Technoblade's Backstory Part 8 - The L'Manburg Incident

One day we decided to have a L'Manburg Festival.

But what we didn't knew was the worst idea we had ever had.

For the festival we had invited everyone including Dream. Which was a huge mistake.

While we were all having fun. Little did we know that Dream had placed a bunch of TNT under L'Manburg. When I noticed that Dream was gone I immediately went looking for him. I didn't want to start a panic so I didn't tell anyone.

I found Dream in a room where there was a stone button he said

The Blood God or should I call you by your new name Technoblade

What are you doing?
At that moment I didn't know what that stone button could do. But since Dream had placed it I had a feeling that it was up to no good.

Oh, I'm just getting my revenge after all these years.

And then Dream pressed the button and when he did L'Manburg exploded.
Soon after everyone who had entered The L'Manburg Festival came and was staring at me and Dream.

Technoblade how could you! I hate L'Manburg but I would never destroy it! This is a Nation that you fought for with you family! And you blew it up!

I was shocked I wasn't the one who had blew up L'Manburg Dream was putting all the blame on me.

I didn't do anything. I swear.

I don't believe you Techno. Technoblade exploded a Nation he should be executed!

Everyone was shocked.

I didn't do anything Dream d-

Shut up! You monster. Who blew up a Nation.

But the real question is will Technoblade be executed?

Since Techno was a L'Manburg citizen according to The L'Manburg Law choices such as execution should be done by The President.

The president? Wilbur where is he?

Ghostbur (He is like The Canon Ghostbur always happy, but he doesn't have his Blue Sheep, Friend)
I'm here

Everyone was shocked once again.

So you didn't only blow up a Nation you also killed the president! You're worse than anyone could've thought! You definitely deserve execution!

But the question still stands will Technoblade be executed? Since our president is a ghost he can't decide.

According to The L'Manburg Law when the president dies whoever the old president chooses will become the new president.

Ghostbur who are you gonna choose for the new president?

Tubbo, you had always been my right hand man and I know that you'll be a great president. I choose you to be the new president.

I'm the new president? Wow, and Tommy, my best friend I choose you to be my right hand man.

I will gladly be your right hand man.

Tubbo, since your the new president you decide if Technoblade is gonna be executed or not. What do you choose?

I choose...

Remember Tubbo, Techno blew up L'Manburg and killed Wilbur.

I didn't do anything Dream d-

Shut up! You monster.

I choose for Techno to be executed. Technoblade your execution will happen tomorrow morning.

The thing was that I couldn't be executed I was a god I was immortal. But no one except Phil, Nightmare and I knew this. This was a secret and it should be kept as a secret.

No it won't! Technoblade would you like to leave L'Manburg with me to avoid being executed?

Yes Phil. Tommy would you like to come would you like to leave this place as a family?

No! I won't come with a monster like you!

Tommy, my youngest brother had called me a monster that really hurt me. But my emotion was hidden behind my boar skull. So no one knew my emotions.

Okay. Tommy it's your choice now goodbye!

Phil and I went to our bases and gathered the important stuff and putted them in our horses chests (In this Universe you can put chests on horses for extra inventory) and then we left L'Manburg. And never went back.
