Chapter 2: The Start

After 3 years Deku has been training his magic to the point he could summon 2 meteorites but he doesn't use those without a protection spell.

In school

Teacher then said "You guys better find what will be your future jobs but" he threw the paper around saying "I know that all of you wanted to be heroes" he said with a smile.Everyone was cheering and using their quirks until step up and said "Ha as if you guys become heroes and if you did you only become a sidekick by a d tier listed heroes" Bakugou said with so much arrogance and confident that made everyone get angry at him but he ignored those remarks while they're having a commotion Deku on the other hand was muttering about the things he will need to learn or figures out his magic training so this what he said "Looks like I have to create a area effect spell to train myself hmmmm ah I should use a time slow protection area that will be good".

The teacher quite them by saying "Oh looks like Bakugou is going to UA High" this shocked everyone to the point one of them says "UA has 0.2% chance rate for people to join" this everyone knows that only the strongest go there but then the teacher says this "Oh even Deku Is going to UA High too" this quite everyone until they burst out laughing and saying "What does a quirkless loser like you do in UA you won't even pass the entrance exam" everyone was still laughing while Deku Is thinking (Maybe I should shut them up by showing what I've been doing for the past 3 years).

Deku suddenly release his magic aura around everyone each feeling the huge pressure coming from a single Deku even Bakugou was surprised about this even not know what Deku had just done.Once the pressure was done everyone felt the pressure going away so they were still shocked until Bakugou said "You BASTARD you lied to me that you don't have a damn quirk" he said while trying to explode Deku desk he didn't notice that Deku hide a counter spell that double the power of the attack so once he hit the desk a magical symbol appeared that hit Bakugou hard to the point he was furious enough make head bleed thank to that anger.

Everyone was surprised yet again but the teacher said "Ok ok stop get back to your seats that way we could continue on our class" they listened while whispering to each other of how Deku suddenly got his quirk but the others think to themselves that they think Deku might pass the entrance exam to get in UA High.When class end everyone left since Deku has been making fun off by them so much that if someone tried to question him that person will get hurt badly just like Bakugou and Bakugou went to the doctor to gets him patch up even confusing the doctor how he hurt himself by his own explosion but he didn't ask since it will probably stupid for someone to get hurt by his own quirk.

After Deku left school he went to a different route then usual so he could get home fast enough to continue training but while he was think that his magic has sense that their was someone in the sewers so just in case Deku put up a trap spell that cancels someone's quirk.He waited for that person to come out so he could stop him then that person was the sludge villain.The sludge villain notice Deku sitting there nonchalantly without a care in the world and said to him "Oh good thing you were standing there I need a person's body to control so I will thank you for the fullest" he said with a evil smile but the he notice Deku's smile and knew something wasn't right he tried to get to him until he notice that something activate under him so he tried to move fast to not get caught but it was too late for him to escape he got capture like he was in a cage and then said "Ha if a cage like this could keep me here then you sadly mistaken" while trying his slime ability to escape this cage he notice that his slime was vanishing slowly turning him into his original form while doing so the cage turn into a one of thoes arm locked you see police use against villain to capture them without there quirks activating.The villain was shocked that he tried to leave but to no avail when All Might came and saw a person who got captured by a young man then he said "Young man is this the villain I was looking for" Deku the nodded then went and get up from the ground so he walked up to All Might while saying "Yup this is my doing I trap him and cancel his quirk" this surprised All Might so he say "You did huh that some amazing quirk you have there" then Deku counter it by saying "Who say that was my quirk" this confuses All Might and he tried to figure out what power did he use against the slime villain but to no avail he didn't figured out anything so Deku say "You should keep guessing All Might my power is kinda similar to yours since you hide your quirk I hide mine ok" this made All Might be wary against him until he said "No I'm not a secret villain that has similar powers like yours mine is older than your powers and it is forgotten so tried think outside the box instead of inside it".

Deku then walked away since he focus on magic instead of looking at cool heroes.All Might was puzzled so he took the slime to the police station and talked to his old friend named Tsukuachi who is a detective so he told him this "Tsukuachi I got a favor to ask from you" Tsukuachi turn around to face All Might and said "What is Toshinori?" he continue by saying "I found a boy who's power is hidden like mine but says that his power is older than mine so I would like to know what he is talking about".This surprised Tsukuachi wondering who is this person and how old is his power until Jean came into the room by saying "Am I interrupting something sir" Tsukuachi looked at Jean and sway his head left to right so he "Actually you came in the right time this person right here is Toshinori Yagi" they both shakes hands while Tsukuachi say "He say that he found a person who's power is older than quirks have begun so we trying to figure out who" this surprised Jean and he said "What did that person looked like?" Toshinori say "A boy with green hair and eyes" this surprised Jean and said "I think I know that kid 3 years ago" this surprised them both and want him to continue what he is talking about "He was a boy that had no quirk but he say something that I promise to him to never let anyone know" this shocked Toshinori and Tsukuachi but they both wonder what type of power does he right now.

Jean then said "I think he promise me that he will help me on something so I would check up on him and where he lives so tomorrow if you guys want we could visit him" they both agreed on him then Jean left and look for Deku's address.Tomorrow came the three of them went to a apartment and knock on his door Deku then hears this and questions the person who knocked on his door "Who is this" then Jean said "It me Jean the one you promise to help me on our villain problem" Deku was happy he ran and open the door to see him and two other people that came with me but he didn't question him since he just helping the police on their villain problem.Deku let them in and sit them in a table so Jean said "What will you give us to help the police" then Deku throw a paper of a certain spell that traps and cancel the villains quirks to Jean read it.This surprised him since it was something new but he tried it on Deku and so Deku even allowed him then he followed the instructions of what Deku gave him and he did it and it surprised him and the other two people in this room .So they were about to ask him question but he answer them all "Its called magic where everyone has it but was forgotten for a long time so I discover it" this shocked everyone in this room but then Toshinori "Since you reveal us your greatest secret I would reveal mine" this confused Deku and Jean then Toshinori transform to All Might and detransform to his original form this shocked them both and look at Detective Tsukuachi all he did was nodded at this meaning that he is All Might but they both wonder what happen so All Might explain about his injury and his quirk so the public wouldn't know what happen to him.

Deku and Jean was shocked about this and knew this is important to not let that secret out to the public so they keep their mouth shut and Deku said this "If you had wound then maybe I could heal it with magic" All Might wasn't sure about it but he will give it a try they both went to the living room All Might laid on the couch and Deku put his hand on top of All Might's wound so he said "Healing magic:Full Bloom" then suddenly a flower appeared under All Might and it sooth All Might pain by making him go to sleep once he woke up he looked at his wound making everyone surprised of what Deku has done it made All Might happy that he was back in full strength also All Might wanted to give his quirk to Deku but he refused and said "I rather stick with my own power you should give it to someone that you trust the most of your power" All Might nodded without complain but they notice that the door was opening it made Deku remember that his healing magic took him 3 hours of his time he made All Might and the other got to his room and exited in his window.After that event happen Deku trained himself to better his magic and learning new spells he could until he found a combination spell that allows him to combine different types of spell he could do so he focused mainly on the the combination spell and also his new spell he created weapon creation spell where he will create a certain weapon that will boost his magic to 10 times so until he found his main weapon it was a buster sword that it is dull enough to not kill anyone with it and can boost 4 types of magic at once so he is a battle mage and he trained his body to the peak of his muscles that he could carry 1000 lbs of metal.
