Chapter 5

Edited 8•17•17

Ryder's POV(boy)

I look over and find Ryder sitting back at the edge of the pool with her feet in the water. There is something about her that pulls me towards her, I don't know what.

Kris is on the diving board and Mya, Ryder's friend, creeps over to kris and pushes her off of the diving board.

"You little- kris says.
"Uh profanity"Mya interrupts her, In fits of laughter and then is pulled into the pool by kris.

I look over at Ryder
"So when do I get my piggy back ride?"

Uh? Lemme does never sound?" She says

"It sounds terrible" I say pouting

"Oh well, grow some balls" she says walking inside.

"I have balls" I yell over

"Haha you wish" she yells form inside.


Authors note 💕

I'm starting to edit the chapters but since I have somewhat of a different perspective on writing, I'm not only edited my mistakes but deleting some of the writing because what I had written before is no longer in my interest. Have a lovely day 💕
