

Location: Massimo Restaurant, London.

Time: 6:00pm

Mubar:- Aahil am already full so it's better we get going [Aahil friend to Mubar]

Aahil:-Hey dude! am not ready, in fact help me call on the waiter I need more [he continues eating]

Mubar:- Damn! Niggah you're just about to finish the second plate, what's wrong with you?

Aahil:- It's your trip remember? am not paying for any of these.

Mubar:- ohh! I see. Waiter![ he calls on the waiter to get there bill which he paid immediately]

Aahil:- hey waiter can I get one more plate of chips sausage and egg?

waiter:- Sure!

Mubar:- hey waiter! I've cleared our bill right? it's okay we're leaving now. This dude here [ he pointed at Aahil ] is very sick.
[the waiter laughed and left the table]

Aahil:- Okay Mubar now this isn't fair, okay?

Mubar:- Really? I think this will be fairer [he dragged Aahil's hand trying to push him out of the restaurant]

Aahil:- hey! Hey! Hey! Niggah my hand hurts and let me at least finish my plate.

Mubar:- You're not finishing anything here. we're going back home [ he opened the door and pushed Aahil outside]

Aahil:- ouch! my feet! Mubar I almost got hit by a car.

Mubar:- The hospital isn't that far from here so I don't think there is need for an ambulance.

Aahil:- niggah can you just hear yourself? it's okay I knew you've been hating me for long.

Mubar:- ahahahaah! [he laughed and hugged Aahil from the back] my niggah you know we're five and six, my ride or die, best friends forever]

Aahill:- five and six? best friends? when you couldn't even let me finish my plate? [he rolled eyes and punched Mubar on the arm]

Mubar:- ouch! dude it hurts!

Aahil:- Five and six, best friends remember?
[they all laughed and took a taxi back home]

Time: 9:00pm

Location:Regent street,London

Mubar:- Aahil it has been days I didn't hear from Sinal, let me just try giving her a call.

Aahil:- Whatever! later on you gonna say "she isn't the special one" I wonder when you will stop pretending.

Mubar:- Dude, Sinal is like a sister to me in fact to be clear, I feel nothing for her.

Aahil:- hmmm! okay call her, call your sis, SIS as you said!

Mubar:- [trying to reach Sinal on phone] her number is not going. Damn! [he punched the bed head]

Aahil:-Don't break our bed Mr. man! why not try to reach her on whatsapp messenger?

Mubar:- Yes! nice idea let me go online.

Mubar:- [Turned on his phone mobile data. As messages started appearing, comes a message from a UAE number saying 'hy"]

Mubar:- Aahil, Sinal is not online! but wait! Here is a new UAE number saying "hy".

Aahil:- Isn't that obvious? you said UAE!

Mubar:- Do you think Sinal change her number? or wait! let me check the DP. ohh! its Nihal and she's online.

Aahil:- who?

Mubar:- Nihal, Sinal's younger sister

Aahil:- ohh! I get it then ask her of her sis

Mubar:- You mustn't tell!

Mubar;-[on whatsapp messenger] hello Nihal how you doing?

Nihal:-Wow! what gave you the idea that it's me?

Mubar:-l lol magic!

Nihal:- ohh! my dp hun?

Mubar:- hahahah! so how you doing?

Nihal:- Am fine and how is London?
[Mubar and Nihal continued to exchange greeting on whatsapp]

Aahil:- Hey man! what did she say about Sinal?

Mubar:- We're still exchanging pleasantries am about to ask her now

Aahil:- Better do!

[on whatsapp messenger]
Mubar:- So Nihal how is your sis doing? I've been trying her number but not reachable

Nihal:- oh yeah! presentations got her stuck in school all day and that made her so tired and her phone battery died. So the phone is currently charging and she's sleeping already

Mubar:- So pitiful, I feel her condition I was once in AUD am sure you know that

Nihal:- Yea sis Nal told me

Mubar:- So please whenever she wakes up tell her to find time and facetime me tomorrow

Nihal:-Alright my king, my queen will surely get your message

Mubar:- What do you mean by this statement?

Nihal:- hahahh! it's nothing I mean I will tell her

Mubar:- No there is something fishy in that statement

Nihal:- lol, nothing like that by the way I've to go off I got assignments to work on

Mubar:- It's alright but next time we chat you have to say something about 'my king my queen' stuffs grab that!

Nihal:- hahaha! Alright bye

Mubar:- Take care
[Mubar hold his phone toward his mouth shook his head and smile]

Aahil:- hey Mr. man! what's new? why the sudden smile?

Mubar:- hmmm! why do you guys think so differently?

Aahil:- Wait! who? we guys? me and who?
[Mubar passes the phone to Aahil telling him to read the chats between him and Nihal]

Aahil:- [punched the bed hardly after reading] Yes! I knew it! thank God am not the only one getting the whole thing here even Nihal too!

Mubar:- Seriously......

[Aahil interrupted ]
Aahil:- Seriously what? dude, no one is in high school here so stop trying to play us like one.
