[Season 3] Chapter 43

[Embrace the Ugly and Beautiful.]

"God that's the 2 heartattack I almost had! We thought we lost you guys!" Munching on his last pack of Marshmallows. Donghai Chuckled and Scratched her Head. It was a Chaotic Drive since Mei was the one that Drove the car red son Provided for them.

It wasn't Cool but not bad either. So With the Dragon girls driving skills They drived through the desert leaving the Demon bull Family's home without Breaking their stuffs of course. Or maybe pissing off Demon bull king.

"Where's the brakes?! I can't see!"

"Seriously Mei it's right there!"

Driving and squashing themselves behind Mei, Sandy and Tripitaka Laughed at their Banterings while Mk is Busy Polishing the ring with his Jacket.

The car Red son gave to them was his old one. And out of all his Plenty of old cars the damn hot-headed Idiot gave them the One that has a Small space. Like

Can't he see They have a soft giant, one Dragon girl that packs a weight, a Monkey boy that's so Energetic and a Cicada Girl that got Elsa cursed?

Like shit the Dumbo has tons of Grandpa car shits and he Gave one that has a fucked up space!

"Seriously if I ever see that Red boy I'm gonna kick him"


"Where the sun doesn't shine"

Glaring at it, the Crew passed through a Familiar road, seeing the Vans Tracks Sandy points at it and all of them Cheered now having high hopes that maybe The others are not that far.

Closing in Mei slowly saw the end of the desert. Tall Trees and Rocks Donghai and Mk Awed now Finally leaving the Hellish Desert.

"Yeah so it happened like that. And uh Monkey king I think you need to know something" tapping the kings arms, he Hummed and Mei Glanced to Donghai that's keeping herself warm on the bonfire. With Mk Watching and listening to her read the map and even teach him how to read old Alphabets.

"While we're In DBK'S house Princess ironfan did a check up on my girl"

"Hm? Donghai? What about it?" Taking a bite again, Mei Scratched her Head and Looked away. To be honest she's also scared at her best friends Condition and She did cried A lot hearing it

"Ironfan said Donghai got curse or something by Ladybone demon. Some small bits of her powers got stuck on her and it would start spreading through her eyes"


For the first time, the king Choked and Crushed his Peach chips, patting his chest Wukong Gasped and Looked at Mei wide eye "Ironfan said that?!—wha—She got cursed?!" He Screamed, throwing away the Pack he immediately ran after Donghai and Grabbed her away.

Standing her up she Blinked once the King grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse or something. "Oh no— This is bad! Really bad!" He Groaned; cursing the Ladybone demon He Pat's the young girls Head.

"Monkey king?"

"Okay. The more reason to Find the samadhi fire rings."

"Uuuuh....Mei did you tell him about the Frozen stuff?"

"I did?"

Carrying her like a sack of cardboard Monkey king has put her back in her spot again, Scooting close to her Mk Looked at his Mentor Grab a lot of blankets and put it around them "Okay kid, you've been busy chit chatting with Mk here, Whatcha have about the map?" He Beamed, And Donghai Awed and Nods.

"Good Timing Monkey king! Donghai found another clue or something"

"Uh yeah! Which is this one!"

Pointing the Bunny drawing with the moon. Wukong Rubbed his Chin. To be honest he too knows how to read difficult Maps like. Ancient maps but His master back then kinda Has a Suspicion that he'll hunt the rings down so uh.....Tripitaka Did the most creative shit he could do.

"I can't believe it. We sealed the fire!"

Groaning inside the Demon bull kings Livingroom. Nezha and the King are all Slumped down the ground, while wukong on the other hand is....suprisingly Still has energy to Talk and Grin around.

"Shut up Wukong, you almost killed us all"

"Simians too confident and thought it's gonna be that easy."

"Oh come on you two! Look! Fire sealed, no Deds. See?"

He Grinned  but The Monk grabbed his Khakkhara and Bonked him out his head making him hiss. "You did a good job channeling your Energy but Being too confident to what you see might go downhill my dear Disciple" He Sighs, Finally Finishing up the final Drawing. He smiled at it and Nods.

"You done Great Monk?"

"I made it as much confusing."

Showing it to them Nezha Awed seeing the intricate designs of the drawing. Well it may be confusing since that's what the Monk did but he still pulled it off.

"Why....out of all the drawing techniques you did this Confusing thing" DBk Huffed, looking back to the drawing Tripitaka Laughed and Glanced to wukong who's also confused as to what The fuck are those.

"That's because can't Let some random uh...Demons come and hunting down the rings.

"It's Wukong isn't it?"

"Hey! I know the fire is dangerous! And I can't Take it!"

Glaring at the lotus prince Tripitaka stopped the two before they could grab each other's Nose. "Stop, stop You two. Long Ma what do you think?" Asking his Trusted Friend the Dragon Nods and smiled

"You know me well Master."

"Of course! Both of us have a good talk back in the garden!"

"Should we?"

"I mean....You don't want Demon bull king and Wukong to guard the map is it?"

Gasping at it, Ao Lie Laughed seeing his Older brother have that weird expression as if he got offended or something, Looking at the lotus prince Nezha stood  and smiled "lord Nezha, If you're so honored to. Please guard the map for us" Giving him the White paper and with a red seal in it. Nezha took it gently from the monk and smiled.

"You look like you wanted to really guard it from the very start."

"I—well I really do Great Monk. Thank you for trusting me uh....master" Bowing down Tripitaka Pat's his head and laughed seeing his pink Ears.  "Well then why don't we go and visit The kings son? Im sure he's fine now!" Beaming a smile DBK Chuckled at him and let the Monk go.

"I mean I could guard the map myself."

"You hear the master Wukong. Suck it up" nezha Smirked and The Monkey king rolled his eyes from him. "Hmph!"


"It looks like miss Chang'e's moon Palace, and there could be only one moon goddess"

"Wow girl your Smart!"

"Meeh it's just the drawing. Kinda obvious with the moon and the Bunny drawing in it" Nodding at them wukong and Mk didn't waste anymore time and go on preparing to take that Ring. Much to Pigsy's delight he Joined in the two and Excitedly Prepared his stuff to finally meet his idol.

"Where's Tang? Didn't see him though" Asking her Donghai Shrugged "he slept. Cuz he mentioned something about Monkey king having amnesia shit and Caused a huge headache to him?" Tang did said it to her that when they got Seperated. Monkey king got Some amnesia Rules and something like that.

And she didn't Question her teacher any further since it looks like the Scholar is about to die in stress.

"Tripitaka is Busy checking the ring or something. Oh well can't really understand Mystic powers but maybe he'll teach me someday."

Hearing a loud clang, Mk and Wukong undeniably made a rocket ship and the two girls only Blinked at it. Of course. They've gotten used to seeing Monkey powers. "Hey Hai! Mei! We're gonna go get that ring!" Mk Waved and Donghai Waved back.

Feeling a strong gust of wind a strong blast took off the Ship. Covering them all with her sheild Mei squints her eyes seeing the red and gold rocket ship took off towards the moon. "Hey Donghai....Do you feel scared?" Asking her, Mei smiled and the Calm wind passed through them. Adding another chopped wood to the bonfire Donghai Hummed.

"Mmmm...dying? Maybe?...."

"I'm scared too...."

Maybe dying is scary...they haven't experienced it yet but maybe Donghai did. "The Ladybone demon Froze me and I really thought I'm a goner. Well thank Monkey king I guess" She saw death...well almost since she can't feel her arms and her eyes too is getting blurry with all of the cold ice spreading through her body.

"What are you afraid of Mei? Did you get hit from her too?"

"Ah...no but....I saw Visions, it's like The whole world burning and the fire has a scary color too."

Admitting it to her, Donghai Blinked and Frowned once Mei Truthfully said it to her. Visions? Mei saw one? From who? Where? "I saw someone burning....I don't know but...it's Scaring me" who is it? Are they gonna destroy everything? She's sure that fire is the samadhi Flames.

Cause one fire that could Obliterate them is non other than the samadhi fire.

"Ya know. C'mere" gently Wrapping her arms around Mei, Donghai smiled and Pat's her. "Fire is not scary as it seems. Don't Be scared! Samadhi Flames blah blah. Sounds scary when we heard it from Trip and Monkey King right?" Mei Nods and Donghai Laughed at it.

"Fire is like having two Personalities. One is wild and two is Beautiful and grace!"

"You have fire yourself Mei. You're Feisty, Badass and Nice!"

Hugging her close, Mei Laughed at it and Pinched Donghai's side making her hiss at it "just Remember, fire is like negative and positive energy. It takes balance and Calming your wild Sides inside of you" smilling. Mei Sighs and Scoots close to her.

The Bone fire warming their cold nights as Tripitaka Smiled seeing the two girls have a small, truthful and Peaceful talk.

That's a strong bond of trust from them, it's like seeing two Soul sisters Understanding each other's differences and even though they have opposites. Sometimes being different from each other balances the two.

"What if that fire runs out of control?"


Rubbing her chin, Donghai Grinned "One must Remind them that no matter what happens, even if the whole world is against them. One Peace of themselves is always there to Stick with them! Like a dog and a cat!"

"Donghai you're such a dumbass"

"Hey come on! I'm giving you wisdom here! Coming from me Of course!"

Laughing The two dorks wheezed once Donghai talked all Wise; embracing each other Mei Hugged her best friend tight.

A comforting Light Flashing like a vision, the burning Person stood As if they are warning the other one who's Trying to get close to them.

Not until the one Ran after Them and their body Burned to a Golden Hues.

It's as if they are fighting the fire. From it's screaming Flames and Neverending burst of power. They pushed through and Gave a huge smile and a laugh, Hugging the one who's On Flames.

They embraced each other. It's like they're Seperated for some time now and even if the other ones colors is ugly red and black. The Golden Light Embraced the darkness with such Huge smile.

"Ya okay Mei? Did I hug you too tight?"

Asking, Mei Snapped out and Glanced to Donghai who's Offering her some Good Chocolate bar. Smilling at it Mei Grinned.

"Yup I'm good....I feel safe."

First vision she saw nothing but The fire destroying everything....

But maybe the second one is the one that made her feel safe and trust that the future still has suprises for them to face; Even if it's ugly and beautiful they have to embrace the Imperfect Outcome.

And Trust that there's still hope. Amidst in the Darkest and freezing Time they are Fighting.

'One star is always there to Light up the Dark road."

'Just mere one small Light....and that was enough to Create the whole Constellations of stars'

—The Golden Cicada Season 3

[I love small talks between these two besties. Girlpower guys]
