Chapter Fourteen - Confrontation

"Yes...the Traveller is a captain here. More specifically of the Swordfish Two battalion," spoke General Gorou, giving Y/N a strange side-eye. Ever since she had burst out with a "You know Aether?!", Gorou was partly convinced that she really did know the hero.

"That's a relief to hear. Do you know where he is right now?" she pressed on. Gorou held his hand up.

"He's out training some of our newer men, down by the northern beaches, but back to the point. You still have an accusation of being affiliated with the Fatui," his gaze hardened again as he looked at her.

"Listen, I have met Fatui Harbingers that even the Traveller is acquainted with – I know what they're planning, if you'd just let me-," Gorou held another hand up.

"I really can't deal with sort of issue right now. You have to talk about this to the Sangonomiya Priestess," explained Gorou, cutting through Y/N's own, tail drooping.

"Well then, would you please direct me to her?" asked Y/N through gritted teeth. This General was really starting to get on her nerves. Gorou spoke nothing, but handed her a piece of paper. It was small, about the length of her palm and rather brashly drawn, but it was clear that it was a mini-map of the island. Right in the middle, circled in red was a large building diagram – possibly the largest drawn out on the map. Over there – also in red – was the words 'Sangnomiya Shrine'.

She looked back up to see Gorou looking at her pointedly with his bright, blue eyes. Y/N sighed. "Alright, but please tell Aether that Y/N L/N was here when he comes back,".

The hybrid general nodded, his ears flicking slightly along with the movement. Placing a hand on her shoulder, lighter than Teppei had, he began walking her upwards along the path they were on, and out of the campsite that the soldiers occupied. She should've known. Suspicion wasn't off until the respectable Traveller deemed her worthy. But who was she to say anything? Aether's generosity and selflessness were traits even she herself couldn't compete in.

The General walked along in utmost silence, and Y/N was not inclined to talk either – so they both stayed wordless for the entirety of the journey. Ascending the island, Y/N could see that the humongous seashells that held no apparent purpose were much larger in person. The whole place looked like a mermaid's dream. Even the air here smelled sweet rather than the saltwater scent she had imagined it would be. Monsters were scarce, and even the ones that were there were floating elemental spectres – though Gorou made a pointed effort to avoid their direction. Eventually, they halted near the entrance of the shrine. It was smaller than the Grand Narukami Shrine that Y/N had seen from a distance during her brief time in Ritou, but large enough to be considered luxurious.

Shrine maidens adorned in blue and white ambled along gracefully – soldiers that seemed to hold a more menacing aura stood guard with even sharper weapons.

But with a nod from General Gorou, they let both of them pass through the coral-coloured gate.

Knocking smartly on the gates of the shrine – Y/N waited in baited breath before a melodious, feminine voice called out 'I'm coming'.

The doors opened to reveal one of the most majestic looking Priestess Y/N had ever seen. Her eyes seemed to be the depths of a luscious, shimmering pool – glistening with wisdom and kindness. The sparkling waves of pastels she was adorned in seem to move as if they were submerged in water, gracefully gliding alongside the Priestess as she walked out.

Looking at her trusted general and then at Y/N, Sangonomiya Kokomi spoke to both.

"Good evening, I've received word from Teppei's junior about the situation. This shall be best discussed inside," and in they all went. The inside of the shrine was similar to Narukami's but instead of masks and tethered strings being hung upon the walls – the whole décor was blue glowing carvings depicting many different sea creatures, one side of them light as day, the other as dark as night. Y/N could only look at them for a second, before General Gorou's firm but light hand pulled her along with him further inside. Not many shrine maidens were there, just a few in separate rooms, cleaning furniture and writing on scraps of parchment.

The high-ceilinged office that Kokomi brought them into was very organised and laden with stuffed bookshelves. She sat herself onto the cushioned chair behind her paper-filled desk and gestured for the others to sit opposite. Gorou wasted no time in descending down into the chair.

"Now," started Kokomi, speaking for the first time inside the Shrine. "You seem to have made a claim that the Fatui are going to come to Inazuma and try get a particular object,". Her tone was firm, but it held a curiousness to it – asking her if all of this really was true.

Y/N took a deep breath and nodded. She could feel Gorou stiffen up beside her, and Kokomi saw too, for she cleared her throat.

"General Gorou, I wish to speak with this lady here alone,". Gorou hesitated for a second, before nodding stiffly and exiting the room with a short bow. Kokomi turned all her attention at Y/N, deep, cerulean eyes settling on her own.

"Please tell me everything,".


Acting Grand Master Jean had made it a point to never request Y/N for an interrogation – whenever and wherever it happened with the Knights. Explaining high rise situations herself was a hard task, let alone forcing others to do it. Before Jean ever heard of the issue, Y/N used to make minor bribes with Kaeya that consisted of one-too-many Death After Noon's for him to do any interrogations in her place.

Sitting on the chair inside the Watatsumi Shrine, Y/N couldn't help but feel a twinge of pining remembering her old friend. If he were here right now... No, she had no right to want that – not after she had left them all behind. Even if it was through Scaramouche's help that she was able to avoid any bittersweet and elongated goodbyes – she still felt guilty – even now.

And just sitting around, whilst looking at the calculating look on the Priestess's face made Y/N all the more restless. After all she had just revealed – save for a few details – it would hardly take someone a quick time to absorb it all in.

"With my position as Priestess, I know what a gnosis is. Guuji Yae of the Narukami Shrine was able to fill me in long ago. So, I can understand the severity of what it means to have an Archons' one taken from them," she looked Y/N square in the face, making her shrink back slightly from the conviction in her face. "And if it hadn't been for the fact that it was publicly revealed by Fontaine journalists that both the Anemo and Geo Archons' gnoses were taken, I don't think your story would be half as convincing".

"However, I believe you. My assumptions about the Traveller are held in high regard, and you must be one of his companions if you came all the way here just to alert them. I want to speak with you both – if my schedule allows it – sometime soon," she spoke, "If the Fatui are really going to come here for the Electo Archon's gnosis

Y/N felt ten times lighter than she had before. Kokomi must have seen the relief in her small smile, for she let out a light laugh herself, then – quickly composed – gestured towards the door as a signal for Y/N to take her leave. Gorou wasn't outside and had most likely left for duties, not positioned in any comical eavesdropping stance behind the door that Y/N had imagined while she was waiting for an answer. It didn't take much time to navigate herself back to the front door.

She had completed step one of her plan. Alerting everyone, the Traveller yet to come. Maybe, this time she would be able to stop Scaramouche from ruining anybody else's life. Maybe, she could thwart any of the Fatui's plans. Maybe, this world could remain one uncorrupted by the ones who rebel against the Heavens-

