Chapter 22

Its  had been quiet normal after the incident. Dean would never leave my side for a second. Arguing did not have any effect on him and pampering him was not my cue so I gave up. Yes there was this time where I tried to seduce him and was almost successful but then he realized and backed out as soon as possible to have a cold shower.

"Dean I am eighteen not eight. Go and work today, otherwise never talk to me again." I command.

"Nope. No. Nada. Last time I left you, you almost killed yourself." He mumbles. He is not going to let that go is he.

   Will has literally been begging me to persuade Dean to work but he keeps resisting it. I swear this guy is very difficult to convince. Will told me that a few packs have also suggested to schedule meetings and having an ally at this moment is very very important.

"I wont I promise." I say with puppy eyes. He always fell for them.

"Okay fine." He grunts.

"Oh and dont forget to get me another jar of nutella. You know my appetite has been growing rapidly. " I say looking at my stomatch.

"Yeah well heres my advice. Tell your appetite to piss of since youve finished three jars already.  My expense has increased due to your disgraceful eating habbits." It's true. I eat more than a baby elephant and it's not healthy at all.

"Okay , okay this is the last one." I say begging him. I will cry if he doesn't.

"Fine but after this no more chocolate. Have some salads or somethin. It will help with the healing." He points out.

"Okay, okay. Dont be mean." I say winking at him. He groans and leaves without saying another word. Lately I ve felt really weird. I mean my appetite has gone from normal to ten meals a day. Shrugging at the thoughts I waited patiently for my nutella.

I turned on tv and saw the upcoming show. Castle.

"Yess!" I shreik in joy and turn up the volume. I really need to ask Kate where she got that coat from, not to mention how she manages to keep a slender figure. I am not obesit. But because of  the eating addiction recently I can't help but wonder what life would be like a year from now of I keep eating like this .  Will I really be a couch potato? 

I hope not. Dean would probably put me in a circus. Just the thought of that brings tears to my eyes. Yes my emotions are all over the floor.

It was eight in the morning so I was sure they would telecast a Christmas special. Yes you heard it, it's freaking 8 in the morning and Dean keeps pulling of these all nighters. Also I've started online classes. It took a hell lot of convincing but there is no way I'm going to let this effect my studies.

Suddenly I felt dizzy. My wolf, Lilly was howling. I knew she felt the same way. Something is wrong. I felt bile rise in my throat.

"Shit." I swore under my breath and ran to the washroom. I threw up so much that by the end, I could see nothing but slime all over the flush. That is disgusting.

"Alex! What the hell happened? Are you okay?  Are you hurt?" All kinds of questions were revolving around my mind. Am I okay?

Do you think we look okay, questions my werewolf.

It was Samantha. She is one of the friends I ve made since I came here. She has beautiful hazelf eyes and long brown hair. She eyes me with worry before I wave my hand in dismissal. I'm fine.

    "Fine." I reply in a hoarse voice. I sound like a dying horse.

"You have never experienced morning sickness..." she trailes off. I shrug at the thought. It's been happening at lot lately. I totally blame the over eating. And let's not forget the three jars of nutella I managed to finish in just three days. That should be a world record.

"I know but... for the past few days I throw up daily." I say. Yeah, I remember throwing up the day before yesterday and the day before that. What was up with me?

What if...

"Samantha...Get me a pregnancy test." I say. It was something I had been noticing for a long time. She seems to be having the same thoughts.

"Okay." She says as she exits the room. I stayed there for an hour, thinking about the result. Samantha had left a while back. Thinking back to it now I don't remember the last time I had my period. Probably two months ago.

What if we are pregnant? My wolf questions with anxiety pulsing through every word.

I dont know. I say bluntly not wanting to talk anymore. I block her and continue waiting for another hour. I hope Samantha didn't die in a ditch.

Knock knock

"Come in." I say. Samantha came in with a bag full of different types of sticks. My eyes open wide at the varity.

"Okay yeah I know I bought to many but.... what if one didnt work out and the next did. They usually do give wrong answers." She says smiling.

"You expect me to pee on every single one of them?" I question as she hands me one of them. There were at least 20 in the bag itself if not more.

"Yup." She answers as she pushes me into the bathroom. Lord help me.

I pee on the first stick. And then the second. And then so on until my bladder was incapable of supplying more urine.

"I'm dying Samantha, that was too much peeing." I say as I step out.

"Well this way we will know for sure if you are pregnant or its just the nutella."

5 minutes later...

"Great. Now what?" I ask.

"Okay so go to the bathroom.  If the sign in the empty space is a plus the  you're pregnant,  if negative then you're not." She says.

I sigh and go into the washroom. I don't think I was ready to do all this. It's too soon. What would Dean think? Holy cow.

Deep breaths Alex just check the damn stick.


Oh. My. God

I am pregnant. 
