Glow Up

IM BACK BITCHES!!! I am gonna be completely honest with you I totally forgot about this story. So my apologies. But this is the last chapter so I am gonna make it a good one! Hope you enjoy!

The whole house has been outside at a large table for the past hour or so. We were having our own BBQ. 

Vinnie takes a hot dog and grips it in his hands and proceeds to take a large bite out of it as he says, "This hot dog is so good," in a monstrous deep kind of voice. I laughed as he made this action.

We all have been enjoying our food and talking and having a great time.

"Nikita is totally missing out," Jack says.

"Oh that reminds me," Mia says as we all stop what we were doing to listen to her. "So Nikita wanted to throw a prom for everyone because a lot of people didn't get one cause of COVID, and she also wanted to redo prom because she said in high school she went dressed as a boy."

"That sounds so fun," Kouvr says as she then asks Alex if he would ask her out.

"Who didn't go to prom, raise your hand," Thomas says as Alex, Connor, Calvin, Michael, Vinnie and I raise our hands.

"I went to an all-guys school, and we got one-" Vinnie explains before he was interrupted.

"Wait you went to an all guys school?" Thomas asks.

I sat there in shock as I look at him standing behind my chair. "You never told me this," I said genuinely surprised.

"My bad," Vinnie says with a little chuckle as I continue to be shocked.

"Y/n looks so shocked right now," Mia says with a laugh.

"He just never told me I am honestly flabbergasted," I said surprised as everyone laughs. 

I then get an urgent call from the hospital and I run inside to go answer it. "Sorry I gotta take this," I say to everyone before going inside. 

I run inside and answer the phone, "Hello?" I say.

"Hello is this Y/n?"

"This is she."

"Hi there, I wanted to let you know that your moms condition has not gotten much better and there isn't much we can do anymore."


"Vinnie are you gonna ask Y/n to prom?" Patrick asks.

"Of course, I was thinking on just asking her as if it was a date." Vinnie says.

"No dude, you gotta go all out, this is prom, not some cheap McDonald's date," Michael says. 

"Alright alright I will," Vinnie agrees with his hands up in defense.


"She might not have much longer ma'am, I am sorry." The doctor says.

"Okay uh thank you for letting me know." I say as I hang up the phone.

Sadness. But also happiness. My mom never really was there for me. All she did in my life was cause me problems. I know this sounds bad but she did nothing to help me grow up. I had to learn a lot on my own. But then again, she is still my mother. She gave birth to me. I don't know how to feel.

I try to put on a fake smile as I walk back outside where everyone else was. As I a walk back, everyone is staring at me. "Why is everyone looking at me like that," I ask.

"No reason," Thomas and Alex say suspiciously as if they had some secret plan.

Later that day...

"Hey have you guys seen Vinnie?" I ask everyone as I walk into the kitchen.

"Nope, maybe check your room," Alex says with a smirk on his face.

I raise my eyebrow as I go upstairs to our shared bedroom.

As I walk in I see a path of roses on the floor, dimmed lights, and Vinnie standing there with roses in his hands. 

"What's going on in here?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"Well I had to do this properly," he says as I begin to walk closer to him, "Y/n, will you go to prom with me?" Vinnie asks.

"Of course I will," I say laughing as I go up to hug him. We share a passionate kiss. "I love you," I say.

"I love you more," Vinnie says.

The next night...

All of the girls are getting ready for the prom night and the guys are too. I am wearing a thin strapped long black dress with a slit on the left leg that curves my body perfectly. 

All the guys are waiting downstairs for the girls to come down. We each walk down and go to our date. Vinnie takes my hand and says, "You look beautiful." I smile and say "You look handsome."

The party continues and we talk, eat some food, drink some punch, and have a great time. There was a photo area so Vinnie and I decide to go take some photos. 

Then Nikita goes up to the DJ stand so she could have a word.

"Excuse me everyone," she says as we all quiet down to listen to her.

Vinnie is standing next to me with his arm around my hips.

"I would just like to personally thank everybody for letting me experience my high school prom because I never got to experience it as Nikita" Nikita begins as we all cheer.

"And I just really hope you guys enjoyed being together because I truly consider you guys family and I would kill anyone for you. Beyond all of that, we've gone through so much together. We fight like family. We kiss. We make up. And I love you."

"We love you too," Michael says. "I thought that was gonna be in sync."

"That's all from me, ttyl. You better tell everyone I'm a bitch, okay bye." She says as we all cheer again. The dance starts again.

I then get a phone call again. "Sorry I gotta take this," I tell Vinnie as I run outside and he nods.

"Hello, Y/n" the doctor asks.

"Yes?" I say worried.

"Your mother has unfortunately passed away, I am sorry for your loss." The doctor told me.

I wanted to break down in tears, I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Thank you for letting me know." I say and hang up. I go to sit on the stairs by the front door and I just cry. I feel guilty crying knowing all she put me through but she still raised part of me. Without her I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be living with all my favorite people, and I wouldn't have met the love of my life. I start to finally calm down and take deep breaths.

Vinnie then walks out and sees me sitting on the stairs. "Y/n what happened?" He asks worried. "My mom passed away," I answer him looking at him trying not to let another tear slip.

"I am so sorry," He says as he sits next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder and leans his head on my head as I lay my head on his shoulder. "It's fine, she put me through a lot. It makes me feel weird to cry knowing what she did but she is still my mom." I say.

"Yes I get it and you have every right to be mad, upset, or feel any other types of emotions." Vinnie says trying to support me. "Thank you, I love you so much," I tell him as we kiss. "I love you more." he says.


The party wraps up and everyone is getting ready for bed. Vinnie and I lay next to each other and just cuddle. We take all our time to appreciate this moment. "I am so lucky to have you, thank you for dealing with all my emotions," I tell him with a smile. 

"You do not have to thank me, that is what I am here for," Vinnie says. "I love you y/n."

"I love you Vinnie." We share a kiss and eventually fall asleep.

AND THAT IS THE END. I hope you guys enjoyed, thank you to all of you for reading my story and voting on it I really appreciate it. I may or may not come out with another story I am not sure yet. But anyways yea, toodles! Love ya! :) <3
