new faces and names

After a month of being in the valley:

The big kids have been working on the forts? I think they are going to be our homes. They look more secure, and Papa still came with us to gather some food and seeds so we can start a garden so we don't have to go too far to get some of them. So we have better shelter and soon will have a quicker way to get some of our food.

The big kids gathered us together a few days ago and tried to explain how we would do some of the things, we all decided not to use money, and would use a form of trade, we wouldn't have money. The big kids again tried their best to explain what that meant and what it would look like. We don't fully understand. We are still little kids, well, according to Papa.

We went farther into the forest to see if there were different plants there we could use for good. We found not only an orange tree but also an apple tree. So it was a good find, and we could put the seeds in their spot, not mixed with the meats or fruits and veggies. Us little kids tried our best to help around, and the big kids tried their best to teach us different things.

Three of the big kids went to look out for others like us and any danger, and Papa took us little ones to the fruit trees. We gathered things on the way, papa again holding the basket for us, we got more food because we thought it was a good idea, so we would have to take less trips to get the fruits and veggies. Papa told us to take a break after a few hours of gathering. We were taking a rest and having some fruit to not be too hungry while gathering.

While we were taking the break, the lookout group walked up to us. They had 5 people we didn't recognize with them. Mimi, one of the oldest of us, said "we found them while we were patrolling" Papa nodded "ok, thank you for telling me, lead them back to the valley to meet the others and to get used to the place, please" Mimi nodded in understanding "of course, Shio, see you back at the valley, before the some of the others go to hunt." I never really noticed when we stopped using our last names. We didn't find them really necessary most of the time.

Papa nodded again before saying, "I will see you guys there to tell you bye." Mimi and the other two nodded as the five new people looked confused and scared. I walked to them, not wanting them to be scared, and said "hello, I'm Izuku" the oldest, who I think was 13?, spoke "hello, I'm Ashimina, Vivi, and these are my siblings'' she then pointed to each one introducing them "Koi, Shimi,Simio, and Kio, Koi and Kio are twins'' I nod, smiling. I then said, "It's nice to meet you and your siblings, ms. Vivi" she looked confused about something. Papa then explained, "we don't use our old last names anymore, we call each other our names, or as the little ones call me: Papa."

Vivi thought for a bit and nodded "that makes sense" Mimi then led them back to the valley and Papa helped us finish up gathering, and we started to head home, excited to meet new people, and welcome them to the valley. We get home and see vivi and her siblings looking confused on what to do, I walk up to them again. "Hello again, Ms. Vivi'' they all looked at me when I spoke Vivi gave a small smile "hello again Izuku'' I smiled back at them before asking "can Koi, Kio, Simio, and shimi come play with us please?" That seemed to shock her a bit before she nodded and said that they could.

We had fun, the hunting group left a few minutes ago, and we were getting tired from playing. Papa asked us to sit in front of him for a story until the hunting group got back. We did, and even ms. Vivi sat with us!

The story ended up being 4 different stories. When he finished, the hunters got back with the meat part of our food, and I and a few other little kids went to help them. They allowed us to carry some of the smaller catches, we put some up, and the big kids and Papa started to cook, ms. Vivi kept us company and asked some questions about this place. I did my best to answer as the others were distracted by asking her siblings questions.

After a bit more time passed, the food was done, and we all went to get our share of food. We had enough for everyone to have some, and some to put up for later. One of the big kids had a survival book that told them how to hunt and use the 'hyde' of animals for different things. I don't fully understand what a 'hyde' is. But the big kids gave us these fluffy things that I think were blankets. They kept us warm, though, so that's good.

After we got done eating, we all helped put things away, Vivi and her siblings would stay with Papa until their home was done, so a month or so because of how the big kids worked. They didn't seem to mind that though, Vivi said "we're just happy that we are going to have a roof over our heads" and the big kids as well as Papa nodded their heads in understanding. Papa then said, "Welcome to the quirkless, the valley." This shocked the newcomers, even more so when all the rest of us said the same thing together.

We all told each other goodnight and went to our shared forts. We all laid down, well, all of us except Papa. He walked around singing the lullaby like he had been since the first night in the valley. I fell asleep to him singing, "Sleep my little ones, each day you grow, in numbers and strength. Smile my little ones as you sleep, for I will keep you safe. Rest now, my little ones, for a new day is to come."
