Watching the Boston Bruins

It was Wednesday, tomorrow would be my date with Crosby, and to be honest, I was a little nervous. Reason why is, well, the media would more than likely follow us everywhere we go, so that would make things quite difficult. Reason number two, is I'm pretty sure the fans in Pittsburgh wouldn't be so 'welcoming' if our relationship hit it off. Also, relationships and I most certainly do not get along. There are a lot of commitments to a relationship, and lots of conflicts arise and that is what the media feeds on. Another thing, I'm sure our teams wouldn't take us being 'together' lightly.

I let out a small huff, this relationship was not going to end well. However, I suppose I should try and think positive and hope that this bloody relationship is going to work. I change into some warm clothes before walking downstairs, seeing that my mom had left for work and I go over to the fridge to grab some milk and then went to get some cereal. Walking into the living room, I plop down onto the couch, getting into a comfortable position before turning on the TV, looking through various channels to see what teams would be playing today. I paused, seeing that the Bruins were playing the Blackhawks and I start eating my cereal, watching the game. 

Throughout the game, I saw that Rask was goalie for the game and it was ten minutes into the second period, it seemed like the Blackhawks were winning. The score was four-to-three, Bruins had the puck. I couldn't help but cheer when the bruins scored, I had made a friend out of Rask after we played against each other, the both of us having met up at a bar and exchanged strategies for when we were in the net. I observed and watched as Rask had used some of the strategies I had shared with him at the bar and I grin, he's pretty good, I have never seen him in action and he's certainly something.

Finishing my cereal, I turn the TV off, since the Bruins had won and I walked into the kitchen, setting my bowl in the sink before walking outside. I breathed in the fresh air, calming my nerves. I shouldn't be stressing so much over a single date, I may have had no experience with such a relationship, I want to leave a good impression. Why I want to impress Crosby, I have no idea. I sit down on my mother's bench-swing, laying back and crossing my arms behind my head to use them as a pillow. "Si calme et paisible..." I sighed in content, getting more comfortable. I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up, my mom was shaking me lightly,"Adele, get inside before you catch a cold." Was all she said as she disappeared inside. I followed her inside, heading up into my room before falling asleep.

Si calme et paisible - So calm and peaceful
