Chapter 11-Alone in the Dark

Turns out Oliver had dislocated his shoulder, he also shattered his upper arm like everyone said and has to wear a sling. He also can't change until it's healed or else it will hurt like crazy so everyone has to be calm and not make him mad. Haven left and I feel nothing but rage towards her now. Not everything is about her, I don't need to tell her anything! She was a jerk!

But I also feel extremely sad. I may have just lost my best friend. I sit in the back of the car between Ezra and Kai being silent. Ollie is making jokes again keeping the mood light, but I guess I'm the thing bringing it down. I also can't shake the memory of Kai and Ezra trying to protect me. Or I was just seeing things. But it seemed like they were putting their arm in front of me in a protective stance.

Then I remember what Mom said earlier, that the boys have to protect me and make sure I am safe. Pack law. Max, Ruby's dad, picked Ruby up because they had a change of plans. Her mom was upset that she never got to see her and made Max come get her. So now I'm all alone. It's almost eleven and outside is pitch black. 

"And so the giant machine was coming down to 'scan me'. It was HUGE," Ollie explains excitedly, "then I hear a beeping sound!"

"Ollie, no offense but we all know how the X-ray works," Milo points out from next to him.

"Well have you ever seen one?" Oliver questions pointing at him with his uninjured arm. Milo is looking at him remaining silent. I can imagine his scowl as he stares down his brother.

"Exactly! So anyways, there I was... laying on the table completely still..." he says dramatically.

"I think they gave you too much painkiller," Milo mumbles.

"They gave him painkillers?" Kai asks curiously.

"No but still," Milo says looking back.

"Maybe the X-ray messed up his brain," Ezra says sarcastically while staring out the window.

"Hey Brook! Do French people have emotion? Or is it just Ezra?" Oliver jokes and laughs at his own joke. Ezra looks over, "Or is it that French people are smarter."

"Nope, I'm pretty sure you don't have emotion," Ollie teases playfully. Ezra scoffs, "I do have emotion. I just... never show it."

"Then show us, woo us with a playful laugh. Even better, CRY," Ollie challenges. 

"This is gotta see," Milo says turning around. I look over at him curiously wondering if he'll actually do it. The darkness of the car makes it difficult to see his face.

"Wah, wah," he says flatly mimicking a baby cry.

I stifle a laugh covering my mouth. Kai smacks his head, "That's not emotion, that's a dead baby impression."

I gasp and smack his arm lightly, "No dead baby jokes!"

Kai puts his hands up with an innocent smile, "You wanna know how many dead babies it takes to paint a wall?" he asks in a dark teasing tone. I gasp and cover my ears, "NO! NO NO NO NO!!! That's horrible!!"

I hear Kai saying something and then him laughing. I slowly uncover my ears and hear Milo gagging.

"MY GOD KAI THAT IS TERRIBLE!" Milo shouts and coughs loudly like he's gagging.

"You know Me-lo's got a soft stomach, but I have to admit that is a bit funny," Oliver says holding his laughter. Kai grins brightly, "Thank you, thank you very much."

Then I hear a low chuckling from next to me. From Ezra. I look over at him and see him covering his mouth with shaking shoulders. I slowly grin, "So you do have emotion," I tell him. He bows his head forward and starts to laugh louder but still very quiet.

"Well Kai sadly your dead baby joke worked on Ezra," I tell him and lightly nudge. Kai looks over and gasps, "It worked! Ezra is laughing!" he announces to the whole car. Oliver and Milo whip around and Ezra is struggling to keep quiet.

"One more! Do it! Kai hurry! We need to break him!" Oliver says quickly.

Kai looks around, "Right, uh, uh um, oh! How many dead babies can you fit in a trash can? It depends on how much they can squeeze!"

I give him a bewildered look, "That's morbid."

Suddenly Ezra bursts out laughing. His laugh is deep and sounds velvety. I cover my mouth giving him a horrified look, "You're so terrible!"

Ezra keeps laughing and covers his mouth trying to stop himself, "I-I'm sorry Brook but it's not that," he chuckles.

"What? Then what are you laughing at?" Kai asks confused. Ezra keeps laughing, even laughs harder. 

"We broke him," Ollie says throwing his one hand up. "I knew it was going to happen at one point."

"N-No," he keeps laughing, "It-," he bursts out laughing unable to make a full sentence.

"Maybe they drugged the water at the hospital..." Kai says slowly while eyeing Ezra. Ezra just keeps on laughing and doubles over, "Stop it!" he pleads gasping for breath.

"What? What is it?! Tell me!" Oliver says quickly. I notice Milo has been very quiet for a past couple of minutes. I notice Ezra is kicking his seat and Milo is turned around.

"Is it Milo?" I guess squinting in the darkness. Ezra keeps laughing and throws his head back and kicks harder. Kai chuckles shaking his head, "I don't understand."

Then Milo looks over at Oliver in the darkness and then Oliver bursts out laughing.

"MILO AUGUST MOONCAST!" Oliver yells and keeps laughing, "You are so-," he laughs harder throwing his head back. 

"What is it? He'd say?" Kai asks curiously. Milo is silent and just turns around to face the front ignoring us. The two boys can hardly breathe and put together a normal sentence. I start laughing from the pure silliness of this. 

"He-, he said-pfft ha ha ha!" Oliver keeps laughing and stomps his foot on the ground. Ezra leans against the wall resting his head on the window.

"I-I can't tell you," Ezra manages to say. He clutches his stomach and his laughter continues.

Kai frowns, "Why not? What'd he say?"

"Kaiok eh?" Oliver asks and keeps laughing. I look at them confused, "What?"

"Y-You wouldn't understand," Ezra laughs shaking his head. Kaiok? How can that make any sense?

"OH," Kai says loudly staring at them, "oh real mature guys," he mumbles crossing his arms.

"Huh?" I ask glancing at them. Milo looks back with a lazy smile, "You know there are rumors that werewolf kids can be born as wolves. Pups are cute aren't they?" he asks me in a smooth voice. I stiffen and stare at him with huge eyes. DOES MILO LIKE ME?!

"Um, yes... wolf pups are cute..." I say slowly while eyeing him. The only time we ever really spoke was while I was claiming him to be my mate. Not a high point in my life. Is he misinterpreting that? But what does Kaiok mean?

Oliver and Ezra burst out laughing getting a second wind. Kai is very tense and doesn't move. I give Milo confused look, "Why? Do you like me?"

The car becomes dead silent. Milo sits up suddenly with giant eyes, his face flushes the darkest shade of red, "WHAT."

Oliver slaps a hand over his mouth. Ezra slowly looks at Milo, "Do you have something to tell us Milo?"

Milo violently shakes his head, "I-I don't know w-what you're talking about!" he says in a higher voice. He points at Kai, "H-He likes you! T-That's what w-we're joking about," he stammers quickly. I look at Kai who has turned to stone. 

"Do I need to come back there?" I hear Dad ask from the front. I almost forgot he was driving.

"NO," all four say quickly in unison sounding a bit scared.

"You better not being making out or I will personally rip your tongue out," Dad growls.

They all shake their heads quickly, "No we would never Alpha," Ezra says in a serious tone, fear hangs to his voice like his accent.

"Good," he says shortly and glances up in the rear view mirror, "you doing okay back there Brook?"

"Yes, it's okay they're just joking," I say lightheartedly for the boys' sake, "remember? Just playing."

Dad snorts, "They better be."

We reach the house and he pulls into the garage, "Brook do you want to go home tonig-"

"No that's alright," I say quickly. He looks back at me surprised as the boys start to get out.

"It'll help me get used to everything. And maybe I'll wake up tomorrow back home and realize this was all dream," I point out shrugging. His eyes soften, "Brook I know how you feel," he pauses. I catch Kai looking back at me as he climbs out. 

"But this isn't a dream," he stated. I sigh, "Still hoping. I don't want to believe our fight was real."

"I know it's hard," he says sympathetically, "but you can get through this. You are the most determined girl I know. Other than your mom of course."

"Of course," I repeat softly, I look up at him, "so I will fight through this. And that starts by... accepting this."

"Right," he says with a short nod. He gets out and I follow him out. I walk into the house and find Mom, Erica, and Samuel sitting on the couch. Oliver grins shrugging off the past mood and waves at his parents, "I'm okay!" he reassures them.

"Please Oliver you need to be more careful when you are out running," Samuel pleads giving him a serious look.

"It's okay Dad, I'm completely fine!" he says with an easy smile. He shrugs and then winces because he moved his shoulder. "Yep, fine," he says tightly and closes his eyes.

I sit down next to Mom and snuggle under her arm. She pulls me close and rests her head on my mine, "We can go to home now, if you'd like."

"I'd like to stay tonight," I say numbly. The pain of the fight still burns in my heart. Searing pain that won't go away. Time will only heal the rip of our perfect friendship. Years of getting along and this is our first fallout. I saw her true nature when we fought, she's insecure and doubts my loyalty. But what is my true nature? What did she see? Am I a coward for running? But I was starting to change. But Kai had to step up for me. But what could I say to her?

Summer walks in holding a large wooden tray of mugs that steam at the tops. She sets it down on the coffee table in front of us. Summer hands out mugs to everyone who is sitting down. Dad sits down on my other side putting his arm around me and Mom. Rylie walks in and sits down on the floor already holding a mug.

"I heard it went well, what exactly happened?" Rylie asks taking a sip. I carefully take a mug and sniff inside. Hot chocolate. I inhale deeply getting a strong smell of the warm, chocolaty drink. I cautiously sip because it's hot. 

"They said he was extremely lucky. Only part of his upper arm was shattered, they had to reset it too. He'll go in for surgery on Monday," Erica explains watching Oliver sit on the floor with Milo.

"When will he be fully recovered?" Summer asks curiously setting the tray down. Ezra sits down on a sofa chair drinking his hot chocolate while Kai sits down on the near us.

"They said four months, but he's not a normal human. Werewolves tend to heal faster, remember?" Samuel answers glancing at his son.

"Right," Summer says with a nod, "we haven't gotten hurt in a while. So translate it? Four months equal to...?"

"Leo said two to three months. If he were a double dominant, one month at the least," Dad answers. 

"Where is he anyways?" Mom asks looking over.

"He went home for the night. Gave us some special medication for Oliver if he has too much pain while sleeping," Dad says gesturing to a white bag on the coffee table I hadn't noticed before.

"Cool," Oliver says nodding and takes a sip.

"You are in big trouble young man," Erica says sternly giving him a dark look.

"Relax Erica," Dad soothes, "it wasn't his fault. It was dark and things like this happens."

"My son has shattered his arm!" Erica shouts furiously.

"I know that, and you also know all expenses are paid out of pack budget. Yes? And at least he didn't hit his head. He would have broken his skull. This wasn't his fault," Dad retorts narrowing his eyes.

"This isn't normal! I shouldn't have to worry about my son ramming into trees or getting shot by hunters!" Erica yells standing up sharply.

"Calm down," Mom says softly looking up at her, "you forget we all go through this."

"But you aren't human!" she spats angrily.

I see Oliver wince but not because he moved his arm. Ezra inhales sharply and he closes his eyes and I can see him trembling. Dad stands up slowly which is more scary than him doing it fast. He rolls his shoulders back meeting her gaze with a deadly calm expression, "Being a werewolf isn't exactly an option for us Erica. As alpha it is my job to protect our secret, you are a threat at all times. Do you think we don't worry about you telling everyone?"

"This isn't about me, this is about my two werewolf sons getting hurt! And who knows if Lukas is one too!" she shouts defensively.

"Layla wasn't one, even though she has the possibility for being double dominant," Dad argues still using a calm voice.

"You are avoiding the situation!" 

"Then what do you expect me to do?" Dad growls stomping up to her, "For decades we have been trying to get rid of this. Every time it was a dead end. We have researchers in America trying desperately to fix this. But until we figure out how to create genetically modified babies and can control their genetic code, we are stuck."

"Erica calm down," Samuel says harshly, "you think we wanted this? You are lucky I told you, or would you rather be clueless like Marie?"

Erica huffs rolling her eyes, "No, but I want to do something."

"You are a very driven person Erica.  But sadly there's nothing we can do. We are trying our hardest to keep everyone safe. And sadly, we are half human allowing us to make mistakes," Mom says shaking her head.

"This shouldn't even be possible," Erica groans exasperatedly. Kai stands up and taps my knee tilting his head sharply telling me to come with. I stand up and follow in out of the living room and up the stairs. 

"What's her deal?" I whisper as we reach the balcony. He rolls his eyes, "Samuel told her thinking it would be a good thing. She promised to keep it a secret as long as she didn't become one of us. She's always been edgy about the whole thing and was always upset that Ollie and Milo are-, well werewolves."

We sit down in the hideaway together. I scoot into the back and drape my black jacket over my lap, "What she said about us not being human, it hurt," I say numbly. My feelings are numb right now making everything seem surreal.

"I know, it hurt us all when she said it," Kai says running a hand through his hair. 

"So there are researchers trying to figure this out?" I ask remembering what Dad said. 

"Yes, there's a pack down south that is working on it. But all they've managed to figure it out is that the gene is passed through the father's genes and that is can activate when your body is maturing. Nothing on how to stop it or take it away," he says looking down at his lap.

"Hey you didn't invite me!" Oliver says poking his head into the hideaway. He's still shirtless with a sling that holds his arm. His upper arm is wrapped in white bandages as well. 

"I was dragged," Milo says from out of sight.

"So... what are we talking about? Nail polish? 'Cause Kai no offense but pink isn't your color," Ollie jokes sitting down on the edge of the couch. I giggle glancing at Kai who blushes looking upset.

"Oh yeah! I remember that! Man you really shouldn't bet against Ezra," Milo says coming into sight with crossed arms. He smiles shyly and then his eyes meet mine. He suddenly freezes and a slow blush creeps onto his cheeks. I blush as well remembering I had accused him of liking me. Oliver bursts out laughing, "You guys are hilarious! Man Brook you can get us blushing within five seconds of your presence!"

I laugh nervously shrinking back, "Ha ha uh yeah..." I say unsure how to respond.

Kai clears his throat, "Let's all remember how Oliver rammed himself into a tree tonight," he announces trying to make fun of Ollie.

"You guys are so mean to each other," I tease playfully. 

Milo rolls his eyes leaning on the wall, "This is nothing, just wait a couple days. They're on their best behavior right now."

Kai flashes me a wicked grin, "We're like bombs."

"More like nukes," Milo corrects looking completely serious.

"Like our game of War," Oliver says proudly.

"By the way, we won," Milo says tilting his head crossing his arms.

"No! We beat you fair and square!" Kai argues pointing at him.

"Yeah! We did so much damage to your base!" Oliver agrees lifting his head.

"But you didn't defend your base letting us claim it for our own. By terms of War, we won by strategy which is the point of the game," Milo says smoothly.

"War is damage, you and Ezra are crazy," Kai says rolling his eyes.

"It's both," I join in. I earn their full attention and they watch me for an explanation. I swallow meeting their gazes, "You need to be smart about it. You need to know when and where to strike... but you also need to do some damage so you're both right," I say shrugging shyly. Kai smiles, "Very true."

"Man she's deep!" Ollie says smacking my knee lightly in a playful manner. I giggle, "Thank you."

"And polite! She's a keeper! Better warn those silly human boys, she's our's," Oliver says looking impressed.

"Werewolf boys get the claim," Milo jokes rolling his eyes.

"Yep, we won't anything hurt you," Kai says nudging my shoulder. I smile and nod, "Thanks."

"I'm serious though," Ollie says pointing at me with his uninjured hand, "it's pack law. And if it wasn't, you're a nice girl so we'd protect you anyways. Right guys?"

"Right," Milo says with a short nod.

Kai also nods, "No one will hurt you."

"Thanks guys, that means a lot," I say truthfully feeling my heart melt. No one has ever done this before. The boys at school are so immature but so are they. But they want to protect me. They won't let anyone hurt me.

"Hey tomorrow I hope I can go to school. Maybe you guys could come? The school wouldn't mind a couple extras...?" I suggest not wanting to go alone. To face Haven alone. 

Milo cringes, "I'm not sure if that could work."

"Maybe one of us goes," Kai suggests glancing at me, "as a shadow. Just until they can transfer you."

"Right," I say dejectedly. 

"You still want to go?" Kai asks surprised looking guilty.

"Well? Now I'm not too sure. But part of me hopes Haven and I stop fighting. That she just understands and will stop asking," I explain shrugging halfheartedly.

"But she will keep asking, she's too good of a friend. She worries and won't stop," Milo says shaking his head and sits down next to me. I scoot into the corner and soon all four of us are crowded in the hideaway. 

"I know, but still," I say helplessly.

"Maybe one last day to just see. But one of us goes with, we'll be your support system just in case. If it goes well then we could join to be by your side. If not you can join us in being homeschooled," Kai suggests looking hopeful.

"You really don't want me to be alone," I comment with a small smile. He returns the smile bringing his shoulders up, "Just protecting."

"So does this mean I have to wake up early in the morning?" Ollie complains with a sly smile. He leans against Kai cocking his head completely.

"Idiot I said one of us for tomorrow," Kai says rolling his eyes.

"Who volunteers as tribute?" Milo asks amused. I smile knowing he's quoting Hunger Games, he's probably read it. I wonder what Kai reads, he said he did. Maybe he could recommend some books that I'll just add to my endless reading list.

Kai laughs, "I volunteer as tribute," he says raising his hand.

"OHHH so you want some alone time with Miss. Brook, eh?" Oliver asks curiously with smug smile.

Kai frowns at him, "You're just jealous."

Ollie chuckles shaking his head, "No I'm just pointing out the obvious."

"What?" I ask still confused. I look over at Kai who glares at Ollie, "Shut up."

Ollie sticks his tongue out at him, "Make me, I'm injured."

"You're going to be injured a whole lot more if you don't stop talking," Kai threatens in a dark voice.

"You sound like Ezra," Ollie comments still smiling, "and you know it's physically impossible for me to stop talking."

Kai's shoulder sags and he sighs loudly, leaning back against the wall, "True."

"Exactly! So the plan is Kai shadows Brook for the day. If it works, we all go. If not, she joins us in our cult- uh excuse me, homeschooling group," Ollie exclaims brightly. Milo smacks his head in disbelief. I just laugh and nod.

"Great, now that we have a plan, can we sleep now?" Milo asks in a whining voice. He gives Ollie a pleading look, "It's almost midnight."

"Pfft what are you talking about? The night is the time to play!" Ollie says brightly seeming wide awake.

I giggle, "I agree with Ollie."

"Nice! Night people reign victorious!" Ollie announces in a proud voice.

"But Milo you hate mornings, how can you hate the night and the morning?" Kai asks cocking his head. 

"Easy, you live with a twin that loves both," Milo says shrugging.

"Crazy," I say shaking my head, "the morning is evil itself in a shiny package."

"Oooo that's deep too!" Ollie says pointing at me excitedly, practically bouncing.

"Come on," Milo says shaking his head and stands up. Kai starts to pester Milo about what part of the day he likes and Ollie of course joins in. Mom comes up and tells us to go to bed and we tell her our magnificent plan. And by some miracle of God she AGREES. She says Kai can "shadow" and that it would be fine, as long as we're careful. It'll be the first time Kai has gone to a public school. She also mentioned that Ruby would be upset but Kai was bouncing off the walls with excitement.

I get ready using the guest things like a new toothbrush and clean comb that I washed with soap (not getting lice EVER AGAIN) and I felt good. I got dressed and was lead to my new room. It is a replica of every other bedroom in the house and the fireplace burns warmly. Dad comes up to make sure I'm okay and we say goodnight. Mom kisses my forehead before leaving, once again asking if I'm alright.

I tell her I am and nothing is wrong. Lies. So many lies today. They turn off the light and shut the door most of the way. The fireplace still burns red creating shadows that dance on the walls. I am tucked deep under my covers that feel cool and thick. I feel like I'm lying on a cloud but it doesn't help. I know I've been crying for most of the day, but the tears come once again.

I turn over onto my stomach burying my face into my pillow. My lip trembles and I start crying once again like the scared little girl I am. Being a werewolf is the main reason. Haven is a very close second. My future comes third. My throat tightens and I leave my eyes open. Wet tears drip from my face and I feel my face heat up. I cry harder trying to let it all go but as I open up more wounds I lose hope of ever stopping.

I lost everything. My best friend. My normal future. My humanity. I am left broken and wondering if it will ever be pieced together again. I sob silently yanking the covers over my head not wanting to face the world tomorrow. I start to regret the plan we made. I don't want to ever see Haven again. But I have to fix this! But she's so mad. But-AHHHHH. I I start to scream inside my head wanting the world to go away.

My eyes start to burn from tears and my breaths are caught in my throat. I struggle to breathe and I hug my pillow tightly. I've never felt like this before. It's like my world is falling to pieces around me and I can't stop it. That this is really happening. And it infuriates me. But grieves me to no end. I cling onto the one hope this isn't real. That I'll wake up in my morning bed being woken up by my annoying alarm clock. 

Please let this be a dream. Erase everything from my head...
