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"Baby, where are you?" The tall dark-haired man searches for a certain one, looking under the couch, behind the curtains, in one of the cabinets. Snape and Y/n were again playing hide and seek, it was one of their bonding times before Severus had to drop her off to the Malfoys for another Potion Master work back at Hogwarts.

Snape didn't leave Y/n for too long with them though, for as he didn't trust the Malfoys with his beloved daughter. It's not like he didn't trust Draco or Narcissa, he knew the sweet women cared for his daughter, and set up play dates for Draco and Y/n while he was out at work. Who he really didn't trust was Lucius Malfoy, he just didn't seem like the type of guy to take time out of the ministry to take care of Y/n.

But little did he know the man had a soft spot for the little girl, he would buy her toys and store them at the manor for Draco and Y/n to play with. He adored her, and secretly hope that Draco and Y/n would marry each other after their Hogwarts year.


Severus looked everywhere, searching the bathrooms, her favorite playroom, her little (F/C) crib, her nursery, the kitchen, the living room, outside the manor, and even the backyard. He was growing worried that his daughter ran off somewhere he couldn't find. Their manor was big, much bigger than the Malfoys or the Zabinis. He invested in it pretty well to give his daughter the house of a lifetime, he didn't want to disappoint her by buying a regular house she can't run around in.

A giggle was heard in the master bedroom, where he slept. The noise certainly didn't pass his ear as he ran up the stairs and slowly open the door to see his daughter holding a picture frame of him and her. She looked at it, kissing his part of the picture.

"Dada" She squealed, making hands for upsies when she saw him observing by the door frame. He scooped up her little body hugging her real close, it was the first word she ever said. He was delighted for it to be 'Dada.' The tall man might have not noticed by a tear left his eye from the joy he was feeling. He spun her around, kissing her face over and over again, that day Severus made Y/n say 'Dada' over and over again. He performed a capturing memories spell. He never wanted to ever forget about this day, and he doesn't think he would ever forget about it with or without the spell.


​​"Alright baby ill come back for you after work, you go play with Draco," Severus said kissing her all over her face as she giggled.

"Kk Dada" The young girl replied, kissing her dad on the cheeks giggling, and running off with Draco, hand in hand together. Draco dragged her to his playroom, guiding her to her own chair that Lucius have brought for them, setting her down, and running off somewhere to get something. He came back with his Spider-Man doll and with Y/n's favorite doll.

"Here, here" He smiled, shaking the toy around the air and handing it over to the little girl who was already reaching for the toy as soon as she saw it.

"Thank you Daco" She smiled back at him, giggling as she played dolls with him.

"It's Draco," He said face-palming his face, the girl still haven't gotten his name right. He's grown frustrated at the thought that the young girl didn't find him important enough to memorize his own name. He would complain about it, saying his right name to her hoping that she would finally know how to say it.

"I'm sorry Daco" She replied hugging him, remembering that her father taught her to always apologize when she upset someone. He quickly got over it and accepted the girl's apology, not wanting her to feel bad anymore.

Times soon flew by and they were to be found by Narcissa Malfoy cuddling on the playroom floor. She smiled as she saw this scenery. She slowly picked up both children and placed them both on the small bed together in Draco's nursery. Before she walked out of the room, Narcissa took a picture of the sweet sight she saw in front of her.


"Daddy" Y/n called from the top of the stairs, she was dressed up in her cute (F/C) dress for her birthday party later on in the day. She rushed to the bottom of the stairs where her father was, jumping around and doing a whole 360 showing her father the dress he had gotten her for her birthday.

"You look cute baby," He said pinching her cheeks, picking her up, and sitting her down in a chair beside his.

He sat her down on the table while he cooked pancakes for breakfast. Y/n sat patiently for her breakfast grabbing her father's wand and swishing it around playing wizards with it. Severus looked over and smiled, he secretly taught Y/n's early charms lesson with the approvement of Dumbledore of course. Since she was three she already mastered first-year Transfigure and first-year Charms. He couldn't forget DADA and Potions, it was Severus's favorite subjects, and he was more than proud Y/n already mastered such hard subjects for even a 3rd year to master. With the help of Minerva, and Flitwick Y/n became the brightest student of her age.

"Here you go, baby," He said handing her the plate of pancakes and sitting down beside her,

"You exited for your party?" He asked watching her chew her pancakes, she nodded with her mouth full. Remembering that it was not appropriate to talk with your mouth full. Severus chuckled patting her head and got back to eating his own pancakes.

He had invited the Malfoys and the staff members at Hogwarts including Minerva, Albus, Rubeus, and Flitwick. He didn't invite much as he didn't trust much with his daughter. He soon trusted the Malfoys as Draco is Y/n's friend and Narcissa takes care of Y/n. Severus didn't really mind the staff, they have been taking care of Y/n since she was a baby. They taught her stuff that she needed to know before she even started Hogwarts.

The guest arrives after, each greeted Y/n with warm welcomes and happy birthdays. Narcissa and Lucius hugged the young girl. Draco kissed her on the cheeks. Minerva and Hagrid hugged her also. Flitwick and Dumbledore high-fived the young girl. Y/n found all of them amusing, how tall Hagrid was, Dumbledore's white hair, How nice Minerva was, and how she was now taller than Flitwick.

The guest ate and watched Y/n blow out the candles on her birthday cake. It was an (F/C) cake with (Design) just how she likes it. After all that, they all joined Y/n in opening her presents in the living room. She was sitting down on the floor with Draco while the others were sitting down on the couch watching them.

Narcissa got her wand out and summoned Y/n's gift. Narcissa gave the gift to Y/n and she tore the gift wrapping carefully seeing the jewelry box she got. She opened it and saw that it was a Locket. Narcissa told her that it was believed to protect her no matter what challenges she came across. She thanked the lovely woman, putting her gift aside.


Next, she opened Lucius' gift after he summoned it and handed it to her. He had gotten her a book about Hogwarts. It held all the information before they were even born. It contained information and secrets about the time when Salazar and Merlin were born. She thanked the platinum-haired man.


After that, she opened Draco's gift which was manually given to her as he didn't have a wand to summon it with. He gave her a jewelry box quite like his mother but it was a box with both of their name embroidered on it. She opened it to see that it was a locket although it wasn't silver this time. It was a golden heart locket containing a picture of both of them on each side. One was when they were cuddling each other and the other was when they were chasing each other at the Manor garden Narcissa built. Y/n looked up at the young boy her age, looking at her curiously to see if she liked the gift he had given her. Y/n hugged him, thanking him for the gift he had given her.


Next, it was the professor's turn. Minerva got her a first, second, third, and fourth-year transfigure book. Albus had gotten her a temporary starter wand, it was a wand full of crystals around it. Flitwick had gotten her a book similar to Minervas but it was about Charms. Hagrid got her a gift about the care of magical animals also, a separate one about hippogriffs. She thanked all of them, saying she likes their gift very much.

Last but certainly not least Severus had gotten his daughter a Potions Master kit, a DADA book, and rings. Y/n ran to her father kissing him on his cheeks and thanking him.







The guest left all hugging Y/n and thanking Severus on the way out. Once they all left, Severus picked up Y/n hugging her real close walking up the stairs.

"Did you have fun Baby?" He asked looking at the girl, her little head against his chest. She nodded too tired after all the giggling and the fun she had today. Severus walked inside their room and place her down beside him, she was already asleep by the time he got her to their room. He changed into his pajama and changed her into hers. He lay down beside her and pulled her close to his chest.

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WORDS : 1910


