Chapter 13

The ride to the Whilcock's manor was only lightly bumpy. There's a nervous tension in the air of the carriage, as John had told me had something to discuss with me at the end of the evening, just before we stepped in.

As we pull up to the big house, I look down at my dress to make one last inspection. Tonight, I wear a silky turquoise gown with deep orange bows to decorate my bodice and hem. The mask sitting in my lap matches my dress with its turquoise material and shimmering gold patterns. Sparkling blue gems add the extra flair that every masquerade costume requires. The bright colored feathers in my curly updo make it obvious that tonight I'm a peacock.

Just as the carriage pulls to a stop, I look to John and his costume. It's not really a costume, but his coat and mask are a deep blue to compliment my turquoise gown. When we had first received invitation, I had begged him to dress up with me, but he insisted he didn't want to distract from my costume (actually he said beauty, but that's not important. Oh great, now I'm blushing.).

John steps out of the carriage first, when it comes to a full stop. He turns and offers his hand to me to help me out of the carriage. The one problem I have with big skirts is the trouble of entering and exiting carriages. We slip on our masks and begin the walk inside.

The front doors are swung open, bright lights flooding out onto the front steps. The muffled music from inside grows louder the closer we get to the front entrance. The open curtains show the abundance of people who are already inside.

We make our way inside and enter the library, which has been turned into a makeshift ballroom. Despite Louise's lack of enjoyment for reading, her family has a library to rival my own. It's large with glimmering chandeliers and pastel tiled floors with floor to ceiling windows.

"Oh! I think I see Louise and Marie," I tell John and point to where the two girls are standing in a corner whispering and giggling to each other.

"You should go over and say hello. I'll go pay our respects to the host," he says.

"Alright. But don't forget, you promised me you'd do at least one dance."

Making my way around the outskirts of the library, I look around and observe the guests, making personal guesses as to who they are and what they're dressed as. I walk up right beside the two girls just as they burst into another fit of giggles.

"You're not already having fun without me, are you," I ask.

"Carleigh!" My friends exclaim in surprise.

"Ooh, look at that dress!"

"Absolutely exquisite!"

"Just stunning!"

"A lovely little peacock!"

"You've put together another wonderful ball, Louise," I compliment.

The Whilcocks put on at least two balls every month. They would host more, I'm sure, if they could, but balls take a lot of planning and preparations. This is mostly the doing of their youngest daughter, Louise, who has always had a flair for parties.

"Thank you very much! Where is your lovely fiancé?"

"Somewhere speaking with your father."

We turn to observe the ballroom full of vibrant gowns and jewel toned waist coats. The band is playing an upbeat waltz and everything is doused in golden light from the lit candles.

"I hear Admiral Norrington will be making an appearance," Marie says.

I start to feel hungry but I ignore it for the time being. "Where did you hear that?"

"A friend of a friend heard it in passing," she replies vaguely, waving her hand dismissively.

My stomach makes an unnoticed growl. "What do you think he'll come as?"

"Oh, he'll probably wear a black cloak and mask. That seems more his style," Marie guesses.

Louise hums in agreement. "Yes. 'The domino'. I do rather like that look. Very mysterious. I'm sure he pulls it off tremendously."

"With a face like his? He could pull off any look tremendously," Marie says and we all giggle.

My stomach makes a loud protest and we all look down to it. I grin sheepishly.

"Excuse me, but I think I should get something to munch on before my stomach drowns out the band," I excuse myself and turn to leave the two girls for now.

I walk to the other side of the room where the food table is. It's a long rectangular table covered with a garnet red cloth. The surface of the table is covered with silver platters filled to the brim with little delights.

Deciding to start light (because I can be responsible), I go for a single slice of pound cake. It's a lovely pastel yellow-ish color with a glistening glaze on top. I already know I'm going to have a second slice later. I turn to look at the books on the shelf lining the wall next to the table. I smile when I notice some of the books I've already read and look longingly at the books I have yet to read.

"Ah, I should've known I'd find you admiring books with food in your hands."

I spin to face the owner of the voice to find James in a black suit trimmed with gold detailing. His mask is gold as well with swirling engraved designs.

"James!" I gasp. "Look at you! You look absolutely splendid!"

He grins somewhat sheepishly. "Yes well, you had insisted..."

"And I insist you give me one dance." I bite into the pound cake. My God, this must be what heaven tastes like.

"You look lovely tonight." He discretely takes a slice of pound cake as well.

"Thank you." I wave my hand dismissively, turning to look at the guests. "I'm looking for John." I face James again. "He promised he'd dance with me, you know." I turn back to the guests to look for my fiance.

"I'm sure that took much convincing," he humors me.

"Oh yes. I pleaded with him all afternoon, but he finally caved." I smile to myself before taking another bite out of my pound cake. I hold the slice up to eye level and think aloud, "This is heavenly."

James hums in agreement.

"Oh, I found him! Excuse me." I offer a hurried curtsy before rushing off to meet back up with John, stuffing the rest of the pound cake into my mouth. "John!" I take his hands in mine and pull him closer to the center of the room, where skirts swish and the music comes to life. "Come dance with me!"


He ended up giving me three dances (which is pretty good for him), and after much begging from the girls, he danced with them for a song each. After a while, I could tell he was getting tired and pulled him to the side.

We stand near the refreshments table. I'm munching on another slice of pound cake and John's sipping on some wine. As another song comes to an end the dancing guests end their dancing in applause for their partners and the band. Oh, the poor band looks exhausted...

"This has been fun," I say, earning a hum of agreement. "But, I can tell you're getting tired. Perhaps we should leave early."

"Then you'd miss the unmasking," John argues.

"Yes, but there's only so much socializing and dancing you can do before you begin to get drained."

"I'll be fine. The ball will come to a close soon, and I know you enjoy seeing who everyone is."

I sigh and give in before finishing off my pound cake. I reach for a Queen Cake when a voice stops me.

"Would you care to dance, Miss Courtney?" Aw, James, not when I'm busy eating... "You had insisted earlier."

I look to John. "You wouldn't mind-"

"No, please, don't let me take away from your fun."

I smile gratefully and accept James' outstretched hand. As he guides me to the center of the room, I voice my complaints. "You interrupted my eating."

Apparently he finds this funny because he laughs at this. "I'm terribly sorry. I'll be much more mindful next time."

I nod firmly, a slight pout on my face. "Thank you."

He lifts his arm so I can spin. "Your fiance looks upset," he observes.

"Oh, that's just because he doesn't trust us," I reply nonchalantly.


"Yes, but he'll be fine. He was asking to be occasionally put to the side when he proposed. I've had many bonds before meeting him and it's just the same with him to me." James hums in response and I take this as an invitation to continue. "I mean, he has his dear friends Mr. Crawford and Miss Foster to whom he writes to all of the time. Not to mention his beloved mentor, who I'm sure he would be willing to break our engagement off for," I joke at the last part.

"But he wouldn't, of course."

I let out a small laugh. "Oh no, that'd be ridiculous."

We spend the next few minutes dancing through to the end of the song where we break apart and clap.

I'm grinning when I tease, "And you said you can't dance."

He's grinning as well. "I lied."

I gasp dramatically, my hand flying up to my chest. "Oh my! James Norrington? Lying? What has the world come to?"

He chuckles before guiding me back to John who has been watching us.

"How are you still upright," John teases. "I would've fallen over at this point if I'd done all the dancing you have."

I shrug. "Pound cake, I guess."

Both men chuckle and John offers me a glass of wine, which I take with a small thank you. I've been doing all this eating and haven't drank anything all evening!

"Admiral Norrington," Louise calls, making her way over to us. She's got a young man in her clutch trailing behind her, his deep blue suit contrasting with her bright red skirts. "Admiral Norrington, Marie hasn't a partner for this dance and I'd hate for her to be alone. Would you be so kind as to dance with her, please? Just this one dance, I promise!"

James gives her a small bow and agrees. "Of course, it would be my pleasure." He turns back to John and I, bowing to the both of us. "You'll have to excuse me. Miss Courtney, Mr. Witherby." After receiving a nod and curtsy, he leaves with Louise and her gentleman.

Looking out at the sea of dancing people, I sigh in content. "Isn't it marvelous? Just imagine. A ball just like this, right after our wedding. Only it'll be even better." I smile to myself, then glance up at John who offers me a small smile. Is he tired, or is he nervous? What would he be nervous about? Maybe I'm reading too into things...

I take a sip from my glass and continue. "Speaking of after the wedding, we have yet to discuss the honeymoon. My mother and I thought it would be good to set off a few days after the celebration and stay away for a week or so. What do you think?" I turn my face and attention directly at John.

He looks down at his shoes. "Um, I don't think that'll work," he says nervously.


He shifts his weight on his feet. "Well, it's just, I'll be a bit busy."

"What do you mean?" Now I'm nervous.

"This is what I was hoping to discuss with you later, actually. Why don't we wait until after the b-"

"Tell me now! Please, I want to know. Tell me now," I insist. I place my half-empty glass on the table and grasp his hand in mine.

He sighs and begins. "My mentor has written to me. He'd like to have me back in England to explain my research."

"And it has to be the week of our wedding? Postpone the meeting!"

"I can't. There are publishers who will be waiting, as well. They want to publish my work."

"When would you leave?" I'm feeling desperate. The air seems to be getting thin and my mask is starting to feel constricting.

John hesitates. "Two days after the wedding." His voice is barely above a whisper but somehow I manage to hear him perfectly.

Anger begins to bubble up inside me. "And when were you planning on telling me this?"

He glances around for any possible listeners. There are a few. But I don't really care right now. "Well, I was hoping we could have the wedding and then you would come with me."

"To England? For how long?" Oh God, this cannot be happening-

"For a few weeks, then we'd return here and get all of our stuff and go back to England."

"'Get our stuff-'? ''Go back to England'? Forever?"

"You'd love England. It's updated and forward thinking and exciting-"

"But my home is here. My family is here. I have friends at sea who will be expecting me to be here when they return."

"Friends like the Admiral?" His tone isn't exactly accusing, but how else could I describe it other than accusing with a note of sadness?

"Admiral Norrington isn't at sea," I reason.

"But you still wait for each other," he argues. "The two of you spend more time together than you and I do."

"He and I are friends! When you and I are married, we'll spend every day together." God, I think I'm going to cry... I better not cry- "Besides. What about you and Miss Foster?" He opens his mouth to argue but I continue before he can. "Don't think I haven't noticed those letters addressed to her. You almost write more to her than your dear mentor!"

"Miss Foster and I are friends and shall only ever remain that." He takes a deep breath. After a minute he starts. "This is important to me, and I understand that being here is important to you. I want you to be happy, and knowing you, I'm sure you want the same for me." I nod, tears burning my eyes. "Then, you're a very smart young woman, I'm sure you know where this has to go."

I shake my head vigorously. No, no, no, no. This cannot be happening-

He nods at me sadly and takes my left hand in both of his. "I told you I love you entirely, but I know those affections are not completely returned. I would feel like the most awful man in the world if I made you settle for someone you only loved just enough to marry." Please, no. N0, no, no, no- "I can only offer you some of the things you most desire. Love, books, a home. But you need more than that. I know the books you read. I know you long for adventure and excitement."

"But you said when you proposed that I complete you." Tears are slowly rolling down my cheeks from under my mask.

"And you do." His voice is caring and soft. "But I don't complete you." He looks down at my hand in his and slowly pulls the engagement ring off my finger and presses it into my palm, wrapping my fingers around it. "I want you to find someone who completes you. Who can give you everything that you desire and long for." I keep shaking my head no but he only nods at me, reassuring. He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

In the background, everyone claps and gasps in surprise as they pull off their masks, revealing themselves.

John bends his head down to kiss my cheek before slipping away into the crowd of colorful guests.

My mask feels tight so I rip it off and wipe hastefully at my eyes and wet cheeks. I look around at the full library. It almost feels like a crime that everyone else should be so bright and happy and colorful when something so awful had just occurred right in their midst.

My eyes accidentally find James' in the crowd from across the library. He gives me a concerned look which I pay no mind to as I turn on my heels and make for the exit as quickly as possible. I left for the ball in the middle of the chapter and would like to finish it. 
