Chapter 19 || Kiva

 There was a brief silence as everyone mulled over the cheer that had never before been uttered; they regarded Inver as more than just their leader, as their hero. The words had been saved for Eliborn alone, but they seemed to fit Inver as well as they did the Resistance's founder himself. As Kiva looked at him, she knew that he was everything a man should be. He was strong in heart, mind, and physique. He was a kind, sagacious leader. His winning smile and honest demeanor could melt the hardest composure. Inver was their leader, and yet not Kiva's.

When the cheering died down, Inver spoke again, "Thank you. I'm honored to lead you; I only hope to deserve this great privilege that you have given me. Now, I beg you to give your respect to the newest recruits who will be joining our ranks. I give you Lavri's two newest generals from the heart of Sari: Riyel and Tal."

Kiva smiled at Riyel as he stood. Between his red hair and flaming green eyes, everything about him resembled a fire. She then turned her attention to the other man. Tal was smaller, but wiry and muscular. His skin was dark and his black hair and eyes seemed made of the midnight sky. He did not smile, but nodded quickly and sat back down.

Once Riyel and Tal sat, Trysti welcomed a posse of men carrying three deer, already roasted on a spit and ready for consumption. The smell of the tender meat wafted through the crowd. Since all meat was salted and dried to ensure that it did not go bad, they rarely had the pleasure of fresh meat. Waste was a crime, and this was nothing short of a luxury. Immediately, meat was handed out, and Kiva was handed a front leg bone with a large chunk of juicy meat.

With full mugs of mead, the people of Lavri enjoyed their venison. Kiva remained silent, content to observe the happiness that was so tangible in these few brief peaceful moments. She was an observer, remaining on the outskirts and merely watching. At the end of the meal, the music and revelry began again. Couples joined hands and danced to the beat, jumping joyfully in bare feet across the grass. There was something so beautiful in the simplicity of Lavri life—the happiness found in a good meal and sweet music, companionship and the peace of nature.

Kiva watched as Justyn pulled Wyn into the dance. Justyn towered over her tiny form, but his eyes were tenderly gazing into hers as if nothing and no one existed outside of the two of them. They stayed close, foreheads touching and arms entwined. At the end of the dance, they walked over to where she sat against a tree observing from the sidelines.

"Kiva!" Justyn smiled at his sister.

"Justyn, Wyn, you two seem to be enjoying the festivities," Kiva remarked, summoning a small smile.

They shared a glance and laughed, as Justyn answered, "We are. But I wanted to go say a few words to Inver. Wyn, you can wait for me here with Kiva."
Kiva reluctantly made room for Wyn as Justyn walked away. Wyn sat next to Kiva, her eyes on the fidgeting hands placed in her lap.

"So, Wyn, what brings you to the Lavri Resistance?"

Wyn looked up at Kiva, her eyes gigantic green spheres. "Oh, but I thought I told you? I wish to kill Vinrys. With my own two hands. I want to murder him. I want to stab a sword through his heart and laugh as he dies."

The look of utter sincerity in her eyes did not fade as Kiva stared at her incredulously. "Well, I can see why Lavri is a haven for you, then. How did you meet my brother?"
"I asked him to help me learn to fight. I was told he is good with weapons and killing. And he is so kind, and gentle, and handsome," Wyn looked wistfully after Justyn, the hate vanishing entirely.

Kiva said nothing more but stared at the girl. Her mannerisms were alarming; the way her hands fidgeted violently in her lap, her mood switched so drastically, her violent speech. She seemed incredibly young with her childlike face and fragile frame, but she talked as if she had seen much of the world.

Justyn returned soon, saving Kiva and Wyn from the awkward silence. "I'm glad you've had a chance to talk to Wyn," Justyn said to Kiva. "She makes me happier than I ever thought I could be." He took Wyn's hand again, his eyes lost in hers. "I feel as if she is the home I've been looking for, Kiv."

Kiva had no words; she could neither darken her brothers' joy nor rejoice with him.

Hours passed and still the revelry continued. Kiva had managed to seclude herself for the remainder of the evening, using the time to ruminate on the happenings of the past few days: about Riyel, about Justyn and the girl who had stolen his heart, and about what to do with Inver. I must be brave. He is too good of a man, I can't do this to him anymore. But as much as she knew what she should do, she still wished to avoid it and him as much as possible.


Kiva started when Inver sat beside her, smiling gently. No matter how much I try to avoid him, he always finds me. His eyes were swimming like the sea as they watched her and she tried not to shudder. Kiva wondered if this was how Justyn looked at Wyn.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked, the distance between them not nearly wide enough.

If you only knew...

"Um, nothing. Why?"
"You just looked so peaceful, for once," he answered.

"Oh," Kiva stuttered, looking away so her hair fell forward and hid her face.

"What's been going on with you lately?" he asked, touching her upper arm.

Kiva bit her tongue, fighting to keep herself from jerking free of his grasp. "Nothing. I'm fine. "

"I haven't seen hide nor hare of you since I've been back. I missed you. I had hoped you'd missed me as well. Where have you been?"

Hiding. Kiva closed her eyes for a moment, telling herself to breathe, but Inver's words hauntingly echoed in her mind. Where have you been, Kiva? I've been looking for you.

"I've been in the hospital a lot, you know, helping with the refugees. It's the least I can do."

Inver smiled, "You are so good, for Lavri, and...and for me. But you look tired. Please don't work yourself too hard."
Kiva made the mistake of looking at him, and his hand reached up to brush her hair away from her face and rested at the base of her neck. While his touch was gentle, his eyes were not. She wanted to scream, to shove him away from her. She felt her whole body start to shake and fought to keep control. She could no longer see his face; it had faded into that of her nightmares.

"Inver, I...I think you should probably return to your party. They might wonder where you are." Kiva tried to push his hand away from her face but he would not budge.
He scooted closer to her on the bench until his arm was nearly wrapped around her shoulder and their legs were gently touching. "Let them, Kiva. Let them wonder."
"Kiva, look at me."

Kiva's eyes reluctantly found his, her whole body shaking like a leaf. His hand was now possessively holding her face. She could no longer tell if it was Inver touching her or if it was him, come alive from her nightmares. It's not real, it's not real, she whispered to herself as she always did, but this time she was wrong—it was all too real.

"By the stars, you are beautiful," he murmured, his hand moving to the crook of her neck. "Kiva, you know how I feel about you. I care for you more than you know. You are the most selfless and beautiful and good person, and I just..."

Before Kiva could do anything, his other arm found its way around her waist, and he leaned in, his lips brushing down her face. His hand in the small of her back pressed her against him and her vision blacked out as the panic took hold.

"No, stop, stop!" Kiva thrashed wildly against the man, no longer seeing anyone or anything but only feeling the unforgettable, familiar imprint of a body against hers.

He pulled her closer, kissing her again and holding her firmly against him despite her attempts to free herself. He kissed her neck and collarbone; the terror was now so consuming that she could no longer fight; she just tried to stay conscious. Her body was convulsing, but his arms held her fast against him as he breathed hotly against her neck. me go, let me go...not again, not again. Every nightmare was coming true and she was powerless.


At that voice, Inver froze and quickly released Kiva. Kiva fell to the ground, collapsing into a ball of shaking terror. She was panting desperately, chest heaving, everything fading into screaming white again. I was right. He wants me. He wants me, and I can't be free. Even though he was no longer touching her, she felt as if his fingerprints were permanently burnt into her skin, overlapping burns from years ago.
Kiva looked up from her position prostrate in the dirt and saw through spotted vision Riyel. His voice had interrupted Inver, and though he smiled at her, his eyes were a wildfire. Kiva wondered for a moment if he would throw himself at Inver and beat him senseless. His limbs were tense and the muscles in his shoulders, neck and jaw were tight, like a cougar ready to pounce.

"Is everything alright?" 

Kiva's eyes closed again and she could do nothing but shake and keep her head tucked against her chest. Maybe if you close your eyes it will all go away. But Kiva had learned long ago that there was no respite—eyes open or closed, she could never escape. Riyel's voice seemed far away, like a phantasm at the end of a tunnel. Her mind was trying to shut itself down, to block everything outside of her, to save itself. She could not find the words to answer him; she could only shake and try to escape the searing white darkness that was capturing her.

Like an echo, she heard Riyel say, "Inver, if you don't mind, I've been looking for Kiva all night."

Kiva managed to open her eyes long enough to accept Riyel's extended hand, rise from the ground, and follow him methodically away from Inver. She glanced back once to see Inver sitting on the log, crestfallen and guilty.

Riyel led her away from Mevyl and away from the fire and the music and the dancing and the people and Inver. He kept one hand securely under her arm and the other lightly around her waist, holding her up. She stumbled over roots and plants on the ground as her vision blurred. The terror faded and left only exhaustion in its wake.

Everything disappeared in a haze of black, and when she awoke, she found herself propped against a tree with Riyel leaning over her and saying frantically, "Kiva? Come back to me, please, come back. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I should have stopped him. I should have known. I should have been there. Please, you're safe now."

She opened her eyes. Stop. You can stop this. Stop the panic. She took a few deep, strangled breaths and managed to quiet the pounding of her heart and the screaming in her mind. She wasn't sure where they were or how they had gotten there. She could only assume that she had passed out from sheer terror and that Riyel had carried her away from the chaos.

"Thank you," Kiva murmured, opening her eyes. "Thank you for...for saving me."

Riyel nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I was looking for you, and when I saw him touching you, holding you like that..." Riyel gritted his teeth, a murderous gleam in his eyes. "He had no right to touch you. I'm so sorry."

Kiva glanced at him and then stared straight ahead. She pulled her knees to her chest and rocked gently back and forth, squeezing her bird necklace in her hand.

Slowly, she whispered in a low monotone, "I'm so scared of him. Of Inver. I can't even think when I'm around him. I can't fight him. I can't...I can't do this, Riyel, I can't! Do you hear me? I'm done. I can't do this."

Kiva started to cry, the tears cascading down her face. No noise escaped her, just a waterfall of tears. Everything in her life was falling apart. Normally, Justyn was there to pick up the pieces and help her rebuild, but he was gone. He had failed.

Without speaking, Kiva reached over to Riyel and took his hand as she had earlier. He squeezed her hand tightly as she silently cried. Slowly, gently, he pulled her closer to him until her head was resting against his chest. The way Riyel held her incited no terror; he held her gently, recognizing her fragility and her need. He did not hold her as if she were his. She trusted him, and he understood the weight of that responsibility. For a moment, Kiva was safe enough to release the terror she managed to so carefully withhold.

"Please. Don't let him touch me again. I don't think...I don't think I can escape myself again. The panic, it eats at me until I can't see or hear or feel anything except the screaming."

Riyel looked down at her. "Never. I'll never let anyone hurt you, ever again. And whatever those demons are that haunt you, I'll fight them for you. Day and night. I promise."

Kiva closed her eyes, nestling her head against his chest. Her mind wanted to question his words, to wonder why he had taken such an interest in her, why he made promises she feared no one could ever keep, but her mind was tired of fighting.

"Thank you," he murmured quietly.

She opened her eyes. "For what?"

"For trusting me. I know it's hard. To trust someone. I don't deserve this, you are..." he rambled off, but continued, "If you want to tell me, you know, you can."

"I...I don't think I can," she mumbled, choking a little on the words.

"Then that's alright, but I'll protect you. Do you believe me?"

Kiva looked up at him. "Yes. I don't know why you're doing this...I don't know how I can, but I do believe you. Just please, please don't let Inver near me again."

"Kiva, I won't," he growled. "On my life, I'll break his neck with my own two hands if he comes near you like that again."

"Thank you." Kiva closed her eyes, blocking out the questions and the doubts that were lurking in the shadows of her mind waiting to latch on to the tiniest fault. Riyel had been there for her, he had protected her, he had saved her. And for hours more, they sat there, Riyel holding her and Kiva letting herself rest against him. 


This chapter is so so important! What do you think of Riyel, Inver, and Kiva after this chapter? What's going on in Kiva's head?

Keep reading for more, and stay tuned for Alleyni's chapter on Thursday. Don't forget to vote!

~ Hannah
