Happy Birthday Emma 🎂

Hello my wonderful Readers, today is Emma's birthday :D


Illustration by me)

So for the contest I ask you guys to make a Au for Emma and you guys submit a few.

So I put the your usernames on the wheel of names and the winner is...

Zushii-Wushii Congrats for winning this contest :D, as for the rest thank you for your Au ideas in the next contest I'll do something more simple.

Now on with the Au story!!


"I'm telling you! Klee saw it!" Klee whined as her and Master jean were in the whispering woods standing over a bunch of grass, "Klee, whatever you saw was probably some bug, c'mon let's go." Jean sighed as she grabbed Klee and dragged her away.

After the two had left, Suddenly there was a sudden rustle in the grass, popping out from the grass revealed a girl, probably almost size of a Beatle. The girl looked around cautiously before going back to her hiding place. "Okay, I think the coast is clear." The girl said in a hush voice as looked at another creature that had a bird like mask and had Blue like scheme clothes.

"Okay, good job Emma." The Creature spoke as the Girl, Emma, Smiled before walking on the soil path, "Hey Papa, why do we have to hide from humans?" Emma asked as Papa sighed, "It's because, if humans saw us, they'll use us as profit or a away to reveal our people." Papa explained as Emma looked at the tall grass. "It's sad though, I wanna explore the world, see how humans see the this earth." Emma sighed.

After a long walk the two were now on the clear road, "ah~ I love the sun, it makes everything so warm." Emma sighed as She looked around for any humans before going to the sidelines with Papa, "So anyway, what are we getting today?" Emma asked as Papa looked at the list that they prepared, "We're getting some berrys, mints and some flower petals." Papa explained as Emma looked around to see a flower in the wide open.

"Look there's one over here!" Emma Exclaimed as she quickly ran over to it while Papa yelled, telling her to come back. Unfortunately Emma didn't listen as she pulled the flower so it could bend over, "here we go..." Emma thought as she pulled on the petal before stumbling backwards before landing on her back, "Well, that was worth it." Emma smiled as she got up before she was ready to leave.

Suddenly a glass wall blocked her making the girl quickly backing away, "What the!?" Emma Exclaimed as she looked to see the same young girl that was telling Jean about her a few minutes ago. "Finally, Klee can now prove your are real!" Klee Exclaimed happily as she locked the Emma in the jar and quickly ran back to Mondstadt.


"Klee has proof now!" Klee brusted into Jean's office as there more people in the Room, "Oh? What is that you Klee?" Kaeya asked as Klee smiled before showing off the jar to the man, "Look, I told you I saw her in the bushes earlier!" Klee said, mean while Emma was in the jar, Completely terrified and was fearing for her life.

"Aw~ what a cute tiny girl we have here." Kaeye cooed as he took the glass jar and observe Emma, "P-please don't hurt me..." Emma whimpered as Jean quickly took the jar away. "Klee why did you capture her?" Jean asked as she uncapped the jar and placed the girl In her palm, "Klee's sorry... it's just no one believed me..." Klee sadly looked at the ground as Jean sighed.

"I'm deeply sorry for the cause we have Bring you, are you alright?" Jean asked as Emma mostly started to stop shaking. "Y-you aren't gonna kill me?" Emma asked as this question was shocking to Jean, "kill you!? No no no! Why would I kill you?" Jean question as she was worry on the girl was been listening to.

"Well, Papa told me that humans use us as profit for money..." Emma fiddle with her fingers as Jean have her a sympathize expression, "Well those are only people who had their mind cover in greed, but we don't wanna use as profit." Jean explained as Emma's Eyes lit up surprised and relief, "Re-really? I'm so glad..." Emma breathed out before standing up on Jean's hand.

"I'm Emma, I'm a healer even by my size!" Emma introduce herself as Jean smiled, "Well I'm jean, the acting grand Master of the knights of Favonius." Jean Introduced herself as she went on and introduced the others such as Kaeya, Lisa and Amber. "Hey Emma, Can you play with me?" Klee asked as Emma thought for a moment before smiling, "of course Klee." Emma agreed as Klee jumped in Excitement before taking Emma and left Mondstadt’s headquarters.

And so Emma and Klee started to play together everyday, meeting new people everyday like Aether and Paimon or Diluc, Albedo and many more, and soon after Emma introduce Papa to her new friends. Of course everyone was ik shock at first but was quickly welcoming.

And so Emma's fear of humans started fade as she grew more fond of humans.


I apologize this chapter is out late 😭 I got busy I couldn't publish it out earlier.

But I hope you guys love this little happy birthday special and see you in prologue 16
