First Year ~ Y1


Finding my classes was the ward part and getting used to the mass amounts of homework. I spent a lot of my time in the common room or library studying. Luckily, Fred and George had all the same classes as me. We only had Charm, potions, and a History of magic with Cedric. He would study with me and the twins in the library and the grounds and he always ate with us at Griffindor's table.

I slowly became good friends with Angelina and Katie. They were sweet girls.

I quickly learned that Fref and George loved pulling pranks and they immediately recruited me and Cedric. We didn't want to cause trouble with the teachers yet, so our main target was Filtch and his cat. We set off fireworks when they walked by, we lured owls into Filtchs office one time.

The best part was he didn't know it was us. It was fun. I and the boys became inseparable. They are my best friends and I coul8be any luckier.


Fred and George developed a new prank weapon they called a Dung Bomb. Somehow these idiots managed to create a bomb that released a horrible smelling gas when it touches the ground.

We first tested it out in the common room. Then we tested it on Cedric. We told him to meet us in the library but as he was turning a corner, Fref launched it at him.

We couldn't contain our laughter and Cedric looked at us in horror. He quickly broke into a smile and I ran up and hugged him.

"Sorry Ced, but we needed a test subject," I say stifling a laugh.

"Glad I could be of assistance," he said. We all started laughing again.


The Halloween feast was amazing. Cedric had to sit at his table but he would throw paper airplanes at us. The ghosts soared over us and pumpkins hung from the ceiling. One ghost, Peeves, started throwing buckets of ice-cold water on students. Filch ended up chasing Peeves but the Peeves was chasing Fitch. I almost fell out of my seat laughing. After the feast, I and the boys decided to roam around the grounds. Fred dared George to touch the Whomping Willow. George starred in shock at his brother but eventually agreed. I held onto Fred and Cedric as we watched George approach the tree.

George just barely touched the tree when the branches started swinging around. One branch picked George up and was now in the air. We were screaming for George. We turned around and a branch picked us all up.

I was screaming my head off. The branch started descending and we were flung into a hole under the tree. I landed on Fred who was Cedric.

George helped us up. I landed on my arm and it hurt pretty bad.

"I think it's a tunnel guys," Cedric says looking around. I turned to the boys with a smile.

"Let's go," I said. They smiled and followed me down the tunnel. We eventually found ourselves in what looked like an old shack.

"Wow," I say. I walked into one of the rooms and to my horror; found scratch makes on the walls.

"Guys look at this," I say. They walk into the room and examine the walls.

" what do you think these belong to," Fred asks. I shrug my shoulders. Cedric leaves the room and enters another one.

"Guys! Come check this out!" He calls. We run to the room with Cedric and find words written on the wall.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. The Marauders.

We stare in awe at the wall. Dates were also carved near the name.

"Who do you think they are?" George asks.

" I don't know, but they sound amazing," Fred says rubbing his hand over the wall. The boards start creaking and we can hear the wind blowing through the house. We look at each other a little scared.

"Time to go," Cedric says. We all nod and start running down the tunnel. We run out of the hole and can avoid the swing branches of the tree. We laugh as we get back to the common room. Cedric says goodnight and leaves. Me and the twins say goodnight and we part ways.


November was pretty much uneventful. Me and Fred did end up getting detention because he copied my potions homework. Snape was nice when I met him and he was sympathetic. Now he acts cold and rude. I think he only does it when other students are around. I stayed to help Katie clean up her potions explosion after one class. Professor Snape came up and handed me my grades paper. I got an A on it. A picture fell out when I unrolled the parchment. It was a picture of my mum, my dad and me. My dad was holding me and my mum was holding was dad's hand. I was really young. Barely even born. We were happy.

Tears came to my eyes and I looked up at Snape. He gave a small, soft smile and then walked away.


Thanksgiving came around and we bugged Filch more than ever. He was chasing us after we released a dung bomb on his office. We ended up piling in a closet. I was smashed between Cedric and Fred. We heard Filch pass us and we burst into laughter.

The Thanksgiving Feast was brilliant! We were able to sneak Cedric to our table and he ate with us. Charlie saw but only smiled and didn't say anything. He silently thanked him.

I had a run-in with a Slytherin. Marcus Flint. Ugh. He was cruel and pathetic. He insulted me every time a saw him. Yelling stupid things at me and then calling the Weasleys poor and weak. I hated him. He insulted my friends.


Winter came and the grounds were covered in white powder. It was beautiful. We spent the last day before Winter break in the library. We told Cedric to meet us there when he got word from his father about whether he could stay for Christmas. The twins were. And Charlie. Percy was going to the Burrow. I'm not complaining. He was a little stuck up and annoying.

We were waiting for Cedric when he comes running into the library. We and the twins sit up in anticipation. Cedric breaks into a smile.

"I can stay!" He said. We cheered and hugged him. We then got kicked out of the library and had 10 points taken away each for disruption. We laughed as we skipped down the hallway.

The only people that stayed for Christmas in Griffindor were me, the twins, and Charlie so we were able to sneak Cedric in. We almost got caught by McGonagall but Charlie cast a spell so he couldn't be seen.

We spent hours playing wizard chess and having snowball fights until our hands turned blue.

We also discovered the kitchen and the thousands of house elves that worked down there. They were kind and always let us take food back to the common room.

On Christmas Eve, we had piles of sweets by the fire. We decided to build a fort in the common room. We hung blankets but the biggest fort ever! We decided to sleep in.

One Christmas morning, we woke up and moved the first so we could get to the tree. All of Cedrics presents were also there. We started digging in.

Fred and George gave me a large package of Chocolate frogs because they knew they were my favorite. Angelina sent me a lion necklace and Katie sent me a book on Quidditch. Susan and Tom sent me some Wizard money and a picture of me and them when I was young. Cedric gave me a new satchel because mine ripped when I was running from Filch one day. Charlie gave me a small wizard chess set and their mum, Mrs.Weasley knitted me a maroon sweater with a gold J in the middle. I put on my sweater and started digging in my sweets.

I watched as the boys open my presents to them. I got Cedric a new set of quills and a black beanie. The twins each got a package of sweets and fudge and a book from Zonkos Joke shop. I asked Charlie to get it for me when he went. Angelina got a pair of gold earrings and Katie a pair of Quidditch socks. We were messing around when Fred noticed one more gift.

"Oi! There's one more gift," he said picking it up.

"Who is it for?" I ask has I put my head on his shoulder.

"It's for you," he says handing it to me. I frown and take the package. I sit on the ground and the boys sit around me. I pick up the card and read it out loud.

"Your father left this in my possession before he died. I felt as if I should pass it to you. Use it well." I read.  "It's not signed," I say.

"Open it," says an excited Cedric. I open it to reveal a long shimmery blanket.

"What is it?" George asks. "I don't know," I say. I drape it around me and the boys gasp and step back. I look down and my hand flies to my mouth. My body had disappeared.

"What the hell?" I scream.

" No way. Jordon, that's an Invisibility cloak!" Cedric says standing up and touching it once he finds it.

"No way," I say.

"Who gave it to you," George asks. I shake my head and shrug. "It said it was my father's." 

"That's one of the Deathly Hallows," Cedric says.

"A what?"

" A Deathly Hallow. Haven't you guys read the book?" We shake our heads. Cedric leaves and then comes back with the book. He starts reading from the book. As soon as he says Elder wand, my heart stops and that same stinging pain shoots through my body. I let out a grunt as the pain disappears.

"Jordan are you ok?" Fred ask. I compose myself.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I say. They nod. Cedric continues reading. When we are done, we run outside and begin an epic snowball fight. We also raid the kitchens with treats and snacks. 

The boys fall asleep in the common room. I stay up. Once they are passed out, I grab my wand and my cloak and threw it over myself. I walk out of the portrait hole.

I make my way down to Dumbledore's office. I reach the Griffin stature and the staircase begins moving. It takes me up to a door. I take the cloak off and gently knock on the door. It swings open and I step into a circular room with strange objects. I see the Headmaster hoving over a bowl with blue glowing water.

"Ahh Jordan, I've been waiting for you to visit me. I think you have a few questions for me," he says.

"Um, yes actually. You see, I was wondering if knew what happened the night Voldemort murdered my parents. I think something happened to me. A few times I have felt the strong pain shooting through my body. It's only happened since I have had my wand, but I feel like it's connected to their death somehow," I say.

"The night that you got your wand, Mr.Olivander sent me an owl telling me that this certain wand had chosen you. This wand is one of the most powerful in existence. I don't have the answer to your question, but I think that the night Voldemort tried to kill you and Harry, some of his power was lost to you that night making you a very strong magical being. With a very powerful wand in your hand, I think that both of these kinds of magic are trying to mix. It's only a guess though. In time, your powers will become stronger and you will get to take control of them. Oh, I see you got my gift. Your father left that and I thought it best if you had it," he says gesturing to my cloak.

"My father left it too? Wow, thank you, sir," I say. He nods.

"Do you have anything else to ask me?"

I shake my head and start to leave his office. "Merry Christmas sir,"

"Merry Christmas Jordan."


Well me and the boys are in a lot of trouble. For some stupid reason, we decided to test a smoke bomb out on Filch. I forgot my cloak, but we agreed that we didn't need it. Boy were we wrong. We set off the smoke bomb in his office but Filch was ready and grabbed us. He shoved us in the office and locked it.

"Now I got ya. I've been waiting to see who has been causing trouble these past months and now I got ya. I'll report you and-"

I wasn't really paying attention to Filch's lecture. I had spotted a piece of blank parchment on his desk. I all of a sudden had an urge to grab it. I needed it. I grabbed a dung bomb and smoke bomb that I had been hiding in my robes. I stood up and threw them on the floor. I heard one of the boys yell "Alohamora." I grabbed the parchment and me and the boys sprinted down the corridor. We kept going until we were sure we had lost Filch. We took a breath with our hands on our knees.

"What.........the..........h-hell.........Jordan," George pants.

"S-sorry," I say. I unroll the paper and look at it. Blank.

"What is that?" Cedric asks walking over to me.

"I don't know. I just had a feeling that I had to grab it," I explain.

"Maybe a bit of a warning next time would be nice," Fred complains. I turn the paper over and get an idea. I point my wand at it and say "Reveal your secrets."

Words start to appear all over the map. "Woah," I whisper.

Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, are proud to present The Maurders Map

This is a map that shows where every person is, every moment of every day. To see the map, simply point your wand at the paper and say:

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

To hide the map, say:

Mischief Managed

Otherwise, anybody can read it.

"Guys, it's the Mauraders, the people from the shack," I say.

"No way, this map is amazing, we're never gonna get caught again," Fred says high fiving his brother. I hand it to Ced who wants to look at it.

"Oh uh, look! Filch is heading this way," he says pointing to the moving footsteps labeled "Filch" that are right around the corner. We bolt down the hallway and eventually find ourselves in the library. We find a quiet corner and sit down. We examine every inch on the map. Eventually, Madame Pince, the librarian, kicks us out.

I hold ou the map to the boys. "Here," I say. They shake their heads and push it back towards me.

"You found it, you keep it," Ced says.

"Wow, thanks, guys. But it's ours. I'll just be the one to hold onto it," I say. They break into a smile and we walk towards our common rooms.


Recently, I have become good friends with Hagrid. I had been taking a walk near the forest when I encountered a strange creature. I screamed and Hagrid heard to come to help me and scarred the creature away.

"What was that?" I ask.

"That was a Thestral. Scary creature but really helpful. Only people who have witnessed death can see them." Hagrid says. I stare at him in shock.

"Really?" I ask. Hagrid sadly nods.

"You know Jordan, I was the one that got you and Harry out of Godric's Hallow after Voldomorts disappeared. Ye were young and so small. Harry too. Poor kid, fell asleep in my arms." He says sadly.

I visited Hagrid on a regular basis. The boys never really came with me. Hagrid would tell me about my parents since he briefly knew them.


Could Fred and George Weasley be any stuppider? We were eating dinner in the great hall and these words come out of Fred's mouth.

" Me and George are going to the Whomping Willow again to find that shack. Want to join?" he asks. 

"What?" I ask.

"Dangerous tree? Want to come?" George asks inncoccently. Even though I said it was stupid, and it still is, I broke into a smile.

"Hell yeah," I say. I walk over to Ced who has just entered the hall. I grabbed his arm and turned him around. He has learned not to ask or question it at this point. 

I grabbed my invisibility cloak and threw it over all of us. We snuck out of the castle and made our way to the tree. It got dark so we took of the cloak. We held hands and started running toward the tree. It kept swinging at us, but we were able to avoid it. We jumped down into the hole.

"Lumos," I say holding out my wand. The boys all whisper the same spell and we walk through the tunnel and eventually find ourselves in the shack. We walked around. We read stuff that was written on the walls but we found no real names.


It's our last month at Hogwarts. We had all of our exams and tests and whatnot, so we were always busy studying.

On our last week at Hogwarts, Cedric thought it would be cool to write our names in one of the rooms in the Whomping Willow. We had discovered that there was a knot that we could hit and it would stop the tree from hitting. We just threw rocks at the knot until someone hit it.

We walked into the room we chose and we picked a wall. In turn, we wrote our names on the wall. When I finished writing my name, I stepped back and we admired our work. I linked my arm with Ced's and leaned my head on his shoulder. Fred held my other hand and George hugged us from behind.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," I say.

"Nope, we are not saying goodbye when we have one week left," Ced says shaking his head.

"Yeah I agree," Fred says. I just giggle and we decide to leave.


One our last day of potions, I finally got the best of my enemy, Marcus Flint. I walked into potions with my friends and sat at our usall table. Snape wasn't in the room yet, so Flint decide to act.

"Oh look, it's the Weasels, pretty boy and their girlfriend. Don't know why you hang around with Losers. The Weasels are poor and pretty boy would prefer to hang around with people that fawn over him not you-" he taunts. But I interupe him before he can finish.

"Petrificus Totalous!" I shout pointing my wand at Flint. His hand shoot to side and he freezes. He falls over with a loud thud.

The class stares at the petrified Flint with shock and amusement.

"Wow Jordan, I didn't know you could do that," Fred says with shock all over his face.

"Damm, wish we knew you could do that sooner," George jokes. The class is laughing and pointing at Flint when Snape walks in. He stops at Flint and looks around the class room.

"Who is responsible for this?" he asks. All the Slytherins point towards me. I just shrug.

"He deserved it," I say. Snape just looks at Flint.

"No dueling in my class," is all he says. He walks to his desk and begins giving the instructions.

"Woah, he didn't even get mad at you," Cedric whispers as he opens his potions book. I shrug and listen to Snape. He makes eye contact with me and gives a small, discrept smile. I smile back and start on my work.

It's the day we leave Hogwarts. I'm in the dorm packing my stuff with Angelina and Katie. We are talking and laughing and we keep telling each other to keep in touch. They finish early and head to the feast. I sit down on my bed and look at the pictures of this year. I smile as I flip through them.

The feast was amazing! The best one they had yet. I sat in between Katie and George. Dumbledore gave the house to the Sytherins. Ugh.

"Before you all board the train I have one last reminder," Dumbledore says. We all turn and listen. "No students under the age of 17 are allowed to use Magic outside the school." Fred and George jump out of their seats.

"What?" Fred screams.

"No fair," Shouts George.

"Yes I'm afraid that's the rule Mr. Weasleys, now please sit down." They sit down and frown at Dumbledore.

It's time for us to board the train. We load our stuff and find a compartment. Cedric sits next to me with friend and George across from us. Just like how we started.

On the train ride we eat snacks, mess around and talk. We reach Plateform 9 3/4 and we get off.

I load my stuff onto the trolley and I run through the barrier. I see a whole family of red heads on the other side. The woman runs up to the Twins and squeexes them. I turn and find Tom and Susan waiting for me. I run up to them and through my arms around them.

"Aww we missed you Jordan," Susan says.

"I missed you guys too! I'm glad to be back," I say pulling away. We catch up for a minute when I feel a tap on the shoulder. I turn to find Cedric and Amos.

"Jordan, how good to see you again."

"Good to see you too Mr. Diggory," I say.

"Please I told yo to call me Amos," he says. I nod. "You know, in a almost every letter Ced sent me, he always mentioned you. I'm glad you too have become good friends." Cedric blushes and I giggle.

The red headed woman and her husband walk up to me.

"Jordan Potter, a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Arther Weasley and this is my wife Molly. Honestly we though the boys were joking when they said you guys had become friends. I hop you kept them in line at school," Arther says. I smile.

"Nice to meet you. And honestly sir, I think I got into more trouble than them," I say. Everyone starts laughing. The twins come up and throw their arms around me.

"Owl us everyday Jordan," Fred says. "Of course," I say back.

"We'll miss you," George says and he and Fred pull away. Cedric comes up and hugs the twins and then hugs me. I melt in his embrace.

"I'll miss you. Pretty boy," I giggle.

"Hey!" he say pulling away. I burst in laughter and he just smiles and shakes his head. I say goodbye and we leave the station. I get into Tom and Susans car. The Londan rain is pouring down and I look out the window watching it fall. I sigh as I begin to miss my friends. It's gonna be a long summer without them.
