The chef showdown starts and the judge tries Duchess's food he frowns then move on to my dish. "What have we here?" he asks picking up my food he takes one and eats it licking his fingers "these tower tea cakes are out of this kingdom" he says moving on to Raven he tries her watermelon pops then runs away Apple and Raven talk so I walk over to them "better luck next time" Apple calls walking away from Raven. I frown "Raven what happened?" I ask her "you're not going to belive this but I think Apple just cheated," she tells me my mouth falls open. We track Apple down and find her in the hallway "okay that's it" Raven says as we walk up to Apple "oh goody it's Raven mean and Holly O'Square" she says Raven and I gasp

"You did cheat didn't you?" Raven asks her angrily "at the showdown" Raven adds "maybe I did so what? Like anyone is going to believe you two over me" Apple says evilly "this isn't you Apple" Raven says "I've just got the most wicked idea" Apple says walking away the locker next to her bursts open and daring walks out screaming "wait for me!" he calls rushing after Apple. "She's right no one is gonna believe us," Raven says as Cerise comes from the shades "I will," she says walking over to us.

"I heard every word and they're not the only ones acting strange," Cerise tells us "something's making everyone act totally upside down" Cerise explains "well we better find out why and fast," I say determinedly Raven and Cerise nod in agreement. We track down Apple and Daring grabbing Briar on our way. We lose sight of her but find her again "Apple" Raven yells when we see the well of wonder. The four of us walk closer to her "Apple this is so not you. You would never do anything to hurt Ever After High" Raven tells her

"oh, poor Raven so nieve you're about to find out how wrong you really are" Apple explains Ashlynn burps and I gasp "Ashlynn? Hunter? You guys love nature I can't believe you'd do this" I say "believe it" Ashlynn says throwing the food in her hand behind her she makes an animal cry. A goat rushes towards the wooden sphere and head butts it into motion. The woodlands on the well acting as a blockage. The four of us scream "okay that's it" Raven says rushing over to the well "Cerise Briar Holly come on" Raven says "good luck with all that" Apple says sarcastically as the four of us try to move the wood off.

"Well I guess you've forgotten that I can use magic," Raven says making a ball of magic with her hands "actually Raven I think you're the one forgetting things," Apple says "oh yeah like what?" Raven asks as the well disappears. The four of us gasp "like the well of wonder never stays in one place very long" Apple says "you won't win Apple" Briar says "well this has been fun and all but see you later" Apple says as Hunter drops her a rope. Daring rushes over to her "oh wait for me" he yells "we'll find the well" Cerise says determinedly "gonna be hard without this" Apple says holding a book.
