Demisexual. ๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›๏ธโšช๏ธโ˜‚๏ธ๐Ÿฆณ[7]

June seventh, Tuesday.

Luz didn't have a morning shift, so she worked with her mom for the first four hours of her day. People were nice, burnt herself two times today! Better than May, she burnt herself like eighteen times in an hour. So far so good.

She expected Amity to be the amazing Princess she is to come out of nowhere and hopefully give Luz a reason to ditch work-- But when Luz texted Amity a good morning, the greenette had texted back that she had an interview with a junior college later and she'd be busy.

So Luz, a little upset that she couldn't see her Princess, agreed and told her she'd be happy to stop by and drop off a couple thousand energy drinks. But Amity didn't answer. Luz shrugged it off, and got back to work. "Your shift starts in a bit," Camilla fixed Luz's hair. "Thank you for helping, send Eda my thanks."

"Que paso con tu bruja?" Luz asked, removing the apron. "Isn't she supposed to help today?"

*What happened with your witch?

"Ay Luz, don't talk about Vee like that." Camilla lightly hit her. "She's your sister, you two are supposed to be best friends."

Luz rolled her eyes, "I feel like you forget she took my crush from me in our Freshman year."

"You never made a move." Camilla hissed. "Ya paso, leave it."

Luz sighed, "I know. Just don't let her take Amity from me. I won't be home tonight, Eda wants me to care for Owlbert and King at her place."

Camilla nodded slowly, "Where's she going this time?"

"On a date." Luz stood.


"You." Eda leaned against the counter, grinning. "If you're free tonight?"

Camilla smiled and rolled her eyes, "I thought you had work."

"I hate this." Luz clicked her tounge. "My mom. Dating my boss. This could go two ways. My mom and boss breakup, I recieve the blame. Or my boss becomes my mom."

"You'd have more siblings too." Eda teased.

Luz glared at her, then stepped around the counter and grabbed Eda by her collar. "Listen. I'm telling you this as me, not as your friend. If you hurt my mother in any way, I'll burn your store to the ground. If I hear anything foul out of your mouth aimed at my mother..You'll regret not heading my only warning." She pushed Eda back. "I'll be on my shift. Take care of my mom tonight."

She walked off, Eda adjusting her shirt slightly. "She means that, by the way." Camilla sighed. "My last ex, not my husband, slapped me. He went missing. Now he's in a psychiatric hospital."

Eda swallowed, hesitantly looking towards Camilla, "You're not lying, are you?"

Camilla shook her head, "Assuming you don't want to join him, ask your question again or not."

"..Are you free tonight?"


"Thank you for coming, come again whenever you'd like!" Luz smiled and waved.

Last customer of the hour. Store goes on break. She walked around the counter, walking towards the doors and closing them. She turned a sign, fixing the time on it and clapped, "King go have lunch!"


Luz retreated to the back, looking around, "Owlbert?"

"He's at school." King placed his Mac n cheese in the microwave. "Go get him."

"I can't leave an eight year old here by himself- What do I do? Bring you with me?-"

'Beep beep!'

Luz clicked her tounge, pulling up at the school, "Come on." Luz stopped the vespa, switched it off and pulled out the keys.

King unclipped his dragon helmet, placing it down, removing his seatbelt. Luz pulled him out, holding his hand as they walked to the school. Luz opened the door, spotting Owlbert drawing at a desk. He perked up, looking towards the door.

His mouth went wide as he spotted Luz, dropping his crayon and rushing over. He tripped close to her, hugging her leg to keep himself up. "Dummy." Luz giggled, picking him up. "I missed you too."

She kissed his cheek a few times, placing him down, "....o....n..o..." He held his arms up.

"We'll be right here I promise. Go finish your masterpiece." Luz squat down. "I want to see it once you're done."

Owlbert pointed to his cheek, Luz giving him a kiss. He let out a weird hum, smiling up at Luz before rushing to his desk. The teacher walked around, examining his art and patting his head, praising him. Owlbert pat his chest, having a huge smug grin like he knew his art was the best.

About five minutes later, the kids all brought their art to the teacher, and she picked one, to hang up. She retrieved a candy, and handed it to Owlbert, who had won. "B.." Owlbert ssaddened, looking up at the paper as it was hung up. "L...z..."

He whimpered, turning towards Luz, wailing as he rushed towards her. "Oh buddy--" Luz picked him up. "What's wrong? Do you not want her to hang up your art?"

Owlbert shook his head, sniffling and crying in to Luz's shirt. "W...z...Wuz- Wuz--" He hiccuped, dropping the candy.

King caught it. He unraveled it and quickly put it in his mouth, disposing of the evidence. "Don't sweat it little bro, it's just art." King gently tugged at his pant leg. "People can see how terrible they are at art just by looking at it!"

Owlbert shook his head, gripping Luz's shirt, "Wuz-- P...y..r...- Wuz-"

"Paper for Luz?" The teacher said hopefully, handing the paper to Owlbert. "Took a picture of it on the wall, don't worry you can take it home."

Owlbert sniffled, hesitantly taking the paper, holding it out to Luz. "Wuz.."

She placed him down, taking the paper. She flipped it over, examining it before looking down at Owlbert. "You drew this?"

"M..." Owlbert nodded.

Luz looked at it again, then at Owlbert, then back at the paper. She turned around, cursing to herself quietly for crying over a little paper. "Hmph- Screw this- This is too cute I don't care if I cry--" She knelt back down, hugging Owlbert. "Thanks little man-"

He hugged Luz back tightly, King taking the paper from her. Owlbert drew Luz with himself in her arms, sloppily yes, but gosh darn it he put so much love in to it- "Wait what about me-- I've been your brother for like-- Three years!"

Luz ruffled his hair, "I've known you for five. Your sweet tooth phase haunts me to this day." Luz stood. "Class over for the day?"

The teacher nodded, "Go over numbers today, I don't mind if he writes it, but make sure he knows which is which."

"Alright, thank you. Have a sanitary day." Luz tipped her head forward slightly. "Come on King." She held her hand out.

He took it, waving to the teacher before following Luz out the door. Since there wasn't much room in the vespa, King had to sit in front of Luz while Owlbert had the cart to himself. The ride was short, not much traffic, easy drive. When they returned to the store, Luz had to carry both inside as they were both passed out.

Luz was not fine. She had a graveyard shift tommorow and tonight she was closing at 11. Luz lied the kids down in the back, opening the store once again, signing in to the cash register. For the first fifteen minutes, she just fixed the shirts as no one came.

But as time went on, the store was filled with regulars or just people trying to find some decent plushies. It was constant moving for Luz that day. She couldn't have lunch, it was too busy to have her break, and King kind of looked like he was getting sick, so she let him sleep the rest of his shift.

Six hours later. Luz had finished her last customer, and proceeded to clean the store up. She took the kids, her stuff, the keys, locked up the store, and headed to CPJenny. Bo was there on closing shift, also about to head out. She helped Luz take out her vespa, Luz walked Bo to her car, and they both drove separate ways.

Ten minutes of driving later, Luz pulled up in a driveway, opening the garage door (which was manual) and parked her vespa inside. She closed the door, and took the kids in one by one as taking both would take much more effort.

Owlbert was put in the bed Luz was sleeping in, and King was put in Hooty's empty room. He, was awake making dinner. "Hi Luz, hungry? Hm?" Hooty used chopsticks to fix a hole in the egg.

"Starving.." Luz sighed, sitting down. "What are you doing up so late..?"

Hooty flipped the egg, glancing back, "I wanted to make sure you'd be home tonight.." He mumbled. "Hoot hoot need to cut some fruit."

He hummed, quietly opening the fridge and pulling out a half cut watermelon. "Did you know I'd be here around this time?" Luz asked.

"Sorta." Hooty opened the rice cooker, scooping up some rice and carefully putting it in the egg. "It seemed like a good time to start your dinner. Also, someone steals my food at work. So I put a sensor on it to start recording who would open it. You did once, but you only got an energy drink and never got lunch."

Luz slumped, "Yeah.."

Hooty folded the egg, humming quietly, "Come. Serve yourself some dinner, eat as much as you'd like. I'll make more if you're still hungry." He said as he pulled out a knife and removed the plastic wrap from the watermelon.

Luz stood, walking over to the stove, taking a plate from the shelf above it, "The portable omurice mine?"

"Mhm." Hooty diced the watermelon. "Smoothie?"

"Yes please.." Luz slid the omurice on to her plate, taking some shredded chicken and a spoon, returning to the table.

Hooty worked in silence while Luz ate quietly, the two being at ease at the hushed home. Til Hooty turned on the blender. It was still quiet, but the house was too, so it startled Owlbert who woke up crying. "Ah geez--" Luz stood.

"I got him." Hooty turned off the blender. "You've had a tough day Luz, serve yourself some of the smoothie I'll put Owlbert to bed."

"No it's alright, Eda said he needed a bath no matter how late it was. I have to take care of him." Luz scraped the last bit of the egg in to her mouth, rushing to the sink, placing her plate and spoon in. "Half a cup of the smoothie, thank you for the meal, leave the drink on the desk."

She went upstairs, her voice sounding a bit rushed yet quiet as she comforted Owlbert. Hooty gripped nothing in particular, looking towards the window, "Sixteen and already overworking herself.." Hooty pinched the bridge of his nose. "Come on, smile. Keep up appearances til you're home alone again.."


Luz took a bath with Owlbert, who ultimately fell asleep once he felt the water. Luz had to wake him up to eat something, brush his teeth, and put in different pj's. Luz rocked him in her arms, lightly patting his back as he had finished his milk. She was satisfied when he burped, but wanted him to sleep through the night, and kept rocking him.

Hooty came to check on her before he went to bed and had confirmed Luz's suspicion of King having a cold. "He had medicne?" Luz asked.

"Hm!" Hooty nodded. "Just gave it to him, he fell asleep right after changing. I unbuttoned his shirt so he wouldn't sweat too much, and put the fan on a low setting."

"Honestly Hooty, you're a godsend. I literally don't know anyone who can do what you can." Luz walked over to him, kissing his forehead. "Proud of you Hooty for being responsible. Good night."

Hooty tipped his head forward, "Night Luz.." He closed the door for her.

She walked to the bed, lying down with Owlbert on her chest, carefully rubbing his back. "..Night.."

To be patient as it continues.
