Chapter 57 - Raoul

"Well that was smooth of you. You sure are a knock out with the boys Vaughan." Tracks teased.

"Very funny." Vaughan glared as she jogged over, crouching next to the boy. "How long do you think he'll be out for?"

She got her answer when the boy began to stir, moaning from the pain of banging his forehead. 

"Cat got your tongue? Come on chum, wake up!" Tracks called. 

The boy flashed awake as he pushed his upper body up with his hands off of the ground. "Oh man..." He muttered, sitting up. He looked around, turning his head to see Vaughan who stood back up to her feet, crossing her arms at the boy.

"I believe the phrase is, we've got to stop running into each other like this." she spoke, grinning.

"Hey, it's you... your the girl from the apartment." he realized, pointing at her.

"And you're the one who saved me at the apartment and bumped into me at the orientation. And now it seems that you're messing with something I was using." Vaughan replied, raising a brow.

"This your car?" He asked.

"Well, yes and no. It's complicated." She shrugged. 

She couldn't help but notice the boy flash a smile in her direction. Her insides turned warm again. Why did it keep doing that? Was there something about the boy that caught her attention? Was it the way he spoke? His voice? His looks? He did look kind of cute in his light brown leather jacket.

"Wait... did I just think he was cute?!" Vaughan thought. 

"Don't mean to interrupt, but I've been shot at, smashed up and stolen twice tonight. So if you could be so kind, please repair me." Tracks spoke. 

That seemed to really startle the boy. He yelped, backing up right into Vaughan's legs. He blushed a bit with embarrassment as Vaughan helped him up to his feet, his hands and knees shaking. "That car... talks!"

"You've got a mind like a steel trap." Tracks insulted. 

"Tracks, take it easy." Vaughan said calmly, "You startled him. We don't him hitting his head again."

Vaughan's eyes lit up. Now she was defending him? A boy she just met? Well Tracks was acting rather grumpy.

"Oh I'll fix you up alright, and then I'm selling you to the Genis Brothers. I promised them a car by midnight and they'll pay through the nose for you." said the boy. 

"You're not serious?!" Tracks exclaimed. 

"You don't make promises to the Getis Brothers you can't keep." the boy replied, turning his back on him. 

"Look," Vaughan began, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You can't sell him. He's Tracks, one of the Autobots. He doesn't belong with the Getis Brothers. Just find some other car."

"I can't afford it. This is the only car I've found all night. I need the bread more than I need a new set of wheels." The boy crossed his arms, lowering his head. 

Vaughan looked taken back, feeling a small hint of sympathy for the boy. Was he poor? Low on cash? But... she saw him walk right into Julliard that day. It's the top arts school in the country, maybe even the world, so it's going to be  expensive. 

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you need the money?" Vaughan asked. "I saw you walking into Julliard that one day after you, well, rescued me I guess."

"Yeah I got there. I'm in my second year of their dance program. Hip hop, break dancing, that kind of thing. I play a little guitar too. Anyways, well, I can't believe I'm talking my life story to a complete stranger... well--"

"Vaughan." She interrupted. 

"Huh?" He froze, looking up at the girl.

"You can call me Vaughan." She smiled, extending his hand towards him. 

He looked down at it with surprise, and after a few moments, steadily raised his own, grasping it as they shook hands. "Okay, Vaughan. You see, my parents passed away a couple years ago so my grandparents had to take me in. During my first year my grandma passed away and a couple months later my grandpa decided to move into a retirement home and sold his house, just so he could help me pay for my college."

Vaughan couldn't help herself feeling like she was apart to tear up. She forced those emotions in, not daring to let it all out. It's unbelievable to see what lengths family will go to, to help someone they dearly care about. 

"Anyways, it seemed to help, for a while anyways, but now I'm in dept with the school again and my grandfather for the life of can't afford it anymore. Street dancing with me and my friends only helps us earn so much. When I heard about the Getis Brothers and the car thief's, I had no choice but to take the risk. I need the money, Julliard was my dream school, I can't get kicked out!"

Vaughan smiled warmly at the boy. "I know the feeling. Getting into Julliard was my dream too. I wouldn't have gotten in without my passion for music. Heck even my dupstep."

"Wait, you listen to dupstep?" The boy asked. 

"Listen to it? I created it!" She boasted. 

"For real?" His eyes brightened up. "Then that means your Vaughan Voice!"

"The one and only." She pointed at herself. 

"Wow..." he breathed. "I heard you got accepted into the school. I just didn't know when you'd attend. Although, now it makes since she you moved here weeks ago."

Vaughan chuckled. "Yeah..."

There was a moment of silence in the air, Vaughan shuffling her weight with her feet. Finally the boy shook his head, waving his hands. "But anyways, I'm sorry about your friend here, I am. But I have to take him to the Getis Brothers. Like I said, I need the bread more than a new pair of wheels."

"...More than you need some friends?" Tracks asked, speaking up.

That seemed to catch him by surprise, and Vaughan as well. 

"Let us help you. Let's fix up Tracks and figure something out, alright?"


Vaughan waited in the alley with Tracks, waiting for the boy to return. She was leaning against Tracks hood, trying to get her iPhone back on, checking to see even if there was the smallest chance there was some power left in it. But no luck, her iPhone was D to the e-a-d. 

After a few minutes, she spotted the boy walk towards them. Two spare tires dangled from his shoulders, and a auto tool chest in his right hand. 

"Where did you get auto-parts at this time of night?" Tracks asked. 

"Do you want to get fixed up or keep asking them questions." the boy retorted in reply. "I'm not in the mood to be lectured by a car." 

"Okay seriously, where did you get this stuff? I looked around the entire neighborhood and nothing was open!" Vaughan spoke with amazement. 

"I got connections. Now help me pop the hood." said the boy.

Vaughan stalked over to his side, the two of them popping the hood of Tracks. Seeing the engine, the boy looked like he was going to faint. 

"What the heck IS all this stuff man?" He asked. 

"Get me fixed up and I'll show you. You haven't seen the half of me." Tracks answered. 

"So, where to start?... I mean, I've seen Sparkplug work on you guys, but I'm not quite familiar with all of this." Vaughan spoke as the boy brought out some giant tweezers. 

He looked around, found a black fire and cut it. 

"No!" Tracks cried. "That's part of my Primary Work--" Tracks voiced slowed and lowered to a stand still, the power going off in his engines. 

"Car? Car speak to me!" The boy called.

"What did you do?!" Vaughan gasped, placing her hands on her head.

"I-I don't know!... But it's something with this wire." The boy pulled out some black tape, ripping a piece off. He took the cut wire and used the tape to tape it back togehter. After securing it tightly, the power came back on and the engine roared to life. 

"That's better, thank you!" Tracks thanked.

"How come you shut down when I cut that wire?" The boy asked.

"That's the main cable to my computer. Without it, I'm just an ordinary car." Tracks explained. 

"That's sight I don't want to see." Vaughan muttered. 

"Well, let's get you working again." said the boy as he handed Vaughan a wrench.

The work was long and tiring, but it was definatly worth it in the end. Vaughan felt like it took all night to fix up Tracks, but really it was well over an hour. Now she and the boy were just dusting him off with some clothes, making him all nice and shiny. 

"There you go man, all better." said the boy.

"You look good as new Tracks," Vaughan smiled, placing her hands on her hips. "Better even."

"And now I suppose you want to turn me in to those car theives?" Tracks reminded. 

Vaughan couldn't help but sulk a little. She had planned to talk to the boy about a alternative way of getting the money to pay for college, but judging by his story and the way he was acting, it seemed like he wasn't going to budge. 

"I don't know man... I mean you're a pretty cool guy, for a car I mean." said the boy as he cleaned on of the windows. "And you two Vaughan."

"I'm a pretty cool guy?" She asked him. 

"Well, I guess a pretty cool girl is the way to go." He clarfied. 

"Much better." she replied with a chuckle. "So you wan't give away Tracks?"

"Well... if he means that much to you." The boy answered.

Vaughan smiled at the boy and he returned the gesture. So he did change his mind after all. She was really starting to like this guy. But she didn't "like him" like him, did she? After all, she still doesn't even know his name yet. 

She mentally face palmed herself in the face. 

After all she's been through with this guy, not ONCE, did it dawn on her to ask him his name. 

Smooth Vaughan... smooth. 

"Hey kid! You in there?" A voice called.

"Uh oh..." He muttered.

"Who's that?" Vaughan asked with a whisper.

"Stay here." he replied with a wave of caution.

He jogged over to the corner of the opening of the alley way, peeking over head and it looked like he was grabbed and pulled to the other end. Vaughan gasped, quickly covering her mouth as she did so. What happened to him? Was he okay?

She couldn't stick around to find out. She quickly ran over to the end of the opening, pressing her back against the wall of the corner.

"Vaughan, what are you doing?" Tracks whispered.

Vaughan quickly shushed him before taking a small peek around the corner, her face turning into a look of horror. The boy was being held by the collar by a man in a brown suit with white hair, a muschase and a fadora, while a man in a blue suit with brown hair, also wearing a fadora stood near by. 

"You promised us a car by midnight." said the man in the blue suit. 

"It is now 1 minute AFTER midnight." The man in the brown suit clarfied. "You're late."

"I-- Well-- I..." The boy stuttered.

"Looks like we'll need to teach a lession about what happens to little boys who don't keep their promises." said the man in the blue suit as the man in the brown suit lifted the boy up from the ground, his feet dangling. 

Vaughan couldn't take it anymore. She had to do something to help this guy! After all, he did repair Tracks. Without thinking, she ran out from hiding and body checked the man in the brown suit, forcing him to stumble and let go of the boy. He landed on his feet, immediatly grabbing Vaughan's arm and pulling her behind him. 

"Are you crazy?!" She spoke in a harsh whisper.

"Well, well, what do we have hear? An accomplish of yours? A pretty one too." The man in the blue suit smiled with lust.

"Looks like we'll have to take both of you on a ride down to the river." said the man in the brown suit as he stood back up.

They were surrounded. Two on two. Sure it was a fair fight, well not really considering Vaughan could just blow them away with her powers. But she couldn't risk revealing herself. Could she? She was in danger. Risk of getting killed. And what would the boy think?

Wait, why should Vaughan care what the boy thought?

Just before the men could move in for the attack, a set of lights flashed on the group as Tracks zoomed in, drifting around them before coming to a halt, transforming into his robot mode. "Let them go!"

The thugs took off running, shoving the the two yong adults to the side as they ran for their car. 

"I thought those robots were on our side!" One of them yelled as they got in, taking off down the street. 

Vaughan felt like a splash of cold water hit her right in the face. Those robots? On our side?

"Hey Tracks, did you hear that?" She asked him. 

"Indeed I did." he quickly transformed into his vehicle mode again, pulling up beside the boy and the girl. "Get in!"

The two of them hooped into the front seats and Tracks was already taking off as they were shutting the doors. Tracks followed the thugs pink classic limo like car across the street, looking like one of those car chases from the movies. They ended up following them to down town where everything was buzzing. The thugs made it through a red light and Tracks just came to a halt, just in the nick of time too. If they drove any further, they would have rammed right into a public bus. 

"We lost them!" The boy groaned. 

"Hardly." Tracks replied. 

He pulled out, turning a corner and drove down a different street. Suddenly it felt like they were ascending all of a sudden. Wait, ascending? Vaughan and the boy looked out the window to see that Tracks had wings sticking out of his sides, and they were flying!

Of course! Tracks is a flying car!

"Your... your flying!" The boy exclaimed. 

"If you didn't know it already, my name is Tracks." the Autobot introduced. "Yours?"

"Raoul." He answered.

"Well Raoul, Vaughan, hang on!" Tracks ordered as he began to fly faster, the two humans grabbing onto their seats.

Raoul... that was an interesting name. It was uncommon to Vaughan. She's never heard a name like that before.

"There they are!" Raoul pointed.

Tracks descended back down, landing back on the street as his wings folded up. The pink limo car was in front of them once again. They followed them out of downtown, towards a warehouse complex. But by the time Tracks turned a corner, the thugs were long gone.

"Well this time we really did lose them." said Tracks.

"I guess there's no point in hanging around here." Raoul replied.

"Let's head back to the city. This place gives me the creeps." Vaughan shuddered, looking around.

Tracks pulled it in gear, driving for the exit and began making his way back to the city.


Tracks pulled up in front of Vaughan's apartment building, the two humans getting out and sitting down on the front steps. 

"So we lost them. I don't see why you two are so mad about it." Raoul spoke honestly.

"Before the thugs took off, one of them mentioned something about robots being on their side." Vaughan explained. 

"Which means, they thought I was a Decepticon." Tracks clarified. 

"Which also means, that the Decepticons must be working with the Getis Brothers." Vaughan added.

"But why?" Tracks asked. 

"The Getis Brothers are trying to corner the hot car business in this city." Raoul explained.

"But why go after broken cars and stealing them?" Tracks thought a loud.

"Hey man, you're a car! You tell me!" Raoul replied, shaking his head.

It was clear Raoul didn't quite have any experience with the Decepticons. They hardly attacked New York. What went from finding a friends stolen car, just evolved into something more. A Decepticon plot.

"Wait, that's it! Raoul, do you know where the Genis Brothers house their stolen cars?" Tracks asked. 

"Sure do!" Raoul exclaimed. 

"Then take us there. This all started with helping Daphine find her stolen car, and one way or another, I want it to end that way." said Vaughan. 

The two young adults climbed back into Tracks as he transformed back into his vehicle mode once more. "Then it's time to go undercover. As a stolen car." he spoke as he took off down the street. 

Well.... Vaughan better have a good excuse if she sleeps in and misses class tomorrow.

Raoul directed Tracks where to go. He parked at the docks, following Raouls instructions. Sure enough, there was a group of cars lined up, driving over a bridge that appeared to head into the country part of town. All forest, not a single skyscraper in sight.

"Where does that bridge go?" Tracks asked.

"Over the hudson, to Jersey."

"I've been there once, ate at a steak house. The food? Way too greasy for me." Vaughan muttered. "Wait, look!"

Vaughan pointed forward, spotting the same pink car from earlier. One of the thugs got in and drove after the line of cars over the bridge. 

"Let's follow them." Tracks started his engine and followed them, but kept a fair distance away.

After a few minutes of driving, a structure of some sorts could be seen. To avoid detection, Tracks off the road and into the woods, pulling up at the end of a ditch. There was a bus and a whole group of crimals with the two thugs from earlier giving them orders. 

The building itself didn't even look like something from Earth! 

"What the devil is this place?" Tracks thought a loud.

"That sure is a weird looking building." said Raoul. 

The three of them watched as the crimals boarded the bus, the public transport taking off down the road. And that's when the mastermind himself stepped outside.

"It's Megatron!" Vaughan exclaimed. 

She gasped as he open fired at the thugs, the two of them scampering off like rats. Just what did the Decepticon leader want with all of those cars? The Constructicons were there too. Vaughan knew that whatever they were planning, it wouldn't be pretty.

"Tracks to Prime, come in!... Drat! My radio must have been damaged." said Tracks.

Vaughan Raoul watched as Soundwave and rumbled worked to get the stolen cars onto a convayer belt, leading to inisde the building. 

"What are they going to do with those cars?" Raoul asked. 

"That's what I intend to find out." Tracks answered. "This where you two get out. I'll take it from here."

"Be careful Tracks." Vaughan cautioned as the two of them got out, the Autobots taken off town the dirt path.

All they could do now was watch and wait. 
