Hey!" I heard Percy scream, who took his cap off. The Furies turned, baring their yellow fangs at him. The one who was Dodds or more exactly... Alecto was starting to stalk him into the isle while the other two got in the top seats of either side.

"Perseus Jackson."Dodds said, with an accent I don't remember her saying... sounds something from the south. "You have offended the gods. You shall die."

"I liked you better as a maths teacher." Percy tells her.

She growled.

But that gives us a slight advantage to move forward, Annabeth and I in front as Annabeth was the best fighter, and I had a spear and I can try to convince them, but I'm off of that.

Percy took the ballpoint pen from his pockets and uncapped it. Riptide elongated into a shimmering double-edged sword.

I saw The Furies hesitate after.

Seems Dodds WAS killed by Riptide, probably.

"Submit now." she hissed. "And you will not suffer eternal torment."

"Nice try." Percy tells her.

"Percy, look out!" I cried out.

Dodds lashed her whip around his sword hand while the Furies on the either side lunged at him.

Percy's even with that didn't drop Riptide from his hand. He struck the Fury on the left with its hilt, sending her toppling backwards into a seat.

I quickly thrust my spear at the Fury on Percy's right side, going through her chest, and after that, she explodes into dust.

Annabeth got Dodds in a wrestler's hold and yanked her backwards with Thomas' help while Grover ripped the whip out of her hands.

"Ow!" he yelled. "Ow! Hot! Hot!"

The other Fury got her talons ready, but Kajsa quickly impaled her daggers in her back, and Percy swings his sword, completely killing her.

"Nice swing, Beau." Kajsa said, a word that Percy didn't understand.

Dodds was trying to get Annabeth off her back. She kicked, clawed, hissed and bit, but Annabeth held on while Grover got Mrs Dodds's legs tied up in her own whip. Thomas quickly lets her go, and takes his trousers off, as I quickly join him and we both Spartan kick the Creepypasta bastard.

Dodds tried to get up, but she didn't have room to flap her wings, which means she couldn't get up.

"Zeus will destroy you!" she promised. "Hades will have your soul!"

"Yeah, no he won't-"

"Braccas meas vescimini!" Percy interrupted me with that sentence, it was Latin. The thunder then shook the bus, as Percy's hair rose from the back of his head.

"Get out!" Annabeth yells at him. "Now!"

We all quickly run outside and we see the other passengers wandering around in gaze, arguing with the driver, or running around in circles yelling, "We're going to die!" A Hawaiian-shirted tourist with a camera snapped my photograph before I could even recap my spear... same for Percy.

I quickly turn the spear back to a ring.

"Our bags!" Grover realized. "We left our-"


The windows of the bus exploded as the passengers ran for cover. Lightning shredded a huge crater in the roof, but an angry wail from inside told me Dodds was still alive.

"Run!" Annabeth said. "She's calling for reinforcements! We have to get out of here!"

We quickly run into the woods, running from the flaming bus and the crazy Fury.

So much for being Prince of the Underworld.

New chapter is posted everyone.

So we have discovered a new passive power that I wish Nico did have in the books, not sure if he does. Just like Percy is a radar in the sea, he literally knows his location in the middle of the sea, Y/N being Son of Hades has 100% knowledge and whereabouts in the Underworld... you will see the list of the abilities he has that are due to his Hades heritage that you guys have read.

Chthonicscience: Y/N as Son of Hades, he knows the Underworld and its secrets, though not every secret they have, but he knows its weaknesses, every entry and every exit from it.

Umbrakinesis: In other words, the ability to manipulate shadow and darkness, of course, to a lower level than his father, we haven't seen all of its tricks.

Osteokinesis: He can manipulate bones, and this ability is still just base, the ability is much more dangerous if he can control bones... any bones.

Phobokinesis: He can radiate fear, he already did against the Childs of Ares, the ones he defeated? They got scared because of the fear he was radiating unwillingly.

Underworld Senses: Seen here with The Furies, he has the ability to sense the presence or aura of someone who originates or has been for a long time in the Underworld, meaning he can't sense those who don't come from it, though it still means that anyone from the Underworld will be incapable of catching him in surprise.

Soul Connection: He has a deep connection with souls. Hades being The God of the Dead, he is aware of every soul in his realm. Y/N has that ability to much lower extent. Is why he can hear specific people, he is more precisely, hearing their psyche/soul, and he can also feel its emotions, like how he felt a huge anger in Luke's soul.

Power Over The Dead: He can see ghosts and undead people, such as Dave's. Plus he believes he has schizophrenia because he "hallucinates" a lot.

Kill one of his friends or family, and death will be your reward: Y/N when in an extreme emotional state can accidentally lose control of his powers. One of them is that when he gets extremely emotional, everything he touches starts to decay, the souls go automatically to the Underworld, but again, everything he touches decays. We haven't seen the full extent of it and is an ability that we won't see much.

His powers are just a taste of what he is capable of, he is still learning. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, vote for it, leave a comment if you want and good night.
