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»»————- act one. the new girlΒ 
CHAPTER FOUR ━━ a little date

ISABELLE DIDN'T REALLY LOOK FORWARD TO MUCH WHEN SHE WAS ON THE ROAD AS A HUNTER. Every day was the same. Get up, eat, hunt, and repeat. Even with such an exciting life of killing monsters for a living, Isabelle always thought it was boring. And it wasn't really living even.

For a long time, a thought always bothered her, that she was simply a puppet. A puppet of her father, a soldier who had only one mission: Kill the yellow-eyed demon. It wasn't that Izzy didn't like the saving people part, but there were other ways to do that. Like, being a doctor for example.

And as for revenge, the only word in her father's dictionary after the night Mary Winchester was killed in Sam's bedroom, Isabelle didn't look for it. She just didn't see the point.

She often wished her mother was alive, and that she got to know her, but Izzy was over revenge. The demon was probably killed by another hunter judging by the fact they had been trying to hunt it down for 19 years and didn't find anything.

So, now, Isabelle didn't see a reason to be so small-minded and chase after revenge when life was offering her a chance at normalcy. Her new life started small, the first step was making an actual friend which Camille helped her fulfill. Then, it was making a life for herself, a permanent one along with a permanent job. She got the job at Rousseaus's and she got started with building her life when she enrolled in Branwell. Now, all that was left was one thing: Live the life.

So, she did and now as a part of living a real and normal life, she had a normal date with a handsome man named Elijah Mikaelson.

Izzy knew a few things about Elijah that were he had many siblings, one of them was named Niklaus and he was a half-brother and had a lot of issues, two of his siblings were dead, he had an old accent and wore really expensive suits which meant he was probably rich (not that Izzy cared, she just wanted someone who asked her out for a date and not a night of sex) and he was super nice.

The morning when her date with Elijah was fixed, Isabelle was really looking forwards to it and started it by having an actual breakfast instead of the coffee she practically inhaled (according to Camille) every morning.

Knowing Camille, the blonde would have already left for her psychology class, which meant Izzy had to make breakfast for only herself so after she had showered and gotten dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a blue flannel, she made waffles, smiling fondly as she recalled an old memory of Sam and Dean making a lot of waffles on her birthdays and putting a candle on top of the whipped cream. It wasn't much, but it meant everything to her. After Izzy had finished up her waffles, she headed to the bar.

It was relatively calm weather, a perfect day for a date, which made Izzy smile even more than she already was. As usual, she had new customers and regular customers all while she hoped Elijah might come back for a drink. The Winchester girl really regretted not asking for his number before she left him outside Camille's apartment the previous night.

"You look happy," One of her regulars, and closest friend, Marcel Gerard noticed as he sat down on a stool, probably there for lunch like many others.

"So being happy's crime now?" Isabelle asked putting a glass of Marcel's usual drink in front of him, "Also, where the hell have you been after the past week?"

"Miss me already, Winchester?" Marcel chuckled, his flirting was regular even for people he considering siblings (i.e. Isabelle).

"No, I was just wondering if you finally got the guts to ask Cami out instead of staring at her," Izzy said cheeky grin. It amused her how a guy like Marcel would be shy to the girl he liked. It didn't take a genius to figure Marcel was smitten to Cami O'Connell.

Marcel sighed, "I had work."

"So, you haven't chickened out yet?"

"You know what, Winchester?" He said giving her a playful glare, "Nevermind. Now do tell me what's got you to be miss Sunshine all of the sudden."

"Unlike you, my guy actually had the nerves to ask me out for dinner," Isabelle said placing a few bottles on the counter for display. It looked nice and aesthetically pleasing, didn't attract customers but it made Isabelle's work environment look nice.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Marcel asked before taking a sip from his drink.

"Elijah Mikaelson," Marcel almost choked on the Jack Daniel's he was drinking when Izzy said her date's name, "Everything okay, Marc?"

"Yeah," He lied, "Um, Izzy, did you just say Elijah Mikaelson?"

"Yeah," Isabelle said, getting the impression her friend knew Elijah, "You know him?"

"I knew him when I was a kid," Marcel said, surprising Isabelle.


"Yeah," He seemed to be getting a little uncomfortable, which Isabelle noticed, "I-I should go."

"Wait-" Before Isabelle could say anything else, Marcel left the bar with a complicated look on his face that Izzy didn't see. The former hunter made a mental note to ask Elijah about Marcel on their date.

When Isabelle's shift was over, she went back to her and Cami's apartment, not having anything else to do until Eight O'Clock.

"Hey," Camielle greeted the girl with a smile that literally spoke I have a surprise. What surprised Isabelle was that the blonde should have been at her Uncle's Church, helping him out by this time.

"Hi," Izzy said, "Aren't you supposed to be helping Father K?"

"I should be, but I had something for you," Camille said, she took out a letter and certificate from an envelope with a grin on her face as she gave the two pieces of paper to Isabelle.

Isabelle must have lost her breath because she couldn't believe what she was seeing was real and had to re-read it a few times to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating. And then she snatched the letter from Camille's hand and read it just as many times with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Congratulations!" Camille said with a grin before Isabelle could even sink in the fact that she actually did it. She could go to college now and be whatever she wanted.

"I passed?" Isabelle asked Cami again, just to make sure. The O'Connell girl nodded and then hugged her friend.

"We gotta call Sam!" Cami said. The blonde had met Isabelle's brother every weekend he came and by now the two had gotten on the level to be called friends and exchanged their numbers (something which annoyed Isabelle, as she didn't really appreciate her brother interfering in her life).

"We do, but, I have a date," Izzy said smiling, this was probably was the best day ever since she came to New Orleans, "I don't really have time for Sam to congratulate me for five hours."

"Okay, got it," Cami said, "Now go get ready!"

"I have like thirty minutes," Isabelle said looking at the wristwatch Dean had given her, which was technically his old one but the siblings cut some of the band out so that it would fit Isabelle.

"Really, Izzy?" Camille asked looking annoyed, "Make-up takes like fifteen minutes!"

"Do I have to?" The Winchester pouted, she didn't hate make-up, but she wasn't a big fan either. Unlike those girls who said they weren't like other girls and hated make-up. Izzy thought it was very anti-feminist as all girls should support each other's choices instead of letting them down.

"Yes," The blonde instructed and Isabelle groaned and did as she said. The diploma was put into one of Cami's empty frames and put right next to her degrees in the living room as if Isabelle was a little sister the blonde was proud of.

"How do I look?" Isabelle asked. Cami hadn't put much make-up on her, only a red lipstick and a black eye-liner along with a pair of earrings that once belonged to Mary Winchester and were one of the only things of Izzy's mother that survived the fire and were found by Dean and given to the girl on her tenth birthday.

"This Elijah's not gonna know what hit him," Camille said.

"Thank you, Cami," Isabelle said.

"You're welcome," the blonde smiled.

After saying goodbye to her friend, Isabelle walked down the street to Malkin's.

The girl was a little surprised and unprepared when the waiter said you had to have a reservation, but relaxed when she was told that there was a table reserved for Isabelle Winchester and Elijah Mikaelson.

She was pretty impressed by the outdoor restaurant where she fit well in the dress Camille gave her. One of the waiters took her to a table with a card with 'Mikaelson' written on it and pulled a chair for her to sit down.

They asked her for her order, but she declined, wanting to wait for Elijah. He was very late which honestly surprised her because Elijah seemed like a very punctual man. Maybe looks can deceive.

"You must be Isabelle," A blonde girl said walking up to Izzy's table, she was around the brunette's age and wore a tight baby blue dress which went beautifully with her sapphire eyes and golden hair.

"Do I know you?" Isabelle asked the girl, not really recognizing her.

"I'm Rebekah Mikaelson," she said with a sweet smile.

"Mikaelson?" Isabelle inquired, "Are you one of Elijah's siblings?"

"I'm his sister," Rebekah said sitting on the chair where Elijah was supposed to, "I'm really sorry, but my brother's in a bit of trouble."

"Trouble? Is he okay?" Although Isabelle had known the Mikaelson for around two days, she was still concerned and a little disappointed he didn't show up.

"He got stabbed in the back by our brother, Niklaus," she said, making it pretty clear she wanted to stab Niklaus in retaliation.

"That sounds rough," Isabelle said, not really knowing about Rebekah's full meaning of stabbed in the back. She took out a piece of the napkin from the table and used her pen she had in her purse to write her number on it, "Give this to him and tell him to call me."

"Will do, love," Rebekah said taking the napkin, "Elijah suggested this to make it up to you, there is this party I'm going to, and I would really like it if you come with me. Your little friend Cami is also invited."

"You know Cami?" Izzy asked.

"We're mutuals," the blonde said as said she picked up one of the menus on the Mikaelson-Winchester table, "I would really like it if you came, I gave Camille the details."

"I'll try," Isabelle said, disappointed her date didn't show up, but she believed what Rebekah told her and hoped she would see Elijah again.

Rebekah ordered dinner and the two girls chatted for about an hour and Isabelle was trying to like the Mikaelson girl and vice versa.

"It was great talking to you, Izzy," Rebekah said.

"Right back at you," Isabelle said.

"I like you, you are far better than my brother's last crush," she said, physically cringing at the thought of the previous girl, "A total bitch."

"She couldn't be that bad," Isabelle chuckled.

"Trust me, love, you don't wanna know."


Damn it, Klaus, you ruined her
date even before you knew her!
Let's hope he's a better boyfriend...
Anyway, Isabelle and Rebekah
are my future Brotp and our girl
got accepted so she's pretty happy.
See, ya'll next time.
