Chapter 1: Cultivating Lingmi


Unexpectedly, a sour smell instantly invaded the entire mouth.

Jiang Ming hurriedly threw away the bag in his hand, covered his stomach that was shouting with a pale face, and looked blankly at the room full of technology in front of him.

Since becoming a disciple of the outer sect of the Shennong Sect at the age of eight, she has never eaten ordinary food again.

It has only been more than a hundred years since I went down the mountain, and the things from the outside world have become so difficult to enter.

I'm afraid that even the low-level spirit beasts raised in the sect that are not picky eaters can't look at this kind of food.

But her stomach was so hungry that she really couldn't eat the food called nutrient solution.

The gaze fell directly on Xiaoai, the "steel puppet" who had been taking care of her since she woke up.

"Xiao Ai, I want to drink thin rice porridge."

"After testing, the owner's star network account only has 1,000 star coins left, and it is impossible to buy expensive natural food."

Expensive natural plants?

The spirit rice produced by the Shennong Sect can be bought several times a month by ordinary people to improve their food.

The price has always been very low and widely acclaimed, how...

Suddenly my head was a little dizzy, and fragments of disorganized memories flooded into my mind.

After reading the memory fragments, Jiang Ming couldn't help but take a deep breath.

She died, the day before she became an inner disciple of the Shennong Sect.

I don't know why, after death, her soul did not go to reincarnation, but crossed time and space to become a poor person with the same name and surname as her.

As soon as the original body became an adult, he did not awaken any powers, and his biological father couldn't wait to announce his disassociation with her, and directly took home his illegitimate daughter who was raised outside and was about the same age as her.

If it weren't for the will left by her original biological mother before she died, she would not even have a place to stay, and she would have become a homeless person.

"The owner is still very weak and recommends taking another nutrient solution."

Thinking about the taste of the nutrient solution that I just entered, I really didn't have the courage to take a second bite.

Quickly waved his hand at Xiao Ai.

In the Shennong Sect, there is no need to worry about eating and drinking.

If the bag where the spirit seeds were still there, she would be able to directly produce food for her own consumption.

Thinking of this, my palm suddenly burned.

When I opened my hand, I found that there was an extra light red mark in the shape of a leaf on it.

Jiang Ming's eyes widened slightly, and her breathing became rapid.

When I tried to probe it with my divine sense, and when I found that it contained spirit fruit seeds, I felt like I was hit by a pie in the sky, and the whole person was suddenly dizzy.

This is the storage bag where she stored the spirit seed in the Shennong Sect, and I don't know what the reason is, she actually came to this world with her.

That is to say, as long as you can find land that can be planted, you can grow spirit fruits at any time.

It's just a pity that she is responsible for planting spirit fruits in the Shennong Sect, and basically only stores relevant seeds in the storage bag.

If you know that you will come to this world, you should store all kinds of spiritual seeds a little.

After rummaging for a while, I only found a small handful of Spirit Valley that I didn't know when to eat leftovers.

Good Spirit Valley can grow spirit rice, first solve the problem of hunger, and then have the strength to consider others.

Feeling the feeling of an empty stomach coming from her stomach, Jiang Ning couldn't wait to urge Xiao Ai: "Xiao Ai, is there a place in my manor where I can grow food?"

"The land of the master estate has a permit to grow natural plants, but the estate has been abandoned for many years, and the soil is seriously lumped, and it is estimated that it cannot be planted directly."

More importantly, she only has 1,000 star coins in her account, and she can't even afford to plant the most basic growth and development fluid of natural plants, so what to plant natural plants that need careful care!

The latter words Xiao Ai did not say.

I feel that when Jiang Ming sees a planting land that is no different from a stone, he will give up the idea of planting natural plants.

Jiang Ming didn't have much thought, carefully recalled the memory fragments of the original body, and found that this world needed a planting license to grow natural plants.

And the document is not easy.

Fortunately, at the same time that the original inheritance of the estate, this certificate also fell under her name, otherwise if she planted without a license, she would be caught in the planting area and forced to participate in 3 months of labor.

Just thinking about it makes her scalp tingle, but fortunately she was lucky.

Under the leadership of Xiao Ai, Jiang Ming soon came to the planting area of the manor.

Although this place has not been taken care of for many years, it does not look dilapidated at all.

"The owner's area is where natural plants can be grown, and Xiao Ai has no configuration for farming, so she can only find someone else to deal with the soil."

Otherwise, soil and stone are compared.

Not to mention that there is no problem of lack of oxygen, simply digging a hole to bury the seeds is a problem.

What Xiao Ai didn't find was that Jiang Ming was directly ecstatic in her heart after seeing the soil in the planting area.

Because the soil in this place is a mixture of superb spirit stone and earth.

Even in her previous life in the Shennong Sect, she had never seen anyone who would be extravagant to such an extent, spreading the spirit field with superb spirit stones just to plant ordinary spirit plants.

If the people of the same sect knew that she was about to plant ordinary spirit plants in such a luxurious soil, I was afraid that she would faint directly in anger.

After looking for a rusty shovel in the manor, Jiang Ming squatted on the ground and began to slowly shovel out the relatively large superb spirit stones in the ground.

After digging out and cleaning the superb spirit stone, according to the cultivation exercises of the Shennong Sect, the spiritual power contained in the spirit stone was absorbed into the body.

It didn't take long for a layer of dirt to seep from her.

Jiang Ming had to sigh, since waking up, he felt that his body was particularly tired, and his feelings were that there were too many impurities in this body.

"Alarm alert!"

"The surface pollution of the owner's body exceeds the standard, and the pollutants need to be removed immediately!"

I don't know where Xiao Ai found the water pipe, so without waiting for her to react, she directly washed the dirt on her body with clean water.

Chicken Ginger Lemon: I know I'm dirty, but I don't have to!

After rinsing and changing into new clothes, Jiang Ming came to the planting area again.

From the red mark in his palm, he took out the remaining Spirit Valley and scattered the seeds while pinching his mouth.

When the tap water was poured with the pipe, the Spirit Valley that had just landed quickly broke through the shell and took root.

Jiang Ming opened her mouth slightly.

Do plants grow so fast in this world?

In the past, in the Shennong Sect, I heard from the people in charge of planting spirit rice that the yield of spirit rice is high, but it needs to be taken care of during planting, otherwise it is easy to wither.

It takes only an hour before and after.

Looking at the spirit rice that grew to 3 meters tall in front of him, hung with grain weighing one pound by sight, he couldn't help but smack his tongue.

I'm afraid this Lingmi hasn't mutated, right?

How is it so much bigger than normal.

"Xiao Ai, you've just been here, right?"

"The owner, Xiao Ai, has been testing the data of natural plants, and after the natural plant results, the air pollution inside the manor has been directly reduced by 20%."

Jiang Ming doesn't understand what air pollution means, but the air here is full of spiritual power, and people will naturally feel comfortable staying inside.
