THG: Plot Twist #10

Plot Twist #10

"I love you," Katniss whispered to Peeta as she nessled her head down into his neck. "I could live a thousand lives and never deserve you."

It was the night before the Quarter Quell and since they were about to die, confessions were made. Of course Peeta had already made his during his interview last year. It just took Katniss a little longer to figure everything out. Peeta had waited as he promised. He only wanted to her those three simple words. Those eight letters. If she said them, he would forever be hers. They were enough for him.

"If only. . ." Peeta started. "If only it hadn't taken so long. But I am still grateful. It just wasn't the right time I suppose. . ." he trailed off as he slung his muscular arm across her shoulder.

"Peeta," Katniss whispered. "Promise me that you won't try and protect me. Please Peeta. I want you to go home. I want you to live out your life with someone beautiful, someone you deserve."

Peeta just shook his head and pressed his lips to Katniss's forehead.

"Your family needs you," he whispered in her ear. "You have to stay and support them. My family doesn't care about me. It will be okay. Nobody needs me."

"I do," Katniss whispered back. "I need you."


During the Quell, Katniss and Peera would never leave each other's side. They allied with Mags and Finnick until Mags died. Then they added Beetee Wiress and Johanna to their team.

Peeta and Katniss went to the beach one night, when everyone else was asleep. There they encountered Brutus who never hesitated when he wrapped his strong hands around Katniss's neck.

"I can't," Katniss choked out. "I- I- I love you." she manger to say to Peeta in her dying breath. A tear rolled down her cheek as she collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

Peeta's knees bucked and he slid to the ground. Tears rushed down his face as he screamed. His screams, so loud and antagonizing could be heard throughout the entire arena. Finnick got to him first.

"What the. . ." he started but stopped when he noticed the limp body Peeta was hovering over. Finnick leaned down and lightly touched his hand to Peeta's back, but Peeta shook him away.

"K- Ka- Kat- Ka- Katniss," he choked out through his sobs and cries of pain. "Wa- Wake up Kat- Katniss. Wake up? Pa- Pa- Please?"

But she was gone. Katniss Everdeen the girl on fire, the girl who sparked hope in the hearts of the citizens of Panem was gone. Dead. The Mockingjay. The symbol of the rebellion. The girl who started it all was dead.

And somewhere a child weeped.
And somewhere a mother grieved.
And somewhere a lover cried.
And somewhere another died.
But somewhere someone laughed.
And somewhere someone cheered.
And somewhere someone smiled.
And life went on without her.

Life went on without the girl on fire.

But hope fell.
And the rebels failed.
The government won.
Evil prevailed.
The Mockingjay was gone.
And so was her lover.
For Peeta never saw another.


So I added a little poetry to it.... YAY! I know it sucked. Don't judge. But if ya have any ideas or anything comment please.



Ah, the nerd fighter life. DFTBA guys. Promise the next one will be happy. So anyway.


I mean the last two can be like switched around and stuff.
