
That's how I ended up dawning a skin-tight red dress and doing what Alya called a 'revenge photoshoot' on Marinette's balcony. Her dad was nice enough to clear the snow off the balcony for our spontaneous endeavor. The dress is a finished sewing project Marinette designed herself, it hugs in all the right places and cuts off right at the mid-thigh. The sleeves hang off my shoulder loosely, a detail Juelka added while doing my makeup.

"Okay now lean over the railing a bit more and close your eyes-yes just like that perfect!"

I did as told while Alya snapped pictures. The other girls fawned over me from over her shoulder, keeping their coats tucked into their chins.

"Were you a model in another life, because your posing is amazing."

Rose squealed from where she sat on the floor of the balcony watching on. I giggled but didn't respond. Early into our careers, our whole band had a crash course in posing and handling the press, so by now it's become second nature. A shiver ran down my spine as a gust of wind pinched the back of my neck.

"I think that should do it. We've got plenty of amazing photos."

"What time is it?"

Juleka pulled her phone out of her side pocket.

"It's six thirty-six."

"Oh shoot! I have to go, I'm super sorry, I'm supposed to call Poppy at seven!"

"No, you're fine! I should probably start on my homework anyway."

I started to climb down the ladder, the girls following closely behind me. Once I reached the flood of Marinette's room I started to pull my arm out of the dress in an attempt to quickly change.

"Just give it to me next time you're here. Don't worry about it."

I nodded in 'thanks', put my coat on, slung my school bag over my shoulder, and checked my phone one last time. Technically I wasn't completely lying, I do have a call with Poppy set for seven. But it's also a meeting with my marketing team and producers about what I have set for the upcoming week.

"I'll see you guys later!"

I got a chorus of 'byes' as I scaled the ladder to the house's second floor, giving a polite 'goodbye' to Marinette's parents before dashing down the stairs to the ground level. I made it almost all the way down the block when I realized I had forgotten my skateboard.

'Power walking it is!'

The black heels I borrowed from Marinette, who was somehow only half an inch smaller than me, clinked against the paved sidewalk. The shoes were actively working against me as I walked, but they had lots of buckles to undo and my sneakers were already tucked in my bag on the way out.

Eventually, when I was a few blocks from my house, I noticed two men sitting on the steps of the side of a house. They wore baggy clothes and their appearance was anything but kept up. The sun had set and it was already dark adding to the eeriness of the situation. I wasn't even able to make it to them before they noticed me, the smaller one whistled at me and stomped out his cigarette into the snow. While the taller one turned to me as I walked by.

"Boy, would I like to be the destination you're goin' to."

I giggled uncomfortably, my body ridged with fear. Just two more steps and I'd be past them. The two had stepped out onto the sidewalk to barely breach my path. Just as I felt hope build up in my chest I felt a rough tug on my backpack send me flying back towards the men. I turned to face the two unavoidable forces.

"Let go of me."

"Where you goin' lil thing? It's too cold to be wearing a dress like that."

His eyes racked up and down my body, while his friend chimed in. I flinch in distaste.

"Ya let's have some fun here, just the three of us~"

They were older men, probably in their thirties or forties, with faces unshaven with dull wrinkles. I had a weird sense of deja vu, they're many creeps just like them crawling around Brooklyn. Caleb's dad taught me how to deal with them at a young age, but having Caleb next to me gave me courage in those situations. Here I was flying solo.

I attempted to rip my backpack away and the older man just laughed. Time to switch tactics.

"Aww don't be like that."

"Let me go or I'll scream."

This seemed to only aggravate him because he scowled and grabbed my wrist.

"That's not how this is goin' to g-"

I made a split-second decision to yank it back and swing at him, my fist connecting with the right corner of his jaw. He let out a string of profanities I barely caught in my mission to run the other way while his neck whipped back. I only made it a few yards away. A scream curled off my lips as a rough hand landed on my shoulder yanking me back enough to pull my coat down off my shoulder. The smell of cigarette smoke burned my throat as I tried in vain to push away from the vice grip.

"Let her go!"

Suddenly the man grabbing me was sent flying back by the push of a familiar baton. The man struggled to his feet, his friend a little ways back still recovering from the blow to the face. But there is no cheesy pun following it this time, only a growled order.

"Scram. Before my kindness runs thin."

Chat stands in front of me protectively, chest puffed and arm outstretched shielding me. The two men start to run away at the sight of the familiar hero, everyone knows he would win a fight with two civilians.

Chat stayed standing there for a beat, watching the men run and turn a corner down the street. Before he finally turned around to assess me. I thought he was going to ask me something but he closed the distance between us and brought me into his chest. It was only then that was I able to hear my own heart thumping out of my chest, just as Chat rested his head on top of mine.

"Your safe Princess, it's okay. I would never let them hurt you."

I took a shaky breath, wrapping my arms around his waist and balling them against his back muscles. The adrenaline seeped from my bones and I began to come down from the high. My body shook from the shock like a leaf in the wind.



"Can you take me home?"

I couldn't even find the power in me to be embarrassed by how I must look, sticking my face into the crook of his neck like a little kid.

"Of course."

He picked my legs with his arm and plucked me off the ground. I took a break from hiding in his collarbone to look at his face. His eyes were eerily green in the dark of the night, and I would lie to myself that the shiver that ran down my spine was from the chill. I barely registered a command to hold on tight as he pressed his baton so it would extend us to the roof.

By the time we made it to my apartment, Chat had all but plopped me down into my chair for this Zoom meeting with my team. I eventually stirred up the words to explain why I was rushing home on the trip.

I started logging in just as he locked my front door.

"Are you going to be okay waiting for this meeting, you're welcome to leave."

He analyzed me, green eyes calculating as I embarrassingly struggled to take my coat off. He crossed the threshold, pausing next to my barstool. I had set up my laptop in the kitchen in the morning so I was prepared.

"We have a lot to talk about, I'll grab a snack and stick around. Besides..."

His hand traced up the exposed skin of my arm to my shoulder. Delicately he hooked his claw underneath the strap of my dress which had slumped off my shoulder when I was taking off my coat. He gently nudged it up into place.

"I don't want you to be alone right now. You understand?"

My eyelids suddenly felt drawn to the floor, but I forced a nod in acknowledgment. I felt as though he looked directly through me and my skin tingled with anticipation of his touch until he inevitably stepped away from me. Taking a deep breath I composed myself and clicked into my Zoom app to join the meeting.

I waited for Chat to grab some food from the fridge and walk down the hall to my room, before typing in the ID code to join. Immediately I was bombarded with four men in stiff-looking suits and Poppy in a floral blouse. I tucked up my dress subconsciously, reaching down to pet Snickers who was reaching up to put his snout on my lap.

"Now that you're finally here we can start."

Poppy discreetly jabbed at me from her little Zoom box at the corner of my laptop, she was ever the punctual manager.

"You have a light week, continue sending in your notes and lyrics by Friday. Saturday you have a live performance and sit-down interview on the 'Side by Side' show. TVi has been briefed on what questions are off the table. Will decide the song you'll sing later in the meeting."

One of the execs interjected to ask a question and this is how the meeting carried on for the next few minutes. The marketing team and producers are talking at me rather too me. Finally, I interject.

"If I may, isn't it a little last minute for an interview, usually these smaller appearances are done by Trevor or Jake?"

For once this silenced the group. Calvin the head of the band's social media piped up.

"The rumor running around Paris is that you're living there. We can't have that. The interview is to clear the suspicion up and explain you were taking a little vacation."

The group nodded in agreement at his statement. Calvin was always one step ahead of the media, and he prided himself on it.

"If that's all we can end the meeting here."

"I have a request actually."

The group was on mute but I could practically hear their sighs from across the screen, fatigue written on their faces.

"I wrote a song, it's a bit grungier than what Blue Moon is known for kind of a side project. It was cleared by production yesterday. I think it could be a really good way to stir up the fanbase."

This caught the attention of the group as I minimized the zoom screen to email the lyrics and sound bite to the group. I waited for a few agonizing minutes in silence as the group opened the email and listened. There were multiple raised eyebrows.

The head producer at YBE is Eric Rigby. He was an older man in his late 40's, tan and lanky. His frame towered over the screen as he sat hunched in his office chair.

"This is amazing-perfect actually. This is a great way to separate the band from just pop."

Poppy interrupted him before he could continue.

"It also will bring much-needed attention to the new album, which is meant to be about love and heartbreak."

"Not to mention the fans will go crazy guessing who it's about."

Calvin began to squint at the screen, obviously multitasking on his computer. Poppy closed the meeting in a hurry.

"I'll coordinate with your glam team so it matches the song more. You'll need to send a finished version to us by Friday to make adjustments. That should be all for now."

The group said their separate farewells and exited the meeting until all that was left was Poppy. She gave me a stern look.

"I know who this is about, don't let this become a bigger issue."

I nodded with a forced smile.

"Miss you too."

I barely got it out before she left the call, Poppy was always the 'tough love' type of person. At least that's what I told myself. It didn't matter anyway because she was only my foster mom not actually adopted.

I clicked out of the empty meeting with a huff, pushing off the stool and walking down the hall towards my room. It was dark now, the apartment dimly lit by the lamp in the living room.

I made it to the shut door and knocked.

"Hey Chat, I'm all done."

"Hold tight princess, I have to wait a bit before I change back into my uhh-costume."

The itch to open the door was prevalent. To see who it was that was watching over me, keeping me safe. I bit down and opted to slide down to the floor so my back was against the door. I folded my legs to keep my dress from coming up.

"I got played."

I heard rustling coming from the other side of the door.

"Wait what-"

"You know I thought it wouldn't hurt as much because I was going to ask to stay friends anyway but I just..."

I played with the bracelet Luka gave me, twisting it and then twirling the charm.

"I never thought he would do that to me if he did like me."

"I'm confused, what do you mean?"

"Trevor slept with another girl."

The door whipping open was unexpected and I was luckily able to catch myself from falling backwards. I turned and blinked up at the hero. The moonlight was backlighting his figure creating a dark silhouette, his green cat eyes giving a dim glow. He held out a clawed hand to me, which I took blindly being pulled to my feet.

"Start from the beginning."

"Fine but turn around so I can change."

His face lit up in a blush as I brushed past him.

"I-I can just wait outside ya'know."

I huffed a laugh, shooting him a teasing glance as I took out an earring before setting it delicately on my vanity table.

"What happened to the flirt I'm used to."

He crossed his arms and turned abruptly. I stumbled taking my heels off but began retelling my story for what felt like the hundredth time. I finished just when I was pulling on a comfy oversized t-shirt.

"I called him and confronted him, he had no excuse just that he was drunk and all that- you can turn back around now."

I glided past him towards the door, Snickers and Chat trailing behind me. Eventually, I made it to the couch and collapsed onto it, the two again followed my lead next to me.

"So that was what you were crying about before the last Akuma attack?"

"Ya, I just feel so overwhelmed recently."

"So why were you all dressed up tonight? Not that it was a problem but the heels made it harder to run from those purredators."

"You did not just make a pun about predators!"

"No of course not...unless you thought it was funny."

I giggled, laying my head back to look at the ceiling.

"I was at Marinette's house, I'm kinda angry at all the men in my life currently so the girls wanted me to do a revenge photoshoot. Guess it worked against me I probably wouldn't have been preyed upon if I had taken the time to change."

Chat shot up from his slumped position against the back of the couch.

"No no- you're not going to blame yourself for those disgusting pigs. Just because you're gorgeous doesn't mean they have a right to you."

"You think I'm gorgeous?"

I curled an eyebrow playfully, he didn't even flinch. A smile tugged at his lip.

"Always have."

My eyes fluttered away from his stare, finding the blank TV more interesting while my cheeks glowed a rosy blush.

"It wasn't my first experience with guys like that, New York is a dangerous city."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"Your punch was terrible, your knuckles are going to be bruised with that form."

I rolled my eyes, shoving his shoulder lightly. I couldn't help but flex my hand instinctively when I retracted it, feeling a dull throb.

"I'll ice it tomorrow morning... why were you out tonight anyway you don't usually patrol right now."

"Rough day I guess, my friends peeved with me because I said something stupid. I told Ladybug I would take the first patrol shift tonight to clear my head."

"I believe it, guys are stupid."

I giggled, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure whatever you said can be solved by just talking about it and expressing your regret."

"You're right but I still feel terrible."

"And you will until you make it right, that's kinda the drawback of being dumb."

"You're so cruel, princess."

He whined slumping into the couch until I whacked him in the face with a pillow. I laughed until he moved it and gave me a dangerous look lunging forward. I shot up and separated using the couch. We ran around it in circles for a second, giggling like little kids, until Chat jumped over the side quicker than I could anticipate. Stupid superhero perks. I fell backward, my neck against the arm of the couch. Chat caught himself with his arm resting near my head, one leg knelt between my thighs.

Our chests rose and fell in quick increments from the exertion of running in circles. His face was inches from mine and I could feel the heat rising to both of our faces. I couldn't even think as the moment felt as though time was warping to go slower in those few seconds. I gulped, eyes fluttering up to meet him. What I found was what could only be described as a hungrier, look of need in his slits of vibrant green.

All it took was my gaze to flicker to his lips for him to dive in.
