Chapter 3: To Tell A Story

Marion was correct. Waterfall City is a very peaceful place. The waterfalls alone could memorize just about any living creature.

Sam replied, "As my father would say, 'Holy Hanna!' This place is beyond words to describe how wonderful..." She could say nothing more. She was just overwhelmed.

Brandon, Nomi, and Amanda caught up with her. He said, "My dear Padawan. I think I can say I would want to live here for the rest of my life."

"Yeah. No kidding."

He went to a serious tone. "I think I need to have a good long conversation with Jolinar before I can state I would want to set Dinotopia as the new Jedi base."

Jolinar replied, "Yes, Grand Master Jedi of Earth, we will, but not just because of your brilliant suggestion. I think it is time to tell more about the Jedi Knight's history. First, we need to talk to the Mayor of Waterfall City and have all of you sign in, including Sam. After all of you have a look around this wonderful city, we can talk. What I have to say has its importance, but I want to state that your vacation is just as important if not more."

Nomi replied, "Your words are appreciated; thank you for giving us the opportunity to relax instead of searching for this item."

"It's a Holocron cube, an artifact containing a vast repository of knowledge. Legend says it holds the locations of all Jedi cities, past and present, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm happy to share more details with you when we have a chance to speak."

Brandon replied, "Thank you. Jolinar, please do not fear talking to any of us. I sense you are concerned about the events that will take place here in Dinotopia."

She was quiet for a moment before talking. "I guess... I've been trying to keep all this a big secret for so long I've become too protective of our past. Please forgive me for not telling you about this sooner."

Rosemary said, "There's no reason to apologize. You've done a great service for Dinotopia, for Earth, and your people so many years ago."

She looked at her as she knew her.

"I know we haven't met before, but my great grandmother has spoken about you often when I was young. She got me to remember everything she told me about you. Her name was Claire Jones."

"I remember her very well, and I shared a lot with her."

"What I'm saying to you is your task will never be complete until you allow Nomi, Brandon, and their daughter to receive this device that will allow your people to reunite with Earth once again. My great-grandmother told me how important the Jedi Knights history returns, where it belongs. That's why I'm an enormous part of Dinotopia. I knew if my great-grandmother would share with me something of this importance, I would be a part of it. When I saw our Jedi Knights last night, I knew I was right."

It was Sam that spoke, "You must excuse Jolinar. She's very emotional over not only Palpatine's demise but the long-awaited future of all the Jedi Knights. She's more excited about this than she has shown... to all of you. I can understand her anxieties. I've felt that way for many years in meeting up with my Jedi Master. I can tell you that Jolinar has waited for many, many more years than I have." "it is odd I feel as if I am the one that was left behind. She will never meet up with him, but I will remember every detail of him training me. It is the reason I have trained Brandon the moment we found him in Atlanta, Georgia. Yes, I have those memories in training you, and it boggles my imagination why I don't have all of them. It may be, I haven't gone through it, but I believe I should have them; nevertheless, it is I that owe you, my dear friend and Master."

She said to Sam, "Welcome to Dinotopia, and let Jolinar know we welcome her back."

She smiled, "Thank you."

Rosemary looked at the other Jedi guest and said to all, "Please enjoy your stay here in Waterfall City. The seventh law of Dinotopia — 'Do one thing at a time.' All of you started on a vacation and you all will complete it here, including you, Sam. It would be wrong for you to end it short if there is no reason to do so. This Holocron cube can wait a while longer. Since there is no race to get to it, then I suggest... take your time."

Sam said, "I like that law. I would love to learn them. Jolinar just told me we have based the Jedi Credo on these laws."

"What I have learned from my great-grandmother, we did reshape much of the Jedi Knights." "and it has everything to do with you."

Before giving the new guests a tour, Rosemary led them to City Hall, so they could meet the Mayor of Waterfall City. At the front of the City Hall, he waited to meet them.

He said to the new guests, "Welcome to Dinotopia. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time."

"Thank you. We had a wonderful time last night and our travels here. I am Grand Master Jedi of Earth, Brandon Bowers. This is my wife Nomi and our daughter Amanda. Sam O'Neill is my dearest friend and my Padawan. She is also a Master Jedi. She has a symbiote inside her head, a Tok'ra by the name of Jolinar of Malkshur."

The Mayor said, "I've read and heard impressive things about her. She is an ancient Jedi Knight if I remember right."

Sam replied, "Yes, she is. During our blending, she has shared her Jedi skills with me."

"When you're ready to share this Jedi history with us, please let me know. I'm sure a lot here in Dinotopia will love to hear what you offer us."

"Thank you, we'll do that. I think Jolinar wants to check out a few things here in this city before she will allow me to talk to all of you."

It was the Mayor that smiled, "Please take your time. We're not planning to go anywhere," He looked at the others. "Let me not keep you any longer. Please follow me so you can quickly sign the registry."

They all did so. Nomi signed in for Amanda because she was too young to write or sign anything official. Just the same, Mayor Seville welcomed Amanda to Dinotopia. It thrilled her to be a loyal citizen. Nomi and Brandon were excited. They felt more a part of the island than before.

Brandon said to Mayor Seville, "I might be too fast for you, but since I am the Grand Master Jedi of Earth, I have been thinking of using Dinotopia as a new base for the Jedi Knights."

He replied, "That's a superb idea. It has been recorded, a good many Jedi had been here before, so I think we can accommodate them all."

"I am not planning to have all the Jedi Knights here, just a new home base to start with."

"However you'll have it set up, I think you still have a superb idea. I have full confidence in your abilities."

"Well thank you. How can you trust me without knowing who I am?"

He replied with confidence, "Once you get to know about Dinotopia, you'll see how easy it is to know whom to trust and who not to trust just by looking at the person," He paused for a moment and continued, "don't think we're naïve. We are far from that."

"I apologize if I sounded like I was accusing anyone of anything."

"Not at all. Once you talk with more people here in this city and experience more of Dinotopia, you'll understand what I have just said to you." He gave Brandon an enormous smile and walked off.

"I have experienced strange things throughout the galaxy, but how can these people tell if someone is trustworthy or not? Could it be that they have a trace of the Force in them?"

Nomi came up to her husband. "We have one excited young girl. I think she can't be any happier than being a citizen of Dinotopia."

Brandon smiled back, "I can imagine. I am happier than I ever realized." He told his wife the conversation he had with the Mayor.

"I'm not surprised at all. How friendly so many people have been. I can't see how he could be wrong."

"You got a point, love. I guess it is just hard to believe since most are not as trusting."

She said with a smile, "Don't let that bother you. Live in the here and now. From the ten Dinotopian Laws that Marion told me, there is one that you might need to live by in this case. It is the tenth law... Eat to live, don't live to eat."

"That is very interesting. What are the ten laws?"

She answered, "They are:

1. One Raindrop Raises the Sea.

2. Survival of all or none.

3. Weapons are enemies even to their owners.

4. Give more, take less.

5. Others first, self last.

6. Observe, listen, and learn.

7. Do one thing at a time.

8. Sing Every day.

9. Exercise imagination.

10. Eat to live, don't live to eat."

"They are very interesting. I can see why the Jedi Knights have their way of life as they do."

"Dinotopia has a lot of influence on us Jedi of today. I believe by having Dinotopia a new base to bring in the Jedi Knights that are located throughout time and space is the best idea you ever had."

The only reply that Brandon gave his wife was a kiss on the lips. In that, she kissed him passionately.

Since Marion was nearby, she said to them, "It looks like we need to give you two a place to live soon."

They smiled. Nomi asked, "I have heard about saurian partners. What's that about?"

"To be a true Dinotopian, one needs to adopt a baby dinosaur. The two of you will grow together with a special bond that has to be experienced."

Brandon said, "We learned that Jolinar and Fred have been saurian partners."

"Just about everyone knows about Fred. He has told us a few things about Jolinar, but not much."

Nomi asked, "He told us he doesn't understand human languages. How can he then talk to all of you?"

"They're a good number of Dinosaurs and humans that can't communicate like you and me, so we use Dinotopian scriptwriting."

Amanda asked, "So that's why I've seen a good number of sandboxes around the city?"

"Yes. We use them to communicate with each other. It's also a way to have a private conversation among us humans."

Brandon looked at his daughter. "Now you are a citizen of Dinotopia, Marion can rightfully teach you. We can get Sam to teach mommy and daddy a few things we need to know about how to live like Dinotopian citizens."

"Does Sam know all that Jolinar knows?"

Brandon answered, "Yes. The blending is unanimous and one hundred percent. What the symbiote knows is shared with the host, and what the host knows is shared with the symbiote. This blending is explained and is completely the free will of both symbiote and host."

"Everything is explained to the new host before this blending?"

Sam replied, "That's correct. For a better explanation, I guess I can rightfully say it's about the same as a human having a saurian partner, but it's a much stronger bond. From what I have learned from Jolinar since we both have been to Dinotopia, I believe the bond that Fred and Jolinar have is stronger than most saurian partner relationships. Since all of this is new to me, I don't fully understand it, but that much I can understand."

"We felt that powerful bond from the two of you when you both were face to face. It thrilled us both for Fred and Jolinar."

Brandon asked his Padawan, "Sam, how do you feel about this bond that Fred and Jolinar have and being here in Dinotopia?"

"WOW!" She found a place to sit down, and she continued, "when I first blended with Jolinar, it was difficult at first to understand all she had been through. I saw and experienced all the wonders of Dinotopia at the beginning of our blending, but didn't think those experiences were here on Earth. Most of the landscapes and buildings are about the same, but the people, of course, are dead and gone." She was quiet for a few moments to gather her thoughts. She continued, "how I feel... the wonders that Jolinar herself has experienced and the love she had for this place. At first, it was hard to know my feelings from hers, but now I can rightfully say I share these feelings about Dinotopia. I know that it's odd how I can have the love for so many without knowing them, but I do just the same," She then looked at him. "Master, I can tell you stories about the Jedi Knights and Dinotopia that would wow you across the aisle."

From his expression, she saw, he wanted her to tell one of those stories, and right here so all can hear.

She replied to that expression, "Let me find an excellent one to start with." It only took her a few moments. "This story I'm about to tell you is from Jolinar's last host here in Dinotopia. Her name was Oriana Nascava."

Marion went wide-eyed on hearing her name. "She's my grandmother!"

She studied her for a moment and asked, "You must be Marion Seville?"

"Yes, I am. My father is the Mayor and Rosemary is my mother."

Sam simply said, "WOW!"

Marion darted off to get her parents. After telling them what she said, the three of them went to her to hear more. Mayor Waldo Seville smiled, "Our daughter told us that Jolinar had blended with Oriana."

"I hope this news is not a distressing one."

Rosemary said with a smile, "Not at all. Believe it or not, when I first saw and talked with you, I saw Oriana in you. Please continue with this story of yours." "I know a lot about you, my dear. You will have to learn that on your own. The journals I have will help you on that trek."

"I think I better explain when the two blended."

Waldo said, "Not at all unless you want to do so."

"If I wasn't told of this blending, I would be concerned if not hurt by not being told."

It was Jolinar that spoke next, "In what Sam just said, I think I at least owe it to you, Rosemary. Oriana was your sister."

She smiled.

"The reason for not telling you — was for your protection. I believed that there was a spy in Dinotopia. After talking with Fred earlier, I now know I was wrong. The only one that knew I blended with Oriana was Author Denison and his son. I was afraid for their lives, but Oriana insisted."

Rosemary chuckled, "I know how you felt, Jolinar. When Oriana insists on something, she doesn't give up."

"I think she was worse on me, but she was a loving soul. Sam sometimes reminds me of her. I was pleased she didn't insist on telling more about our blending. The Sith had scouts looking for me. I thought I felt through the Force one of them was here in Dinotopia, but Fred just told me it wasn't."

Nomi asked, "Is Fred that powerful with the Force?"

"He can be — and proven it many times to me, but I've to say he is a true Dinotopian. He doesn't use the Force until it is rightfully needed."

Brandon replied, "An interesting training technique. I wonder if most Jedi of today rely on the Force too much?"

Jolinar looked right at him, "Trust me, they do. That's what has concerned me in allowing the Jedi Knight's past into the present. After I let Sam tell you this story, I will allow you all to decide."

Sam said, "Both Jolinar and I have been talking about that. I think once they enter Dinotopia, things will work out great. If the Jedi Knights through time and space were to arrive at another planet or even elsewhere on Earth, I think things will be as bad as Jolinar thinks it will be." She paused for a moment, "there is nothing to fear here."

"Even though I am the Grand Master Jedi of Earth, I will not take things likely. Whatever Jolinar shares with me, I am sure it will help me make my decisions on this matter."

Sam just smiled at her Master. She told her story: "Again, it started with Oriana. Jolinar and Oriana blended not too long before she first met Author. When the two of them heard that he had part of that key, to go into the World Beneath, it was the perfect opportunity to hide the Holocron that had all the locations of the scattered Jedi Knights. Jolinar thought she was being followed in Dinotopia. Her first concern wasn't for herself but the surviving Jedi Knights."

At all costs, that map had to be hidden. Since the carnivores were guarding the place, what better place to hide it. Even today, no Jedi could fight off that many carnivores." Sam was quiet for a moment, "there is a way into the World Beneath, but we need to find Oriana's notes on how to get in safely."

"Before she died, my grandmother gave instructions that I would have her most prized possessions. She also gave me a letter and several journals. In that letter, I wasn't to tell a soul. Now that Jolinar and you are blended, I think it is safe for you to read them. They might have this information you two seek."

Sam replied, "Have you read them?"

"Some, but I have to admit, I couldn't read most. She wrote it in a language I could not understand."

Sam got a pen and paper out from her pouch on her belt. She wrote something down on it and showed it to Marion. Sam asked, "Was it something like this?"

She looked amazed, "Yes, it was! One day I would like to ask questions about her."

She smiled, "When you show me these journals of Oriana, I can share what she has written in them." She paused for a few seconds and said, "by telling us about these things she gave you, it would not disappoint her. When she wrote that last letter to you in finding the light, I felt the love she had for you, and I still feel it."

Marion was about to cry for joy. "So you can feel those feelings of Oriana's, now?"

She explained to Marion the blending process of a Tok'ra symbiote and a host. "Oriana loved you so much — she trusted you with this information. Now seeing that in action, I know that Oriana was right about you."

Seeing Marion about to cry with joy over what she told her, Sam got up and gave her a gentle hug.

"Thank you, Sam, and thank you Jolinar."

Jolinar replied, "I thank you for not getting upset with me by not telling this story a long time ago."

"If you did, you might not have been able to be here. It also could be possible that my grandmother might not have been able to write all she did in her journals."

"Interesting. You're a very intelligent young lady."

"I have tried to be like my grandmother since I was old enough to know about her."

"Trust me, Marion, you are like her."

Brandon asked, "Excuse me for interrupting, but I would like to know one thing. How important is it for us to retrieve this Holocron cube?"

"Trust me, Master, we have all the time in the world. Once I read the journals, we'll get all the information we need. Jolinar can remember an impressive deal about Oriana, but not everything. It was over two hundred years ago." She paused, "I believe I need to know about Dinotopia on a personal level. What I have on this island is from Jolinar's experiences. I need to develop my own."

He replied with a smile, "Great. I would first love to learn all I can about Dinotopia of today before we set off to any Jedi cities of long ago."

"I want to unite with Oriana's family."

Rosemary said, "We want to unite with you too. Since Jolinar blended with Oriana and now you, I can rightfully say you are a part of our family." "that is truer than you could ever envision. You are one special person, Sam, and it has everything to do with being here on this island."

Mayor Waldo said, "In that, you're welcome to eat dinner with us. I for one am starving."

Sam looked at him, "Thank you, and so am I."

Rosemary said to the rest, "Just don't sit there. Please join us."

Nomi said with a smile, "Thank you. It will delight us to join you all."

They all gathered together and exited the building.


On Coruscant's towers, bathed in light, The Jedi flourished, guardians of might. Across the stars, their legend spread, Where balance beckoned, darkness they shed.

But whispers echo, on distant shores, Of Earth's lone Jedi, where danger roars. With hair like sunlight, a warrior's grace, She stands on Dinotopia, a lonely place.

Her emerald blade, a verdant spark, A bridge between Jedi and primal dark. The Force, a compass, in her heart's decree, A bond with dinosaurs, for all to see.

From Yoda's wisdom, Obi-Wan's lore, She learned to balance, evermore. Luke's spirit, a flame that wouldn't die, Fueled her courage, beneath the sky.

No Jedi Temple, on this strange isle, But faith and the Force, in her golden smile. She tamed the Carnotaurus with gentle hand, And soothed the Brachiosaurus, a towering band.

Though far from brethren, her light shone bright, A beacon of hope, in Dinotopia's night. The Force, a bridge, across time and space, A Jedi's legacy, etched on Earth's face.

With purring engines and sails unfurled, She'd guide the dinosaurs to a peaceful world. Though lonely her path, her purpose burned true, The last Jedi Knight [Nathalie Zagi Dor], what difference she'd accrue.
