Chapter 2

3-year-old Stella

It was her 3rd Birthday. Her mother made a beautiful cake. Stella was about to blow the candles when some men barged into her house.
Stella's mother, Rose told her to hide.
" Go, hide Stella. Mommy will come soon . " her Mum said
Stella did as told and she hid under her bed
Her mother took out a gun from a plant. Stella heard some gunshots and went to peek outside her room a man was hitting her mother she had the gun but it fell from her hand and landed next to Stella. Stella took the gun and aimed for the man's head and she pulled the trigger, and the bullet went straight through his head. Some men came and grabbed Stella by her hair and separated the mother and daughter, how much they screamed and shouted nothing worked.

" Mommy !!!" 


and then drugged both of them with tranquilizer

They took Stella in a HYDRA - Red Room BASE  

Stella woke up in a dark room, there were some children her age. A man grabbed Stella. Stella found herself in a room with two chairs, she sat in one of them. Then a man came in .

" Hello C-21," The man said 

" I am not C-21, I am Stella " Stella said 

The man ignored 

" I am Jack Maris, founder of The HRR Hydra Red Room, your biological father, but you will call me Mater Maris. This place is the Red Room, where we will train you to do wonderful things for Hydra. Hydra is an organization where we create humans into superhumans to kill and torture. We will make you invincible and unbreakable. You do as we tell you to. Understand ?" He said  

" I understand Master Maris '' Stella said in fear 

"хороший" meant good in Russian, Stella knew a bit of Russian.

Some soldiers took Stella in a room there were many scientists there

They placed her in a seat and cuffed her hands and legs, and injected some serums, Stella screamed and the scientists smiled and cheered 

Then they took out a chip from her body and placed another chip in the back of her neck and suddenly things came into her mind in such a rush, they were techniques, history, combat, science, hacking many more things. Her brain was processing all this knowledge at a very fast pace. She became very confused because of all the knowledge. But she knew one thing that if she did not obey them, they are going to hurt her.

They trained Stella, she was only 3 years old but she knew everything because of the chip. Now they were only training her physically and mentally. She was 4, a year passed like that Wake, Train, Serums ,Ballet , And the beat them with belt , Train , Library , Eat and Sleep . 

But today was different they took her to a cell , she saw her mother tied up in a chair ,and badly bruised and she screamed 

" I want my daughter back, My Stella back !!! " 

"Mamma !"

But her mother could not hear her they shocked her mother, again and again, Stella also banged the glass but nothing happened. Then Mater Maris came and said 

" She, your mother is your weakness C-21, we do not like weakness " and he went 

Then they took a matchstick and burned her mother alive in front of Stella's eyes her mother screamed in pain, Stella cried and shouted them to shouted at them to stop but they didn't 

Stella had to see her mother die in front of her eyes and she could do nothing to stop that.
