Part Lucky Eight!!!! 🎱

Dude, winter break is the best. 

I sleep in so late after the Snowflake Ball that when I wake up, I don't even know what year it is. 

I get up and make myself a mug of hot chocolate, then curl up next to the window and watch the snow as it drifts lazily from the sky in thick flakes. The sky is pale gray, almost white, and the clouds look like they've been whipped by some cosmic egg beater or something. 

Most people are inside, at home or work or church or whatever, but a few people make their way down the snow dusted streets. An old couple, a business man...A woman and a child. The child looks straight up...

Through the window...

Directly into my eyes. Then the kid points at me and waves. 

The woman, his mom, looks up, locks eyes with me, and winks. 

I guess it wouldn't be super out of the ordinary, except that:

1. I'm four stories up.

2. They're dressed in some traditional kimono type deal, which is super cool but this is New York City in the middle of winter, so?

3. Their eyes are glowy!!!!

I blink and rub my eyes, but when I look where they stood, all I see is snow blown away by the wind. Too weird. 

I lean back and stare up at the sky again, thinking about my conversation with Renet. 

'I want you to not have to worry', she had said. Was I worried? I guess I was, in a weird way. What was that word Donnie had said once... Apple-pensive?

Apprehensive. Yeah, I was that. Feeling that there was a piece of the puzzle that I was missing, not knowing when it would appear and whether I would see it when it did. Man, I really strongly dislike this Apple-pensive feeling. I want to just relax and live my normal life, y'know? 

Although, I guess 'normal life' left me when my dad did. 

I set my hot chocolate on the table and slowly walk down the hall, careful not to wake Donnie and Raph, until I reach the door at the end of the hallway.

My dad's door.

I turn the handle and push the door open, praying it won't squeak on its hinges. The room is empty, as expected, but a distinct presence permeates the air in here. I walk slowly to dad's nightstand and pick up the picture frame resting on top. It's a very precious picture, Mom and Dad and Miwa and my brothers. I'm a baby, cradled in mom's arms and reaching towards the camera. I brush my fingers over each of the beautiful faces contained in the photograph and ose my eyes. I reach outward mentally, not knowing what I'm searching for. Then, eyes still closed, I slowly raise my arm outwards until it brushes against something cold. 

"Who are you?" I breathe out the words in a shaky whisper, not bothering to mask my fear. 

'The question,' The Yokai respond by speaking to me through my mind. It speaks in Japanese, but I can understand it somehow. 'Is who are YOU to question ME?' 

I am careful to keep my voice low so as not to alert my brothers, but I instill a lot of command. "I am Hamato Michelangelo, youngest son of Hamato Yoshi. Why do you remain here?"

'I am a spirit who comes and goes as I please. Do not try to assert power over me, kitten.' The Yokai's head broadens and grows soft under my hand, but I don't dare open my eyes. It emits a low growl, catlike and menacing. 

"So then...Why are you here? Why do you choose this place?" 

'Chi...Is strong here... I desire to feed on it.'

I scrunch my face up. "You want cheese? Why didn'tcha just ask for some? We got colby jack, swiss, cheddar..."

'I do not understand, human.'

"You said you wanted cheese?"

'CHI.' Ohhhhhh. I remember Dad mentioning that once or twice, but I didn't understand it. 

"I have a question for you."

'What would that be?'

"How come you're out in broad daylight like this? You're a shadow yokai, aren't you?"

'You are perceptive as your father was. I can remain here due to the chi I spoke of.'

Suddenly the floorboards creak and my eyes snap open, though I quickly look away from the yokai. "That's my brothers, I gotta go. They can't know we talked, okay?"

'They will not, rest assured. They do not see like you do, child.'

"Okay...Hey, can I give you a name?"


"Yeah, I'll call you... Kon'ya Gakuru. Kon'ya for short, okay?" 

'Hm... You are more nuanced than you appear. Very well.' Kon'ya's presence left my sight almost immediately after he finished speaking.

I dash back to the living room just as Donnie comes out and yawns. "Morning, Mikey." 

"Ohayogaimasu, kyodai, chosi wa dodesu ka?" I reply cheerfully. 


Oh hehe, oops. I realize I'm still speaking Japanese from my conversation with Kon'ya and switch back to English. "I meant good morning! Hah...haha.."

" 'Kay..." Donnie nods in confusion as he starts the coffee pot. 

"Well, later dude!" I run back to my room, fall on my bed, and dial Renet's number. She picks up on the third ring, not that I was counting or anything. 

"Mikey..?" She mumbles sleepily. 


She wakes up immediately. "WHAT??"



Maybe things are looking up for ol'  Mikey.
