9. Electric Chapel

Day 1

I walked in taking in the scenery. The house felt warm. Unlike Ryan's modern stainless steel style design, my house had some personality to it. My mom shut the door behind me. I was finally back home. The place where I belonged. My mom gave me a big hug. "Honey Jamal's here." My mom yelled. My dad came out of his room. He gave me a firm hug. "Welcome back." He said. My sister also came out of her room. And gave me a hug.

"You must be hungry." My mom said. "I'll get started on dinner." She then went into the kitchen.

I went to my room and opened the door. I was surprised to find my room so neat. Everything was placed in order. Except my laptop was sitting in the middle of my bed opened. I plopped on my bed. Oh how good it felt to be back in my own bed. I began to fall asleep.

"Dinners ready!" The words woke me out of my slumber. I slowly got out of bed and sat in the dining room. My sister and dad followed.

One by one my mom set a plate in front of us. We were having stuffed chicken, with broccoli and Alfredo noodles. She remembered to put cheese on my broccoli. She knew that I loved broccoli with cheese.

She sat down and I was about to eat. "Have you forgotten to say grace?" My dad asked.

"Oh. Sorry." We all grabbed hands and said grace."

"God is good.

God is great.

Let us thank him for this food.

By his hands we all are fed.

Give is lord our daily bread. Amen."

"Now we can eat." My dad said as he lifted his fork.

It was a little awkward eating with them. They were talking with each other fine. But when I would try to start a conversation they would keep their responses short. They didn't even ask me where I was staying the past weekend, or if I was okay.

"Thanks mom for the food." I said as she took my finished plate.

"Thank God." She said then took my plate. "Here have something to drink." She poured me a glass of cranberry juice.

"Thanks." I said and downed the glass. I couldn't put my tongue on it but the flavor tasted different.

I got up from the dinner table and walked walked to my room. I started to feel drowsy and my vision became blurred. My legs became weak and I collapsed. My eye lids became lower and lower, then they finally shut.

I slowly started to gain conchesnous. I opened my eyes to see a low lit room. It was very dusty and damp. There were copper pipes running along the ceiling and a staircase in the far corner of the room. I then realized where I was. My basement. I tried to lift my arms but soon found out that I couldn't. All of my limbs were tied to each corner of the bed post. The bed I was laying on reaked of mold and mildew.

"Help!" I screamed. But no one answered. I kept screaming until I choked.

I heard a click from the top of the staircase and the door flew open. My parents slowly walked down the stairs. In my moms hand was a bible. And in my dad's hand was a belt.

My heart started to pound out of my chest. I tried to get out of the bonds that were constricting my wrists and ankles. It was no use though.

"We're here to help you." My mom said then she started to read some bible scriptures.

"What are you doing! Stop it! You people are crazy!" I yelled. Still trying to break free.

My dad ripped open my shirt and hit me with the belt right across my chest. The lash stung so much I screamed in pain.

"You need this in order to be pure again. He said "don't you understand you need to repent?" He said. Then whipped me again.

I was shaking with pain. Tears began to flow down my cheeks.

My mother began to read again. She read for about an hour.

"Now say it with me. I'm not gay." She said.

"You can't you just accept the fact that I love men!" I shouted. My eyes were almost bulging out of my eyes.

Their faces turned sour. My mom forcefully shut the bible. She bent over me and stared into my eyes. Her eyes filled with sorrow and anger. In one quick move she lifted the bible and slammed it right on my face. I was knocked out cold.


Day 2

"Have you learned your lesson yet!" My dad roared. I didn't speak. He punched me in my face. "Speak!" He shouted.

"I hate you." I said. In a cold tone.

My mother began to read the Ten Commandments.

"Do you see Jamal? We are just trying to help you go to heaven where you belong. All you have to do is repent." She said.

I couldn't speak. I just turned my head the other way.

"Yah well if you keep up this attitude you won't eat." My father said as they both left the room.


Day 3

"Are you ready to repent?" My mother asked. She was clutching the bible tightly in her arms.

I was so exhausted I finally gave up. "Yes." I said. My stomach was hurting and my throat was so dry from not being able to drink.

"Good." She walked up the stairs. She came back down with in a couple of minutes with a wooden tray. It had a glass of water and two pieces of bread on them.

"Oh poor baby. You didn't know what you were doing." She recited as she fed me.


Day 4

My father came downstairs with a tray full of metal coat hangers and keys.

"It's good you repented. But now we need to remind you to never commit these acts of disrespect and sin towards God.

He took out a lighter and started to burn the end of the coat hanger.

"Oh please no!" I yelled. I saw the top of the hanger start to turn red. "Please no!" My body began to shake. "Don't do this! I've learned my lesson I promise!"

He walked closer and closer. The bright red hanger was just inches away from my body. "This is for your own good!" He yelled then pressed it firmly on my thigh. I yelled out in agony. I could see the smoke rising from my burning flesh.

"Stop! Please stop!" I screamed. Sweat began to drop from my forehead. My wrists and ankles ached from all the failed attempts to break free from the shackles.

He stopped. "Please no more. I've learned!" I screamed. "Im not gay anymore! I don't like Ryan anymore. I love women!" I yelled.

"I believe you. But that doesn't mean we're over yet." He said and lit the end of the hanger on fire again. When the tip glowed red he pressed it on my skin again. My eyes rolled back and I saw nothing but black. I passed out.


The days blurred. I couldn't tell wether it was day 6 or 7.

I laid still, thinking of my life. I thought of my first memory up until now. I was dehydrated and hungry.

I slowly began to fall asleep until I heard the doorbell ring. The basement door was slightly open. So I could hear a familiar faint voice at the front door. It was Ryan.

"Ryan!" I tried to yell, but my voice was weak and hoarse from the lack of hydration and the constant screaming. I tried to yell again. "Ryan!" I yelled. But yet again the words weren't loud enough.

I could hear Ryan arguing with my mother. She just kept saying that I wasn't here.

In my last bit of strength I pulled my left arm down to try and break the rope. My wrist made a pop sound and a surge of pain shot up my arm. I just kept pulling.

The rope finally broke. I immediately untied the rest of my limbs. I got off the bed and fell straight on the ground. My legs felt like jelly but i knew I had to keep going. A surge of adrenaline shot within me and I got up and ran up the stairs. When I reached the top the light almost blinded me. I peeked to see Ryan at the front door. I ran past my mother and grabbed Ryan's arm. "Get me the fuck out of here!" I yelled. My mother tried to grab my and but I slipped out of her grip. Ryan followed me as I ran to the jeep. My mother ran after us but before she got far we skidded off. A surge of relief took over my body as everything faded to black.
