Full Speed Ahead to Professor Clover's Castle!

Hey readers! Just telling you guys that it's gonna be 2017 nyan~
Y/N)'s pale body was laid on a bed, sleeping peacefully as Shadow looked at her, also sweat dropping at the same time. Seriously, such a heavy sleeper... He thought as he leaned against the wall.
"Head north!" Crescent pointed as Joker steered the airship. Suddenly she thought of something." No...head northeast!" Joker steered the airship again. Then, he really got annoyed.

"Can you properly tell the directions?!"

"It's been decades since I went there baka!"

"Can you two lovebirds stop arguing?"

"He/She's not my girlfriend/boyfriend Spade!"


(Y/N) looked at the bed and the figure she carved halfway when she woke up.

"Purple flames..." She muttered.

-Continue Flashback nyan-
'...' thoughts

"King Tut." Phoenix looked at the young pharaoh as he cradled the unconscious girl. Tut(Yup. Gonna call him this) looked at the girl as his face turned into an evil smirk.

"Hoshi hoshi!" Hoshi suddenly jumped out of Phoenix's jumper.

"How about we exchange the girl and your life?" Tut asked as Phoenix yawned.

"Nah no."Phoenix turned into his alien form as Hoshi perched on his shoulder.

"Really? " Tut asked as Phoenix felt a gush of water coming from behind. Before the water splashed onto his body, he flew up, dodging the gush of water.

"Eh?" He whispered as Tut was nowhere to be found. Suddenly bricks opened as more water flushed into the place.  (Y/N) was finally awake from all the noise she had heard and looked down, finding her greatest fear, water. She clung tighter onto Phoenix's coat as her eyes widened. Phoenix looked at the girl's widened eyes.

"So your weakness is also water? Same as mine." Phoenix dashed through the hall of the pyramid as (Y/N) hugged Hoshi as they reached higher land. Phoenix landed as (Y/N) stepped on the stone floor with Hoshi on her head. Suddenly, there was sudden laughter that resembled Tut's.

"Well well, you really managed to escape." A voice boomed as the young girl looked at the water level, which stopped right at the slump. As she looked to a pair of doors which had some inscriptions on it, a creature that resembled Ra, the Egyptian Sun god, floated towards the trio. (Y/N) walked closer to Phoenix as Hoshi too trembled in fear with the girl as Phoenix looked at it.

"Now, let's proceed to the next level." The creature, who was called Fox by (Y/N), led the trio to another room with floating blocks in the air.

"Waaaaa..." (Y/N)'s eyes were glimmering at the rare scene as Hoshi immediately jumped onto one of the blocks.

"Hoshi!" (Y/N) climbed onto a block, chasing Hoshi.

"(Y/N)!" Phoenix flew after the girl and his navigator as Fox followed. Blocks blocked each person's path, Hoshi jumping towards the room in the opposite, (Y/N) chasing after it and Phoenix flying over the blocks.

"Hoshi!" (Y/N) was on the final block, and Hoshi was being lured into the room opposite. '1' She thought before she jumped to the room.



(Y/N) jumped across before Phoenix could even reach her, leaving a space between her and the room. As her hand was about to slap the stone brick and suddenly...


The brick disappeared as (Y/N)'s hand was struggling to grab onto the bottom one, but ended in a failure. Her white hair flew in the wind as she fell onto the bottom of the pit.

"(Y/N)!!!" Phoenix flew towards the falling (Y/N), who was looking left and right. Suddenly a passing block came and (Y/N) caught on it, moving near the room and caught onto the brick. She panted as Phoenix sighed with relieve. Carefully, they made their way to the room, where Hoshi was jumping deeper into. Phoenix and (Y/N) chased Hoshi, where it jumped into a chest.

"Hoshi!" Before they could reach, the chest closed and Tut's hand was on it, locking the chest.

"So you two really made it here." Tut stood up, facing Phoenix and (Y/N).
-Flashback cut off-
"-/N)! (Y/N)!" Shadow shouted at the girl's ear.

"N-nani?" (Y/N) asked as Shadow sighed with relieve.

"Nothing..." Shadow looked at the halfway crafted figure. "Who's this?"

(Y/N) looked at the figure.


-Yay! Flashback continue!-
(Y/N)'s bangs wiggled as Tut and Phoenix was dumbfounded.

"Wow..." Phoenix yawned as Tut still froze.

"Fire arrow!" Phoenix shot his arrow as it bounced off an invisible barrier of the chest. Evil laughter came from Tut as Fox smirked.

"Well, it's your turn now Phoenix." Tut grinned as (Y/N) bit her upper lip.

"I'm sorry." Phoenix suddenly whispered as the girl looked at him, who gave her a sad smile.

"What do you mean Phoenix-nii-"(Y/N) she was cut off as she was falling into darkness.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Voices of (Y/N)'s aunt, Shion, echoed in her head as she fluttered open her eyes, looking at Shion.

"Aunt Shion? Where's Phoenix-niichan?" (Y/N) asked as she immediately sat up, looking everywhere.

"Phoenix? Who is he?" Shion asked as (Y/N) looked to her lap, where there was a pink ribbon which was placed in her hands. Warm tears started to drop on the ribbon as (Y/N) looked down onto her lap, also trying to choke back her cries.

-Flashback end nyan-
Suddenly M barged into the room and dragged Shadow out, leaving (Y/N) wide-eyed.

"Oi M! What's your problem?!" Shadow stood up as M walked into the room. M sighed.

"None of your business." M closed the door, leaving she and (Y/N) only in the room. She sat on Shadow's seat and looked at the albino.

"You know, I really envy you." M suddenly spoke up.

(A/N That escalated quickly)

"R-really? I have nothing for you to envy M-san!" (Y/N) looked at M's pinkish red eyes.

M sighed.

"You know why?"

(Y/N) shook her head.


M sighed.

"It's because..."
Olè readers! Leaving you guys on a cliffhanger again huh? Well, some of you guys got their Christmas 'presents' from me which was the drawing of their ocs and so, I tried to draw Mai_ra_san_ 's oc! The result was pretty good.

It may be a little blurry but I still like it. And so, Happy New Year nyan!

I really need to change the date. And seriously, poor little Hoshi.

-Also, for Shadow fan girls.

Wow, you're a really good kid Shadow.

-For Spade fan girls~

What tea is he drinking?

-Joker fan girls.

-And finally...PHOENIX FAN GIRLS!!![>^<]

Thanks guys and have a Happy New Year!!!

