Those Eyes

She woke to stiff muscles and darkness, which was unusual. It was usually light when she got up.

Maybe she hadn't slept all the way through the night.

Stretching, she craned her neck to look up at the clock on the wall.

3:30 A.M.

She rolled over with a groan, wanting to fall back into th blissful dream. Her head fell back on the pillow and she could feel sleep claim her once again.


"Stop struggling, babe. It'll hurt less." He mumbled against her ear as she sobbed in pain.


Lucifer suddenly found that he was blocked out of the dream she was having. Which meant that the spell had somehow broken, leaving Hanna at the mercy of her nightmares.


In an instant, he was by her bedside, trying to re-cast the spell and save her from the memories that haunted her. The issue with the spell he had been using, is that it only works when the receiving end had just fallen asleep, before any other dreams could take hold.

Blast it all! He thought, when suddenly, an idea struck.

Wait, what if I just wake her myself?

The nightmare was so vivid, that she whimpered and thrashed around in her sleep, drawing his attention. Tears poured down her face freely in the throes of her night terror.

Careful not to scratch her, he looped an arm under her knees and one behind her shoulders, carrying her bridal style over to the rocking chair in the corner. He sat down, cradling her in his arms as he rocked her back and forth.

"Hanna, love, it's just a dream. Wake up, my queen."


The boy bit down hard on her neck, causing her to cry out as his hands traveled downwards, drifting past her stomach.

"N-no, p-please! No, no, no!"

"You brought this upon yourself. This is what you get."

He gripped her thighs with a bruising force before moving himself forward slightly between her legs to grip her hips.

Then, she screamed.


She didn't just scream in the dream, but also in the real world, startling the man holding her.

This doesn't seem to be working.

"Hanna," He called, smoothing her hair down and holding her against his body. "Darling, wake up."


"Hanna... Darling, wake up."

Who was that?

Suddenly, the car door behind the boy opened, someone grabbing and pulling the teen off her and dragging him onto the asphalt.

She laid there, crying in both pain and relief as she could hear the male's screams from outside the car.

Heavy footsteps could be heard coming towards the car, sounding unlike the boy's steps, but she wasn't able to look up to see.

She felt someone lift her out of the backseat of the car and press her into their chest. Her teary eyes wandered up to gaze up at her savior.

She was met with sanguine eyes that held sorrow and regret.

"I'm so sorry, my darling."

She didn't respond, too shaken up to speak, but she clung to him tightly.


He sighed as she finally calmed down, snuggling into his chest as she opened her eyes.

Tears filled them still, spilling down her bruised face. He brought a hand up and wiped them away as they fell, trailing the back of his hand down her cheek.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get to you in time. This never should have happened to you."

She sniffled before placing her palm against his face, looking into his saddened eyes as he placed his hand over hers.

"I forgive you."
