Chapter 4

Avengers and the Hunting Spider

Part One

Chapter- 4


The tension before this fight was tangible. If he had a knife he could cut through it. He stood in his corner of the giant square mat. It was red with the skull HYDRA symbol in the middle. There was a cage-like net around it enclosure to ensure no scuttling scientists were smashed.

His opponent was pushed onto the mat. He looked like a normal human, at least on the outside. There was a wicked grin on his face, crazed eyes, and he was constantly moving and hopping from foot to foot, he looked to be in his early thirties with mousey brown hair.

Though Peter knew he wasn't exactly a normal human, just from the crazed look in the man's eyes. His gaze was locked onto Peter's, cloudy with animalistic rage.

The guard started announcing something in the other language, Peter could only make out two words. SM62, which was his number, it was etched into the webshooters inside his wrists, which were turned off for the fight. And then MH238, the other man's probably.

The bald guard blew a whistle, signalling them to start. It was the crazy guy- who Peter had dubbed Mad- who struck first. Aiming for the teen's head, which Peter sensed and dunked. Mad, probably expecting this, kneed him in the stomach with far more strength than a human. It nearly knocked the wind out of him and made him gasp in pain.

Mad managed to get him on the head, knocking him backwards. Mad had seemingly and unknowingly put some distance between them and bought Peter some time, but he was getting destroyed. His side twinged in protest, and his head swam at the movement but he stood. He would probably have bruising on his side, but nothing felt broken... His most serious problem was his head messing with his balance.

Mad zoomed forwards and Peter dodged and managed to sweep the man's legs out from under him. With his momentum he flew forwards and slammed into the net. The scientists outside didn't flinch but seemed to step backwards a bit. Peter's body was on autopilot survival mode.

The man growled and jumped back up. He launched himself at Peter who was a little breathless and had no chance to dodge. Peter blocked the punch with his right arm and managed an uppercut knocking the other man back.

The man stood again and huffed like a bull and charged. Peter's spider-sense which had been dully thrumming at the back of his head came back full blast. Peter sprung into the air to flip over the man but Mad clipped his foot, knocking him off balance.

The man grabbed Peter's ankle midair and twisted him brutally. There was a crack and his grunt of pain as Mad then slammed him to the ground. The air was pushed from his lungs and his ankle felt like fire was in his veins.

Peter wheezed and winced as his danger-sense buzzed again. Maybe it was just from this angle but Mad seemed to be getting bigger and stronger as the fight wore on while Peter was just getting weaker.

The man swung again and Peter rolled out of the way. He felt the wind from Mad's fist as it punched though the mat. Peter's eyes widened. He needed to finish this fight, quick, and preferably alive.


The room was silent as Director Nick Fury finished looking through the folder of all the information they had so far. It wasn't much but it would help if they pinpoint where HYDRA was currently residing.

"HYDRA is Queens huh? I'll send a team to find out where they're at. If it's managed to stay off our radar it's not a big cell," Fury said.

"What are we supposed to do?" Natasha asked as she moved fluidly to Clint's side.

"Obviously we need you to stop the cell. But if you manage to capture this 'Hunting Spider' it's a bonus," Fury stated, meeting each of their gazes with his eye. The message was clear, Fury was curious about the Hunting Spider. That was their real mission.

They all seemed to nod at him, except Stark who had lost interest. He already knew Fury wanted to know about this guy- Tony felt the same way- and he didn't want the board meddling. He'd put the Avengers on the case, not one of his SHIELD teams which were sure to report what they find. Tony was planning this out already.

"I'll be back when I locate the facility," Fury said. He put down the file and left via elevator. When FRIDAY announced he'd left they all exchanged glances.

Tony furrowed his brow and turned to face Natasha and Clint. "How long do yo-"

"A week tops," they answered in unison with identical knowing smiles. If anyone could find a hidden terrorist organization of outdated Nazis in less than a week, it was definitely Fury.


Peter sucked in a breath and forced his lungs to expand despite the screaming from his ribs. He jumped on top of Mad's shoulders lightning quick- Peter was positive he was growing and getting stronger now- and wrapped himself around the man's head in a chokehold.

Mad let out a blood curdling shriek and twisted to try and get the small teen off his back. He managed to grab his arm and pulled him off. Peter's arm socket popped with the force. Peter used the momentum to throw him over his shoulder while balancing on his good foot.

Mad didn't get back up. Seems like he could dish it but couldn't take it. Peter felt dizzy, his concussion which he'd managed to fight through had come back full force. He felt like his brain was in a jar then repeatedly shaken.

He swayed and felt himself go weightless as he collapsed. His legs suddenly were unable to support him and he felt woozy. His vision blacked out and he felt himself being picked up by the arms by multiple arms.


It didn't even take that. Within a day Fury was back in Avenger's tower with a file and location in hand. The only problem? It was two in the morning. FRIDAY had alerted Tony who was working in the lab to an intruder in the main room.

Tony had then freaked out, donning his Iron Man armor. He'd then rushed to meet the intruder while setting off the silent Avengers alarm.

When it was shown to be Fury It resulted in the others, in pajamas and all, sitting in the living room. All of them jittery with adrenaline and annoyance.

"So," Tony started, "did you have to break into my tower at two in the morning?!"

"Sir, it is currently 3:12 am," FRIDAY stated.

"Three in the morning," he hissed.

"Like you were sleeping anyway," Fury droned sarcastically noticing the concerned looks pointed at Tony. Who ignored them entirely. When Tony opened his mouth with another insult to shoot off Fury had had enough.

"Stark, if you shut up I will tell you why I am here," Fury snapped at the man.

Tony's eye twitched in annoyance but sat down on the couch next to Bruce. He was, for once, silent. Taking this as the best he was going to get, Fury started, "Now, I managed to get a location from one of SHIELD's sources. It's under an abandoned facility, purchased about twenty years ago by a Doctor Grant Atwell." He handed Steve the file and turned back to the Avengers.

"Tony, when's the soonest we can go?" Steve asked.

"Um, I don't know. How big is it?" Tony scratched his chin and turned to the super solider.

"It's a forty person facility... Plus prisoners..."

"We can go tonight, take down the HYDRA cell, and find our little mercenary," Tony concluded while looking at Fury.

"Good, I'll see you all tomorrow," he nodded in their directions.


Peter could hardly tell that he was unconscious. He was in too much pain to tell exactly what was happening to him. When he finally came to it was done painfully. He was thrown into... Somewhere. He felt the hard ground jar his multiplying collection of injuries, then he heard the something metal being slammed.

He blinked a couple times until the spots in his vision finally stopped and he took in his surroundings. He was back in his cell and the memories came flooding back. He didn't move but couldn't help the tiny groan that passed his lips this time.

At least he'd won. It was... A close call for sure. His opponents were definitely getting stronger. He heard light snoring from outside his cell. His internal clock was telling him it was late, despite the florescent lights that beamed down 24/7 that barely did their jobs.

He raised a hand then promptly put it down when the pain in his shoulder made his vision go spotty for a second. He lay still trying to just to keep breathing as regularly as possible. He made a mental count of his injuries.

His shoulder, ankle, ribs, and head were the ones giving him the most grief. He remembered the snapping sound his ankle had made, broken more likely than not. He was positive his shoulder had been sprained or something when Mad had grabbed it. He winced, then regretted it, when he remembered all the hits aimed at his ribs. Mad had managed to get a lucky shot at his head, the battle at some points were only fuzzy feelings.

His head throbbed and made his enhanced senses feel fuzzy. He tried to relax and let the cool floor soothe some of the ache. This action spurred the glimpse of a memory. One time, when he was younger he fell off his bike and hit his head on the concrete. He remembered face above him, but he couldn't recall the fine details. Like what their eyes looked like, what their hair felt like, what they smelled like. Those were lost to him through time. Then he was on a couch with an ice pack, the people, his parents he thinks, were looking at him... With concern?

A single thought, one that he hadn't had in a while, surfaced. If he left what would happen? He couldn't go through the things he did and expect to have a quiet, normal life.

Even if he got out of here he'd simply be used by someone else. To be used as a weapon, because that's what he was. Something to be used for another's gain.

He never guessed in less than twenty-four hours he'd be awoken by the intruder alarms going off.
