A fiery king in a concrete jungle

Ironwood's pov

None could have been prepared for this. None could have known this was even a possibility. "Winter try to freeze it in place" I shouted while pointing my gun at the creature Infront of me, not grimm just a creature.

"GENERAL, IF I COULD POINT OUT THAT USING ICE ON THE CREATURE THAT IS THROWING IT MIGHT NOT BE A GOOD IDEA" she jumped backwards hoping that the millions of tiny ice pieces propelled towards her wouldn't reach 

"DUST DAMN IT!" this was new. Even if I knew of witches that tried to destroy humanity, a dragon was something I never expected to run in to, well at least not one that wasn't covered in black ooze and bones  yet here I found myself looking at a blue and white lizard.

Now normally I would be excited for  a new discovery, a new way to grow stronger and keep remnant safe but said discovery was now exhausting both specialist winter and me. 

At this point I think Qrow might have  exchanged semblance with me, for everything he shot at this thing wasn't working. Every dust bullet we shot had done nothing, or at least physically since it was starting to become more and more aggressive

"WINTER TRY TO KEEP IT DOWN WITH A SUMMON!". Shoot and then run had been the strategy I was keeping but we needed this thing alive, I really don't need the surprise of it  becoming ashes and then being lost to the wind 

"I NEED TIME TO FOCUS" she creamed making me believe that maybe Qrow was actually near or we had switched semblances. I ran out to and shoot a bullet at the face of the creature "HEY". Slowly the creature turned around and suddenly I found myself face to face with it "Ozpin, you are gonna owe me a really big one"

Yang's pov

Kaboom, a fireball exploded right behind me as I barely dodge it with my incredible hunter skills and totally not because I panicked. Now normally I would attribute the giant lizard to me tiring myself out, to the point where I was starting to hallucinate but  considering the damage behind I don't think that would be an option.

Without giving a thought I brought my tonfas out and shot myself to the roof of a random house trying to get closer to the fire breathing lizard. 

Jumping from roof to roof I had found myself in an airborne chase with the monster. Chasing right behind it as it strucked any moving thing that came in it's perspective until it finally reached it's destination a  market right in the middle of vale, each vendor selling   a variation of meats.

Great it had stopped now what was I gonna do " think yang, what did the admiral say again" I thought while standing on a roof "Okay take a minute and observe what should I do, recount what you learned, First if it's bigger then you injure the soft spots , Second hunts are a battle of stamina so don't it out, and finally keep your weapons maintained even during battle" .

Taking a deep breath a jumped down to the floor and begun surrounding the beast. The monster had started to rejoice in it's new found buffet which worked for me since if I can get a good two or three pierces on the wings I wouldn't have to worry about it fleeing away.

Coming slowly closer to the wings I started to feel anxious my first hunt without the admiral and it wasn't even a grimm but a creature I had long heard and dreamed about well I more dreamed of the fish but this was better.

After a few seconds had passed of organizing my thoughts I had found myself right under it's wing and after an exhale. A scream pierced my ears but I could say it was karma for leaving  a hole right on Its wing. Backing a bit I looked at the creature, it looked angry, incredibly angry. Couldn't really blame them, but hey they choose to fire at me first so it couldn't really complain.

Normally any grimm would have already charged at me without a thought but this was very different as we both stared at each other, it was analyzing, both a terrible and amazing act for that's what made fight interesting the ability to fight head on with both physical strength and a bit of tact.

"Then again so much tact can sometimes a problem" I thought while I laying down against a crater on the wall. But seriously who knew their tales had that much strength thankfully nothing was broken an I had just two little spike holes in my arm so nothing to worry about and now i could finally finish the giant red dust machine.

Using the compressed air inside my tonkas I took flight towards the dragon and striking it right on the face making it flinch. Switching my right tonka to long form I  struck the the neck and with left hook I made it back up even more "Am I cornering a dragon. Yes, I am and it's awesome". After a few more strikes I had pushed it against a building, this was great, this meant that I had kept the battle to my term instead of letting the dragon overpower me.

Finally it seemed stressed, tired. It was time to put this to an end, we both had our fun, I do think I was the winner in every sense but how the admiral said there was not point in just being cruel so I went straight for the knock out  only to be hit by a red ball.

Now I was laying on the ground whatever had hit had strength, so I was expecting another monster but instead when a I looked down to my stomach all I saw was a familiar redheaded girl crying "Ruby?" I said 


So another chapter ended, hope you enjoy this chapter

Now i plan to take a break to work on the other story that I am trying to write 

As always please comment on anything I could do better and ty for anybody who has kept up with this story even if I sometimes rush stuff
