Chapter 16

Virginia - 1617

A year has passed sense John and his wife left, and no one has heard a word from them. I was sitting on my bed, staring out the window. The blue sky with the fluffy looking at the fluffy clouds that floated gracefully over the sky. Birds flew through the them, soaring through the sky.I closed my eyes as I drifted off into thought. My thoughts were quickly halted when I heard a loud Thud from outside.

My head shot up. Ran over to the window and saw a young boy, no older than 16, on the ground with papers flying around him. I rushed out of my room and over to the boy. He got up slowly but almost immediately fell down. The boy wore a brown coat with breeches and a leather satchel by his side. I helped the boy up off the ground. He was holding tightly on to me for support, I guessed that he had twisted his ankle from the fall.

"T-thank you..." The boy stammered.
"Hey, don't worry about. Worry more about yourself, from the looks of it you have a hurt ankle!" I told him.
The boy chuckled softly, "Heh, yeah I suppose I do... say, what's your name?"
"My name is Virginia!"
"Mine is William, nice to meet you Virginia..." The boy said, as I sat him down on a step.
"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, why were you in such a rush just now?"
"Well you see, word had just arrived from that couple that had left just last year I believe. Apparently the mans wife, Pocahontas I think that was her name, had died during the trip!" He stated, as he got out a letter from his leather satchel, "It was my job to send this message to Sir Thomas Gates and the other leaders of the colony. But I guess I can't really do that now..."
"Well... I could send it for you!" I told William.
"Wait, really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah, sure! I mean why not? It's not like I got much else planned." I told him as I grabbed the letter from his hands.
William sighed, then smiled at me and said, "Thank you, so much!"

I nodded to him then waved goodbye and walked off towards the church. I figured I'd be most likely to find the leaders of the colony around the church area considering that's where most things took place. It was just a few minutes away. I walked in, there wasn't many people in the building at the time. I inhaled deeply, then walked up to the man I believe to be Thomas Gates. As it turned out it wasn't Gates but his second in command, Sir Thomas Dale. Dale just took the letter and left to give it to Gates. After that I went and started walking back to my house, when I then realized what William had told me was in that letter.

'Oh boy... I wonder how Chief Powhatan will react towards that...' I thought to myself, as I walked into the house. I saw my father sitting by the table reading. I was making my way to my room when my father stopped me.
"And just where have you been?" My father asked, looking up at me.
"I went out to deliver a message." I answered honestly.
"Oh really? What for?" My father asked, interested in this message.
"John Rolfe's wife died on the trip to England." I told him.
"Ah... that isn't good..."
"No kidding." I mumbled to myself. My father ignored my comment then went over to the door.
"I'm going to go check about the relationship with the native. I'll be back soon, okay?"
"Okay." I said waving to him. He waved back and then left. I just went back to my room to write.

_                                                                                           _

Colonial America - 1618

It's been just a year sense the news of Pocahontas' death, and rumor is that Chief Powhatan has also passed. Our relationship with the natives is going worse by the day. Apparently the new leader of these Powhatan is named Opechankeno. On top of it all the Algonquians have grown more and more enraged by our expansion into more of the lands. Of course I wasn't being much help considering I was one of the men expanding into the lands. In fact that was what I was doing right now.

I was walking through the forest with a group of armed colonist behind me. We walked through the peaceful forest. It was quiet and calm, but little did we know with the next step we took we would be stepping out of the eye of the storm and into a mess.
"Ahg!" A colonist exclaimed from behind.
