our story

changes, the first chapter in this story was published on june 8th, 2018. safe, the last chapter in this story was published on october 28th, 2018. 4 months of sleepless nights, and days indoors, spent writing and thinking of ideas. funny thing is, i enjoyed every single one of those sleepless nights and those days indoors. i wouldn't change those days for anything in the whole world. i remember when i hit 100 reads, i was so happy. now look at this story, currently at 1.52k views, something i couldn't even dream of, but here it is. this is our story. you did this. you kept me awake and writing. you kept ideas flowing through my mind. that was all you. and for that i thank you. you said, 'maybe i'll read this,' and by doing that you gave me a chance. there was a period of time within those 4 months, that i gave up in my life. i stopped being alive. i was a walking dead girl. i attempted suicide. but i survived. and i continue to survive. who did that? well one was my close friend, he's my world. and also you. i thought, 'there are people who like to read my stuff, what will they think when i am gone.' probably nothing, but hey, some of you really supported me. example: SkittlezinHell she supported me for a long time. and i appreciate her so much for that. i've been going through comments in my story and she is always so supportive to me! i'm not just philip defranco pandering here man, i'm serious. there will be and update chapter. a year after all the events that took place in 'finale.' again, thank you so much for reading. i'm not sure what to write now, any suggestions? i don't know where the world will take me next, but when i do, i'll be sure to follow that path.
