Friday Night Frights And Plights

~If I'm not back in five minutes, just wait longer.~ -Ace Ventura, Ace Ventura, Pet Detective

"He's a huge awesome robot! All he'd have to do is yank on the warp engine nacelles." Rory exclaimed in frustration. You snorted.

"Okay, that's like saying a dude could fight a boat!" Benny shot back.

"Please, it's more like a small mammal could fight a boat." You high-fived Benny as Rory stuck his nose up in the air and walked ahead of the three of you, clearly upset.

"Guys, just.... can't we do this in a girl free zone?" Ethan begged as we passed by Sarah's locker.

"You mean a Sarah free zone." You teased.

"Shhh! She'll hear you!" He hissed back. You chuckled and turned your attention back to Benny and Rory, who had gotten further ahead in the time you had looked away.

"Come on, Rory. Don't be a sore loser." He snapped back around to glare at you.

"I have not lost this argument, yet!" He declared.

"Give me one more good reason he'd-" Rory cut you off.

"He's a robot in disguise! He'd just show up as a harmless truck!" Benny looked exasperated at this point.

"In space?!?" He cried. Rory opened his mouth to object, but sighed instead.

"Hey, coach." Benny sighed. 

"What are you" You asked. He was holding the school's only trophy and gazing at it with some mixed emotions.

"Say goodbye, boys....and girl. Time to put this old relic into storage." You glanced at Ethan to see that he was just as confused as you.

"But, isn't that like, the only trophy this school has ever won?" Benny had to suppress a chuckle at that. You gently nudged him with your elbow.

"Yes, but it, uh, it sends the wrong message, you know?" You rolled your eyes. Obviously, you didn't know or you wouldn't have asked. "Winning isn't everything. Yeah, sure our teams come last in points, but, oh boy, we come first in so many other important areas."

"Yeah, like... point...avoiding." Benny joked. Rory laughed and you slapped his arm.

"How about our academic record?" You offered.

"Yeah, exactly. Thank you, (Y/n)!" You simply smiled back at him.

"Suckup," Benny whispered to you.

"Gets me further in life, is that so wrong?" He didn't get the chance to reply as Rory pointed to the trophy case.

"That is one sad trophy case!" The coach shook his head at him and turned to Ethan.

"Here, can you hold that for a second?" Ethan nodded his head.

"Yea, sure." As soon as Ethan touched the trophy, it glowed blue and an orb shot out of it.

"Oh! Nerd alert!" You jumped and spun around. There stood a middle-aged man with dark skin and a tiny afro. He ruffled Benny's hair. "Get a haircut, beanpole!" 

"What'd you do that for?" Benny asked Rory in frustration. You just stared blankly at the man as he walked past you and sauntered over to Ethan.

"Wait you can see me, mop top?" He asked Ethan. You left Benny's side and hurried over to Ethan's.

"Yeah, I...I guess." You tapped Ethan on the shoulder.

"Who's he?" The man looked at you.

"You can see me too? Man, this is one crazy day. To answer your question, I am a winner, kids. That's probably why you don't recognize me." Okay, you were officially ready to punch this guy. "I was the finest coach this school ever had right before it was overrun by nerds, like you nerds." You glared at him.

"Who're you calling nerds?" Ethan asked, his voice one octave higher. The coach turned around and looked pointedly at Benny and Rory.

"Why don't you transform and roll out dumblebee?" Benny fumed.

"'re a warp ten butthead!" Rory shot back.

"You're both not optimized for life..." You mumbled under your breath. The coach turned and pointed at your shirt. It was a homemade Star Wars Vs. Star Trek tank top.

"Leave my shirt out of it!" You hissed at him.

"Okay, point taken," Ethan told the man. "So.... what do you want?"

"First, I'd like to thank you for letting me out of that there trophy. Feels great to be free after 30 years!" You mimed him and made fun of his hand movements. "Now I can finally do things like this," He flicked his finger and Ethan's pants fell down. Ethan and Rory laughed at him.

"Space theme, huh? I would've guessed spiderman." Sarah chuckled. It was then that you felt a faint breeze tickle your stomach. "Going a little bold today, (Y/n)?" Sarah asked as you looked down. You yelped and covered your bare stomach.

"How dare you!" You hissed to the old coach. He had made your tank top disappear, leaving you in your sports bra. You heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Benny with a bright red face staring at you. Your cheeks tinted pink.

"Stop staring, Weir." You moved your hands from your stomach to cover your chest. Benny's eyes flicked up to meet yours and then he turned away. You quickly undid your jacket, that was hanging around your waist, and slipped it on. Once it was zipped all the way up, you rushed to class as fast as you could.

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"Ah, here he is. Coach Ed." Ethan said flipping through a yearbook. "Says he was the gym teacher 30 years ago."

"He's ancient," Rory remarked. Benny leaned in towards Ethan.

"Is he here right now?" You rolled your eyes. Coach Ed stood up and knocked Benny's sandwich out of his hands.

"Nice sandwich, halter-top." Thanks to your quick reflexes with magic, you caught it (via telekinesis) and returned it to Benny before anyone could see.

"I'll take that as a yes, Jerk! Thanks, (Y/n)." You flashed him a smile.

"There must be some way to stop him or get him to move on." Ethan thought aloud.

"Fat chance. I ain't going anywhere." Coach Ed told Ethan. You glared at the ghost-man.

"Can I at least have my shirt back?" You stabbed your fork into your salad when he shook his head.

"I think Beanpole over there likes you better with your shirt off." You choked and Ethan tried to suppress his laughter.

"Don't agree with him, E!" You whisper-yelled to your other best friend. Benny and Rory looked very confused. You couldn't look Benny in the eye after that comment.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Ethan stated and walked out of the lunchroom. Coach Ed got up to follow him. You quickly shoveled the rest of your salad in your mouth and hurried after him.

"(F/L aka. the first letter of your name)," Benny spoke out of breath as he and Rory caught up to you, "I know we're all best friends and everything, but he did say he was going to the bathroom."

"I know, B, but that ghost coach followed him out here and I think he's-" You were cut off by Ethan screaming and he was dragged down the hallway by a seemingly unseen force. "-in trouble." You finished your sentence and ran after Ethan. By the time you caught up to him, he was already shoved and locked in his locker.

"You okay in there, E?" Benny asked gently knocking on Ethan's locker door.

"Yeah, but please hurry with getting me out." You gently nudged Benny out of the way, input Ethan's combo, and swung open the door. Ethan was awkwardly crammed into his locker. This time it was Rory who gently nudged you out of the way and grabbed onto Ethan. After a few unsuccessful attempts to pull him out, Rory chose to speak instead of work.

"Wow, Coach sure jammed you in there good! I may have to dislocate one of your shoulders to get you out. Is that okay?"

"No!" Ethan shouted.

"Rory, hun, I got this." You pushed Rory away and stood in front of Ethan. After a few mumbled words in Latin, Ethan popped right out of the locker.

"Thanks, (Y/n). Do you or Benny know any spells that can get rid of ghosts?" Coach Ed appeared behind Ethan and you immediately took a defensive position beside Benny.

"No way! My curse is ten times stronger than any little weenie magic show. You may as well just give up now." He said leaning against the lockers.

"Hey! I take great offense to that!" You grumbled. Ethan waved his hands around.

"What is your deal? Is this all about that dumb trophy?" Rory and Benny looked at us like we were crazy.

"That trophy is not dumb! That trophy represents this school's finest hour; this school's only fine hour!" You shrunk back behind Benny at the tone of his voice.

"Okay fine! If I get it back in the case, will you leave me alone?" Ethan asked a bit terrified as well.

"The only way I'm moving on is if you win me a shiny new trophy!" Ethan let out a strangled laugh and you snorted.

"Ha! Me? Win a trophy? For sports?" Coach Ed nodded. "No way! Not in a million years."

"A million years? I can do that!" He waved his hand and Ethan's pants fell down again. You, Rory, and Benny let out extremely loud laughs.

"Some things never get old!" Coach Ed laughed. You felt Benny's hand brush against your side... your bare side. You yelped once again. Benny looked over at you and faltered. This time you didn't have a jacket to cover yourself up. 

You've known Benny for a long time. Therefore you knew most of his personality. Cassanova wannabe, a shameless flirt, extreme video gamist, crazy geek, and on the off-times a sweet protective boy. This was one of those off-times. Instead of staring like he did last time, he gently took you into his arms and tried to cover as much of you as he could. 

Coach Ed laughed and disappeared in a vanish of smoke. Ethan and Rory were catching on to Benny's plan and moved to stand in front of the both of you as everyone filed out of the lunch room on their way to class.

"Thanks, you guys." You mumbled against Benny.

"Anytime," Benny whispered back as he tightened his grip on you and buried his nose in your hair. 

When the hall was clear of students Benny let go of you and the others stepped away from you. They kept their eyes away from your chest to be polite.

"I'm sorry that you guys will be late for class." They shook their heads.

"It's no problem." Ethan smiled at you.

"Yeah, you'd do the same for us!" Rory grinned.

"You guys go to class, I'll catch up," Benny told them. They nodded and walked off as Benny gently took hold of your arm and pulled you after him.

"Where are we going?" You asked him as you turned down the corner heading for the gym lockers.

"I have an extra shirt in my gym locker you can borrow. And don't worry, it's clean." You giggled at his joke.

"Thanks, Benny. I owe you one now." He smiled at you and found his locker. He quickly inputs the combo and pulled one of his normal striped, green, polo shirts. You took it from him and quickly pulled it on over your head. When you looked back at Benny, he was looking at you and blushing. You tilted your head questioningly.

"You look so hot wearing my shirt!" He breathed. A faint pink arose to your cheeks as well. You had to admit that since the shirt was a few sizes too big, it was very comfy.

"I guess I'll just have to wear them more often." You winked at him. He sucked in a breath and tightened his grip on his bag. But, before he could reply, a teacher cleared their throat. You both turned around to see Principal Hicks.

"What are you two doing out of class?" He asked raising an eyebrow. You turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry Principal Hicks. I just ran into some trouble with a wardrobe misfunction today and Benny was only helping me out." Principal Hicks didn't seem convinced and waggled a finger at the two of you as a sign to follow him. You fell into step beside Benny.

"I'm sorry that I keep getting you into trouble today." You whispered just so Principal Hicks couldn't hear.

"No worries. It's not your fault." He was relieved when you smiled back at him. "Plus, it's so worth it to see you wearing that shirt." He continued to whisper just under his breath so you couldn't hear.

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You and Benny had just finished your talk with Principal Hicks. Fortunately for you, he liked to talk a lot. This meant that you got to skip the rest of the day. You followed Benny as he made his way to Ethan's locker where Ethan was not. Rory was there though.

"Have you seen Ethan?" Benny asked him.

"No, but have you seen- are you wearing Benny's shirt?" Rory looked somewhere between confused and that-one-friend-that-secretly-ships-everyone-and-winks-to-tell-them-what-they-know.

"Maybe. Anyway, we have to go find Ethan." You grabbed Benny's hand and pulled him after you. Rory hurried to catch up. 

After careful deliberation, you decided that Ethan would most likely be checking out different sports teams a.k.a looking for Sarah. When you finally spotted him, he was watching Sarah walk away and talking to Coach Ed.

"I can't believe it. What would anyone see in that guy?" Kurt 'the hurt' Lochner ripped his shirt open. You turned away in disgust. "Besides that, I mean."

"Kurt 'The Hurt' Lochner." Benny whistled, removing his hand from yours and shoved it in his pocket. "Conway Collegiate's three-time wrestling champ."

"More like a three-time steal-your-girlfriend-fuck-her-then-dump-her-in-a-ditch champ." Rory looked at you with wide eyes. "What? Am I not allowed to swear around vampires or something?"

"Forget it, okay? I can't help you!" Ethan sighed frustratingly. You turned your attention away from Benny (who was being a dork by flexing his arm like Kurt) and watched as Ethan stormed away. 

"Hey, Benny?" He turned to look at you and hmmed. "What do you say we go look up spells to fight off a ghost?"

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Benny pointed to a spell in the book. You had never dealt with ghosts before and Grandma Weir hadn't told you how to fight them.

"How about this one?" He asked. You briefly read the description and the words to the spell.

"It's worth a shot." You shrugged and moved out of the way as Benny picked up the book and grabbed his camera.

"What's with the camera?" You followed him out of his room and down the stairs.

"It's to get the first ever ghostplosion on camera." He spoke over his shoulder as he opened the door. You rolled your eyes and hopped the tiny fence with him. It was just so much faster than walking around the fence on the sidewalk, plus it was a little bit more fun. Benny knocked on the door. When Jane opened it he just walked right past her. You sighed.

"Thank you, Jane." You ruffled her hair and she smiled at you.

"You're welcome, (Y/n)." She went back to whatever she was doing as you followed Benny into Ethan's room.

"Hey, guys. Find anything?" Ethan asked hopefully.

"Hopefully." You told him. Benny handed the camera to Ethan.

"Take this. We are gonna get the first ever ghost-splosion captured on camera." You chuckled at the second use of the joke. When Coach Ed growled softly you glared at him. You were still wearing Benny's shirt thanks to his earlier antics. 

"Where is he?" Benny pulled out the spell book and flipped to the page you guys had previously been looking at. Ethan pointed to Coach Ed.

"Galga deselphador....zek recantor...." You had a bad feeling about this. 

"Woah. Cut it out Sugar McVersey. I'm warning you." Coach Ed warned but of course, Benny couldn't hear him. You pulled gently on Benny's sleeve but it didn't help.

"...zoolin maphrak!" A bolt of purple lightning shot out of Benny's hand and struck the Coach, but he didn't disappear. His hair was sticking up like it just went through the dryer and he looked extremely pissed off.

"So you wanna play hardball, huh, boy." He growled. You opened your mouth to warn Benny but Ethan's figurines came flying off the shelf and struck the two of you.

"No! Just stop!" Ethan pleaded.

"I didn't even do anything!" You screeched while rubbing your arm.

"That is so not cool ghost-dude!" Benny was holding the spell book like it might be used as a shield.

"These are mint-in-box!" Ethan cried while he picked up his figures. You stooped down to help him.

"I'm sorry, dude. I really thought it would work." Benny moved out of your way as you stood up to place the last figure back.

"I didn't. I just kind of hoped it would. Maybe, you should just give him what he wants, E. It will be a lot easier." You told the boy while playing with the hem of the shirt you were wearing.

"She makes a lot of sense." Coach Ed motioned towards you. You shot him a glare that said no-one-asked-you.

"No. Forget it. It's not gonna happen." You placed a gentle hand on Ethan's shoulder and he handed you Benny's camera.

"What if I did it? I could play volleyball and win a volleyball trophy. That's all he wants right?" Ethan looked hopeful at that and turned to Coach Ed. He shook his head.

"No. It has to be the one who let me out." You gave Ethan a reassuring hug and walked with Benny towards the door.

"Uh, bye, ghost guy. Nothing personal about the whole galga deselphador thing, right?" You closed the door after Benny and solemnly followed him out the front door.

"It's getting late." You sighed and turned to Benny, handing him the camera. "I should be getting home to Bear." Benny fumbled with the camera for a second.

"Let me walk you home?" He nervously smiled at you.

"Are you sure Evelynn won't mind?" He looked behind him at his house and shook his head.

"Nah, it'll be fine." You rolled your eyes and giggled. "Unless you wanted to stay for dinner?" He was pulling out all the gentleman tactics today.

"I wouldn't want to impose-" He cut you off with a stern look.

"You know very well that you wouldn't be imposing. Grandma'd have my head if she knew I let you think that way." He held out his arm for you to grab.

"Okay then." You wound your elbow around his and he guided you into his house. You politely took your shoes off at the door.

"Welcome home, Benny." Evelynn's voice floated in from the kitchen. You followed Benny through his living room to where his grandma was at.

"Hey, Grandma. (Y/n)'s having dinner with us tonight." He motioned to you.

"Hello, Grandma Weir." You smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Hello, dear. Would you mind helping me peel these potatoes?" Benny was about to object on your behalf, but you cut him off.

"I would love to." You followed her over to the sink and she handed you a peeler. You rolled up your sleeves, pulled your hair back, washed your hands, and got to work. You peeled the potatoes carefully so as to leave as much potato as possible.

"Wow, you're actually really good at this." Benny complimented as he came over to cut up some carrots.

"Believe it or not, I actually cook most of my meals without the use of magic. It's just the complicated ones that I use a bit of help with." He playfully bumped his hip against yours. You giggled and bumped him back. Evelynn smiled in the background; she was getting closer and closer to winning her bet with Jane, especially since she noticed that you were wearing her grandson's shirt.

Once you had peeled the potatoes, you handed them to Evelynn who quickly and skillfully cut them up and dumped them into the pot. Benny soon added the carrots as well. Evelynn began to stir the homemade soup when a question popped into your head.

"Hey, Grandma?" You quickly realized your mistake. "I-I mean, Evelynn-" She cut you off.

"Oh hush! You can call me Grandma anytime, dear. If Benny has a problem with it, then I'll turn him into a toad." You giggled while Benny paled at the thought.

"Okay, Grandma. I was wondering if you knew how to get rid of ghosts?" She turned sharply and looked at you.

"What did you two do now?" You frantically waved your hands in front of your face.

"It's not like that. Our coach at school was cleaning the old trophy case because he had decided to get rid of the school's only trophy. When he handed it to Ethan, I think his psychic energy jumpstarted it and this ghost coach appeared. He won't leave Ethan and I alone since we're the only ones who can see him." Evelynn turned back to the soup, deep in thought.

"Did he ask either or you for anything?" You nodded.

"He wants Ethan to win him a 'shiny new trophy.'" You used your fingers as quotation marks as she poured the soup into the bowls Benny had handed her. You quickly gathered some spoons and helped set the table. Once you all sat down to eat, Evelynn continued the conversation.

"I suppose the only way to get rid of him is to give him what he wants." Benny groaned.

"Man, Ethan has a poor chance of that happening." You rolled your eyes and took a bite of your soup.

(A/n Pause! Important question! Do you take a bite out of soup or take a sip of soup? Seriously, this is important. Comment what you think it is.)

"Your soup is always the best, Grandma." You told her. "Thank you for letting me stay." She simply smiled at you and reminded you that you were welcome anytime. 

Dinner continued this way with friendly conversation, shared magic jokes, and you and Benny telling Evelynn events that had happened during school. It was times like these that you felt the most conflicted in your life. You loved Evelynn and Benny and these kinds of dinners made you feel extremely loved as well. But, you also couldn't help wondering what it would be like to have parents and siblings of your own to eat dinner with. You were jolted out of your thoughts when thunder sounded throughout the house.

"Sounds like a storm is rolling through," Benny commented while you were helping with the dishes.

"Oh, no!" You exclaimed turning to him. "Bear can't be alone during storms! He hates thunder. I have to get home, right now!" You hurried to the door to slide into your shoes.

"(Y/n) are you crazy? It's storming outside! You can't go." Benny grabbed your arm to keep you from leaving. "Just stay here tonight."

"Benny," you looked him dead in the eye with a pleading look, "I know how it feels to be alone in that house during a storm with no one to comfort you. I'm not going to let Bear go through that." Benny stared at you for awhile before he came to a decision.

"Then, I'm going with you." He slipped his feet into his shoes and grabbed his school bag.

"It's just a block away." You protested.

"I'm not letting my best friend go out in a storm alone." He shot back. Before you could argue anymore, raincoats were placed in yours and Benny's hands. You looked over to see Evelynn with a small smile on her lips.

"We both know he'd follow you anyway. Take these and stay safe." You gave her a big hug.

"Thanks, Grandma." You smiled at her and opened the door. It was raining outside. Okay, it was pouring outside. You quickly put on the coat and flipped the hood up. You looked back to see Benny had done the same.

"Ready?" He nodded and you both rushed out into the rain. Evelynn smiled as the two of you disappeared down the street and closed the door. You slipped a couple of times, but Benny always caught you, as you caught him when he fell. The two of you finally made it to your house and practically barged in, slamming the door behind you.

"Bear?" You called as you slipped your shoes and jacket off, leaving them on the floor to collect later. "Bear, where are you?" You heard whimpering coming from upstairs. Without waiting for Benny, you rushed up the stairs and followed the whimpering to Bear's room. Yes, he had his own room since it was a big house that you lived in by yourself.

The second you walked in the door, you were tackled by your dog. You hugged him and buried your nose in his fur. Benny walked into the room and sat next to the two of you, gently running his fingers through Bear's fur.

"He's okay." You whispered. Benny smiled gently and sat with you until Bear had fallen asleep; he was a pretty heavy sleeper for a dog. He helped you carry Bear over to his bed and tuck him in.

"Thank you, Benny." You whispered as you led him out of the room.

"No problem." Meanwhile, the storm had gotten significantly worse.

"I guess you're staying here for the night." Benny was thankful that you hadn't turned the lights on or else you would have seen the blush rise to his cheeks. The two of you walked into your room, which had a conjoining bathroom, and Benny sat on your bed.

"Your clothes are over there in that closet next to Ethan's." You told him as you rummaged through your dresser for some Pj's. Since you, Benny, and Ethan were frequently spending the night at each other's houses, you each had a set of clothes at each house; a set of Pj's, day clothes, and extra day clothes, were what the whole set consisted of.

"W-where are you going?" He stuttered out.

"As much as I love Bear, he kinda stinks. I need to give him a bath soon. I'm going to take a quick shower. I'll be right back." You left Benny alone in your room as you headed to the bathroom. Benny awkwardly gazed around your room.

He had been in your room multiple times since he was little, but for some reason, lately, he was seeing you as an actual girl. Which meant he was in a girl's room. It wasn't a typical girly room though seeing as it was covered in all sorts of posters, books, and figures; just like Benny's and Ethan's, so he knew it was still your room. His heart beat out of his chest as he saw your friend wall. It was covered in pictures of the three of you (plus some with Rory). This was where you found him when you came out of the bathroom in Pj's and wet hair. He was gazing intently at a picture of the four of you taken at the end of last year.

"Shower's open if you wanted to take a shower." You said in a small voice. He turned to look at you with a soft look on his face.

"Okay." He left his bag on the floor by your dresser, grabbed his clothes out of the closet, and headed for the bathroom. While he was taking a shower, you smelled your bed sheets and blanket.

"Yep, smells like Bear." You quickly gathered them up and headed for the laundry room. You tossed them on the floor and grabbed some new ones. You had just finished putting them on your bed when Benny came out of the shower.

"Ready to go to sleep?" He took a careful look around.

"Where am I sleeping?" You blushed at that not having thought this all the way through.

"Well, I figured you could just sleep in here with me. Bear's room isn't exactly a pleasant place to sleep in and the couch isn't that comfy. Besides, it can get cold at night and you're really warm." You avoided looking at him as you put the pillows back on the bed. "But, if you're not comfortable with that I can-" He cut you off.

"No, no. It's fine." He awkwardly stood by your bed as you climbed in. When you noticed he wasn't moving, you patted the spot next to you.

"Coming?" He gulped and climbed in next to you. Without hesitation, you cuddled up against him. He was really warm and you couldn't help but want this kind of warmth every night. You didn't see anything wrong with it, seeing as how you two had been doing this since you were little (the most recent event being the cheerleader incident).

"Your hair smells nice. Did you use my strawberry shampoo?" He gently wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Y-yea. Was I not supposed to?" You giggled at him.

"No, you're fine. It's a good smell for you. Goodnight, B." You closed your eyes while waiting for his reply.

"Goodnight, (F/L)."

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"In the spirit of non-competition, I pledge to be a non-partisan referee for tonight's match. So, uh, may every man win, or, uh, at least survive." Coach announced. 

"Ethan's going to get creamed." You whispered to Rory.

"Representing Conway Collegiate, we have Kurt 'The Hurt' Lochner." The audience in the stands cheered while you, Rory, and Benny booed.

"Okay, all right, and representing White Chapel High we-" Benny cut him off by grabbing the microphone from him.

"What's he doing?" You asked Rory, who just shrugged.

"From a land of fear and nightmares come a warrior born to destroy. He speaks only violence. He knows only hatred. His headlock is a crime against humanity!" You facepalmed. Of course the boys would pull something like this and of course, Rory disappeared.

"Behold.... THE ETHANATORRRRRRRR!!" A few people cheered while most of them booed. You were among the cheering. Rory was parading in front of Ethan with sparklers. Benny ran back over to you guys, looking proud of himself.

"Congratulations Benny. The Ethanator? Really? You couldn't have come up with something cooler?" His grin fell from his face.

"I thought it was pretty cool." You shook your head.

"Ethan 'The Demon' Morgan would have been so much better. Plus, it beats out Kurt's name ." Benny's grin returned.

"I stand corrected," Benny mumbled while Rory yelled at Ethan.

"Do your catchphrase. Do it!" Ethan shook Kurt's hand.

"Prepare to be Ethanized." You facepalmed. Kurt raised a hand with an apple in it.

"You're not gonna like these apples." You snorted. Both of their catchphrases are super lame.

"Even his catchphrase is better." You simply gave Ethan a weak thumbs up.

"I can't watch this." You buried your face in Rory's shoulder. He was very happy to hug you into him as well. Benny glared out of the corner of his eye but no one noticed. The sounds of Ethan's body hitting the floor were sickening.

"This won't end well," Rory muttered.

"I hope not," Benny replied pulling out his camera. You weakly nudged him with your knee.

"You're evil, B." He chose to ignore you. The audience oohed like they were feeling Ethan's pain. 

A thump sounded right in front of you. You looked away from Rory's shoulder to see Ethan lying on the floor, in a lot of pain. Kurt was standing just behind him.

"There's your friend. See you in round two, dork." Kurt walked away. You rushed to help Ethan up.

"Take a seat, dude," Benny said as he helped you sit Ethan down on the bench.

"You survived a whole round without him breaking your spine in half. Nice!" Rory tried to help encourage him.

"Sorry, dude, but for a guy in agony, you make some hilarious faces!" You smacked Benny's arm.

"Not the time." You hissed as Sarah walked up.

"Ethan, are you insane?! You don't know what you're up against. This guy is unstoppable." You shot her a glance.

"I'm pretty sure he knows what he's up against considering he just got beaten to a pulp." Sarah glared at you.

"Not the point I was trying to make." She shot back.

"Guess that's why you like him," Ethan muttered sadly. Poor guy.

"What? I don't like him." Sarah looked like she was really confused. As much as your friend as Sarah was, she wasn't being the nicest of people at the moment.

"Come on. I saw you watching him, talking, laughing, canoodling!" Ethan accused. Technically it was you and Benny that witnessed this, but you supposed it was just as good as Ethan being there himself.

"Mad canoodling." Benny drawled.

"Noodle what? Look, I thought Erica turned him into a vampire so I was watching him. I even checked his neck for bite marks- which was hard since he's so ticklish- but I do not like him." Sarah sounded as if she was extremely stressed out by all of this and now you understood why. She was just trying to do her job as Erica's friend (aka WatchGuard). Coach Ed materialized in front of Ethan.

"You can't win by points anymore. You're gonna have to pin him to win." It seemed like all you did was glare at this ghost coach. He totally deserved it though.

"I have to pin him? Impossible." Benny looked like he was ready to offer his assistance in any way possible. You were ready too, anything to get rid of this guy.

"How about some magic?" Benny offered. "Let's see how well he wrestles with worms in his ears, huh?"

"Or some crickets in his underwear." You added with an evil smirk.

"No magic. You have to beat him fair and square or the deal's off." You grin slipped from your face when Coach Ed said that. It was starting to look like Ethan didn't have a chance of getting rid of this guy.

"No magic. We can't cheat," Ethan whimpered dejectedly.

"Well think of something! Everyone has a weakness, right? Just find it and exploit it." Sarah tried to help motivate him. Coach Ed dragged Ethan up and shoved his hand into his chest. Ethan looked like he was in a lot of pain.

"Ethan! Are you okay?" You asked rushing to his side.

"Just please stop. Leave me alone." You gently rubbed Ethan's back in a comforting way.

"Looks like he's practicing new ways to beg for mercy. Smart!" Rory declared while Benny looked like he was about ready to kill him.

"It's no use. I can't win." Ethan groaned while you helped him stand up. "I've never won a fight. Ever."

"Emm, false. Remeber that time in grade two when I took your Pokemon lunch box? You whipped me good." Benny reminisced. "I almost cried." His voice cracked and you let out a little giggle.

"Grade two.. that gives me an idea. Thanks, Benny." Ethan ran back out onto the floor for round two. Benny and Rory looked confused. The coach blew the whistle and the fight started. You quickly scurried over to Benny's side so as not to get hurt. You gripped his hand between both of yours in anticipation.

As Kurt ran at Ethan, Ethan ducked under his legs and wrapped his arms around Kurt's middle. Benny's mouth opened wide in realization while Rory and Sarah looked just as confused if not more so than Kurt was.

"Let go of me. Dude, are you...are you hugging me?" Kurt's voice called in disbelief.

"I'm wrestling old school! Oakwood Elementary to be exact." Ethan cheered.

"Yeah! GO ETHAN!" You screamed. Benny began furiously hitting Rory's knee with his unoccupied hand.

"The snuggy bear hug! He's got it locked on. There's no escape!" He praised. You had only ever seen the snuggy bear hug once. It was back in grade five, the year after you had moved here, and some idiot had decided to steal Benny's bicycle. The two boys had always been very protective of each other. Let's just say that idiot didn't walk away with the bike.

While you had been thinking, Ethan had pinned Kurt and was tickling his neck. Apparently, it counted because the coach counted down and Ethan won. The three of you let out a cheer and stood up slowly.

"He who laughs last loses!" Ethan was very proud of himself.

"Our new... champion!" The coach raised Ethan's hand and the crowd cheered for him. When Ethan handed the trophy to Rory and Benny you gave him an excited hug.

"I knew you could do it!" Before he could reply Coach Ed appeared behind him.

"That's it?! No, no, no. You got to be kidding." He looked furious.

"Oh, yeah. I won the trophy. Time to move on, Coach. A deal's a deal." You tugged on Benny's and Rory's sleeves to get their attention.

"Shit is about to go down." You whispered. They stopped cheering and looked at Ethan who looked terrified.

"He's backing out of our deal." You backed slightly away from Ed when you saw how mad he was.

"What? He can't. A supernatural pact is binding in all dimensions!" Benny argued. 

"Tough tortillas. I ain't going nowhere and you nerds can't make me." A giant ghost locker fell out of the sky. Your eyes widened as you were now highly confused. You hugged Benny and buried your face in his neck.

"Tell me when it's over." He gently wrapped his arms around you. He didn't know what was going on, but he watched Ethan closely to see his reactions. Coach Ed's screams echoed in your ears and you whimpered. When the sound had stopped, you looked over at Ethan but remained in Benny's arms.

"Hey! You know what?! I will not be beaten by a geek!" Kurt yelled angrily and ran at Ethan. Benny flung his hands up in a defensive position in front of the two of you. Before Kurt could do any real harm, Sarah clotheslined him.

"Update: you got beaten by a geek and a girl. Go get yourself a new shirt." You grinned, removed yourself from Benny, and high-fived Sarah.

"Way to go, Sarah!" 

"Thanks, but I could have taken him." Ethan tried to save what little dignity he had left. You, Rory, and Benny all let out distorted gasps, trying to hide your chuckles. "So, uh, about Saturday night..."

"Oh, that. I thought if Kurt was a vampire, I'd need backup to take him down, but we're all good now." Sarah placed her hands on her hips and smiled at Ethan.

"Right. Yeah. Good," Ethan stuttered. "Good... I thought it was something like that." Poor Ethan, it sounded like he was expecting something more. Sarah seemed to catch on to that too.

"But... if we're not catching vampires, maybe...we could go catch a movie?" You grinned and leaned up to whisper in Benny's ear.

"I ship it." He simply grinned back at you and high-fived Rory.

"Yeah, cool. I should have the feeling back in my fingertips by then."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Saturday night you were all huddled on the couch. Ethan sat by Sarah and you were hoping they'd at least hold hands, but it looked like your ship would have to wait a little while longer. You sat between Sarah and Benny, whom you were currently huddled against, and Rory sat on the other side of him. Jane was laying across all three of your laps but you were all too into the movie to really care. 

"You gotta admit," Ethan whispered to Sarah, "watching Skull Stealers III beats having to shake and stake a vamp any day."

"Just slightly." She murmured back. You stole some popcorn out of the bowl Benny was holding while scooting closer to him because dang was this movie was gory. Sarah's phone rang but hardly anyone noticed (except Ethan that is). You started to feel sleepy as you curled up against Benny and leaned your head on his shoulder. Stealthily he snuck an arm around you and pulled you as close as he could with Jane's legs in the way. You sighed and closed your eyes, enjoying his warmth before you dozed off to the sounds of screams and bloodshed on the tv.

Benny gently shook you awake when the movie was over. Yawning and stretching, you sat up and looked over at everyone. Sarah was carrying Jane upstairs, Rory and Ethan were taking bowls emptied of their contents into the kitchen, which left just you and Benny sitting on the couch. 

"How did the movie end?" You asked turning to the only other occupant of the room.

"Everyone but John died. And the Skull Stealers got away with the treasure and everyone's internal organs." Benny briefly summed up the ending for you.

"Sounds lovely. Do we have the fourth one?" You stood up and stretched again hoping to pop your back.

"Yeah, Ethan has it around here somewhere." He sounded just as tired as everyone else, minus Ethan (no one could be as tired as Ethan was).

"Do you guys need help with the dishes?" You called into the kitchen.

"Nah, we're good." Rory's voice shouted back. You wandered over to grab your jacket from the coat hangers.

"You're going home?" Benny asked as he wandered over to join you.

"Yeah. I have to feed Bear. You staying here?" He nodded but grabbed his coat as well. You gave him a questioning look but he just grinned back.

"Hey, Ethan! I'll be back. I'm walking (Y/n) home!" Benny yelled towards the kitchen. His only reply was a small 'okay'. Benny grabbed your hand once you were outside and heading for your house. The walk there was cloaked in a comfortable silence. Your hands felt awkward since one was warm from Benny's hand and the other was cold from the night air that whispered by. When you reached your porch step you turned to Benny.

"Thanks for walking me home." He gave you one of his sincere half smiles.

"Anytime." You gave him a hug and sighed.

"You're so warm. It's not fair." He let out a chuckle.

"How is it not fair?" He inhaled your scent and grinned like crazy although you couldn't see it (even if you could it wouldn't be weird since he's always done that, probably since you moved here. He claimed that he liked the smell of your shampoo).

"Girls naturally have a lower body temperature than guys do. Therefore you are scientifically warmer than me and it's not fair." You reluctantly released him when you heard Bear barking.

"Goodnight, (Y/n)." He chuckled once more.

"G'night, Benny." After waving goodbye as he walked down the street, you watched until he was no longer in your sights, convincing yourself that it was just to make sure nothing attacked him. Once he was gone, you turned and walked inside. 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A/n And there's another chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying this story and I'm trying to reply to all of the comments you guys make. It takes forever to do these because I have to sit and watch the episode all the way through and then rewind it to play/pause it every second to type out what they're saying plus add in the reader. I hope I'm doing a good job with that. If any of you have any suggestions for a future chapter go ahead and drop a comment down below. Until next time!
