Chapter 3.5-Teaser Trailer

Before I get started, here's a little something I whipped up today depicting my 2 fan-made DreamWorks Animation movies:

Neat, huh?

Anyways, I'm still whipping up ideas for Chapter 4, so that'll be up tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a transcript for the teaser trailer that I'm planning to attach to The Geo*Vision 3D Games:

After the MPAA rating screen, we get a 1-second shot of the 20th Century Fox logo which fades into the DreamWorks Animation logo with a computer-animated Corey fishing on the moon.

Corey: You know, I've never gone fishing from this angle.

Director(offscreen): CUT!

The director is shown to be Ice Cube as a real person.

Ice: What you be doing, Corey? No actor butchers up his lines this badly!

Corey: So? Laney does it too!

A computer-animated Laney walks by.

Laney: Face it, Core! I'm more professional!

Ice: She's right, you know!

Corey: I can be more professional than you, Lanes! Just roll the camera again, would you?

Laney: Yeah, when pigs fly!

A pig flies around the building before landing back at Kin & Kon. The former was operating the pig.

Kin: Sorry.

Corey: Don't mention it, dude! This ups my chances of being more-

Laney: By the way, I deem that flying pig a coincidence.

Ice: Not me! I'mma call up Katzenberg! I got a movie idea! Lunch break everyone!

Cut to the cafeteria where multiple people (including various DreamWorks characters) were eating their lunches. Kin & Kon sit at a table with Corey & Laney.

Kin: Opening weekend, what do you think? $100 million?

Kon: I'd go north of that! 130 million easily!

Kin: This ain't Pixar, bro! This is just a piece of crap DreamWorks film we're starring in.

Everyone in the room gasps.

Kin: You should've seen the look on Mr. Katzenberg's stupid face when Toy Story 3 dropped!

Kon: Yeah! Pixar's eleven-for-eleven! What's DreamWorks got in the pipeline? Wait, let me guess! More animals making pop culture references!

A badger walks by.

Badger: Well, I do know who Meghan Trainor is.

Followed by an elephant.

Elephant: And I have a Twitter! Tweet at me!

The elephant makes it's usual loud sound.

Kin: Those guys came up with A Bug's Life, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo & Wall-E all at the same lunch meeting! Our guys went into a room for 3 years and came out with Home! Isn't I rights, humanspeople? High hands-touching if you is agreeing!

Oh from the aforementioned movie comes by.

Oh: Now you is just being a racism!

Kin: Whatever!

Kon: I got a better one! Turbo! What's that even about?

Turbo the snail himself speeds in.

Turbo: Are you kidding me? That was about me! An average garden snail who after a freak accident finds himself-

Laney kicks the snail out of the way.

Laney: You guys talking about StinkWorks? What a freaking joke! Remember Monsters vs. Aliens? There's a clever name for a movie.

Kon: Check this out! Vampires vs. Robots! BOOM! I just wrote their next trainwreck!

Laney: Remember The Penguins of Madagascar? That should've been called "Sorry honey, Blockbuster ran out of Happy Feet".

Corey: I knew a chicken on the set of Kung Fu Panda.

Kon: Okay, that was actually alright.

Corey: Did that movie ever come out? I never saw a single commercial for it.

Kin: Really? There were like 4 billion-

Corey: I'm kidding!

Po the panda walks in.

Po: Come on, guys! That was everywhere!

Corey: Oh yeah! I saw it in my nightmares!

Kon: Actually, that's my second favorite Jack Black movie...behind Shark Tale!

Everyone in Grojband: Ooh!

Laney: I'll tell you one thing though! My cousins love both How to Train Your Dragon movies!

Corey: Yeah, mine too. I can't wait until they run that one into the ground come 2018 with a third film.

Kin: Yeah, and speaking of which, did you know that there's a sequel to The Croods coming in 2017?

Kon: What?

Laney: A sequel to that?

Belt from the movie comes up to do his "Duhn, Duhn, DUHN!"

Corey: And you know what else is coming in 2017?

Corey pulls down a white screen with the film's logo on it.

Announcer: DreamWorks' The Grojband Movie

The film's logo fades out and we get...

Announcer: In RealD & IMAX 3D!

Kin pops up.

Kin: And Geo*Vision 3D! That film already sounds like a dang trainwreck!

Kin goes down and we see the film's release date along with other info.

Announcer: In theaters January 27th, 2017.

Fade to black.
