
Hello everyone. Welcome to the end of the book. This is the chapter that I refer to as the "housekeeping" chapter, where I answer any remaining questions and address some concerns.

1) Clayton's Quirks

-So for those of you who don't know by now, there is going to be a spin-off in Clayton Johnson's POV. This is going to be a side project of mine, meaning that it won't updated as frequently as my other books. But that doesn't mean that it'll be forgotten about. Clayton's Quirks has already been posted (the description chapter) so you can add it to your library! Expect updates to begin starting next week.

-I'm also looking to cast Clayton. I've never been able to do so, because I've never found an actor suitable. As a reminder, Clayton is relatively tall with a a lean, muscular build. He's got blonde hair & green eyes. Suggestions are welcome!

2) Epilogue

-Yes there will be an Epilogue. That will be posted within the next couple of days. So keep your eyes open for that.

3) Bryce's POV

-There will also be a bonus chapter in Bryce's POV. The next chapter will be a "poll" for you guys to vote on a few different options on which chapter you'd like to see in Bryce's POV. I know given the ending of the book you guys probably want to stab my eyes out, but I figured that was the best I could do to compensate.

4) Dedication

-The final chapter was dedicated to @oreo2395 for all of her hard work and sacrifice for this book. I would've probably never finished this book without her aid, without her letting me vent to her about my writer's block. And major thank you for letting me verbally outline the final chapters, talk through my writing process. She always listens to my writer's rants, and she gives me helpful hints and tips in getting through the process. Plus she made the original cover for the story.

-Major throwback. And she made the second original cover.

-Many, many thank you's to Amanda. I couldn't have done it without you.

5) Why Did Bryce Have to Die?

-If I see one more comment that says that I've "eradicated hope for all cancer patients" I'm going to chuck my phone out of a window. Bryce is not the poster boy for all cancer patients. Bryce was never meant stand as a role model. He's a character in my story that goes on a life journey. That's all. He battled cancer and he didn't win, but that doesn't make him any less of a person. He lived a life worth living, it was just a shorter one than most of us are accustomed to.

-It was planned for Bryce to die from the moment I wrote the first sentence of the book. The how was still a little bit iffy, but cancer was the ultimate downfall. This book was based on the Tumblr posts you see about the "perfect" relationship. It took the perfect boyfriend and the perfect girlfriend and put them in a relationship together. It took a lifetime full of love and happiness, more than some people get in their entire lives, and condensed it into two years' worth. Bryce & Sophie were happy and content and whole-heartedly in love. No matter the time span and no matter the circumstances. And that was the main message of the book. Love doesn't have an age limit. Love doesn't have a time limit. Love is love.

6) Alternate Ending

-No, I will not be doing an alternate ending. This is the only ending that I can envision for this book, and I wouldn't feel comfortable writing another one. Please respect my wishes on this.

I love each and every one of you. Thank you for going on this year and a half long journey with me. I hope to see you all over at Clayton's Quirks.
