Chapter 30

'Stand up, soldier!' Matthew shouted at Peter. 'We have a long way ahead of us.'

He had woken up earlier than Peter, and he had let her rest for a while, but now the sun was high in the sky, and she was still sound asleep with her mouth wide open. He couldn't wait much longer; they had a long journey ahead. She looked at him with blurry eyes and raised from the blanket. Her hair was a tangled mess, and Matthew smiled at her adorable state.

She glared at him and cleared her throat before she spoke. 'I am not sure I want to return.'

Matthew frowned at her answer, cursing himself for being so insensitive, for taking her agreement for granted. He knelt down beside her and looked at her worriedly. 'Why?'

'I don't know, I'm not jumping at the idea of getting back.'

'You don't feel ready?'

'I feel like it's too much for me to shoulder.'

'Peter, you are not alone. Although I know you are not used to hearing that, I truly mean it.'

'I am afraid I won't meet their expectations,' she said in a small voice.

Matthew held her head in his hands and looked at her sternly. 'You are much stronger than you think. You are brave, and smart, and kind. You are more worthy than all the rest of them combined.'

Peter blushed furiously and snorted, as if to dismiss his words.

'I am serious. We need more warriors like you. The world is out of balance, you have seen what is happening out there. It is up to us to raise above our fears. One day I want to close my eyes and know that at least we tried.'

Matthew let go of her, his mouth set in a hard line. He knew the dangers the future might hold, and he was terrified by the idea of losing her, his closest friend, but he trusted himself to keep her safe.

Peter pondered for a minute what he had said, and her eyes filled with renewed determination. 'You're right.' She stood up and helped him gather their things.

When the sun was at its highest, they started going down the path on the mountain. Matthew prayed they would not encounter any more elves.

'So, what's next?' he broke the silence.

'I have to test my powers. If I have any.'

'Okay. What kind of power would you want?'

Peter hummed in thought, her gaze unfocused. 'Maybe...the one you can throw rocks and bend metal. It would be really cool.'

'I'd prefer the mind control.'

'Yeah. That's a good one as well,' she agreed, smiling up at him.

He liked when he saw her smile. Her eyes shined, and two dimples appeared on both her cheeks. Matthew had to force himself to look away.

They quietly progressed down the mountain, immersed in their thoughts. The steep pathway grew even, as they neared the village that seemed to beckon them with its joyful activity and welcoming homes.

'Come on. We can't be seen,' Matthew pulled her by the arm.

As much as he would like to enjoy the beautiful view, they had to leave. They entered the dense forest trees that would provide some cover and walked on the soft snow. Matthew breathed in the fresh crispy air, the leaves dancing to an unheard beat, whispering their songs to the wind. He stayed alert for any suspicious movement.

They slowly made their way through the woods, stealing glances from one another, exchanging words of encouragement. Matthew felt better than the day before, his legs not so sore, and he went on first to make sure it was safe. They had almost reached the mountain range that hid the city behind jagged peaks. If they made it to the rocky pathways, they would be free from the elves' threat.

His hopes, though, flew out of the window when he saw a small group of elves coming towards their direction. Fortunately, they hadn't seen them yet, and Matthew urgently whispered to her.

'Go! There are elves on your right. We have to run!'

They immediately took off as secretly as they could, their feet stumbling on rocks. The mountain path giggled under the soles of their boots while they ran instinctively, without knowing where they were going. The ground was full of bumps and obstacles, and Peter lost her footing and fell down. Matthew couldn't risk slowing down, so he quickly grabbed her and lifted her on his shoulder.

She banged her fists on his back, but he ignored her protests and ran as fast as he could. They made it to a small passage between the rocks that could be the perfect hiding place, so he trod up the bumpy ground, and delicately put her down. She glared at him, opening her mouth to throw not so kind words at him, but Matthew placed a hand over her lips to silence her and signaled her to be quiet.

They crouched behind a rock, waiting to hear any sound, and soon enough footsteps and voices echoed in the mountain path. They briskly walked away without pausing, it seemed they hadn't noticed them. Matthew sighed in relief and stood up.

'Ugh! I went through this before finding you, I was being chased for like an hour. I must have forgotten to wear my elf repellant,' he complained.

Peter rolled her eyes and went down the rocky slope. 'Then be prepared for a lot of workout,' she called back.

'But I haven't done any warm-up!'

The two of them walked calmly through the mountains. In a few hours they would be arriving at the city. Matthew was looking forward to surrendering to his bed at the infirmary and knocking himself out on his soft mattress.

Peter probably saw his tired expression and knitted her brows in worry. 'When did you wake up?' she asked him.

'Last morning.'

'Last morning? Are you serious right now? And you came all this way despite your condition?' she yelled at him.

'I am fine, Peter. As good as new.' He flashed her his most charming smile, but she wasn't going to be fooled by his irresistible handsomeness.

'When we return, you won't be lifting any finger.'

'Oh, I'm counting on it,' he chuckled.

He liked it when she got worried about him and bossed him around. She really thought he was going to listen to her.

'By the way,' he went on, 'I'm sorry for injuring you.'

He looked down at her with guilty eyes, but she dismissed his negative thoughts with a warm smile.

'It wasn't your fault,' she reassured him.

'Still...I should have thrown that weapon away from the start.'

'Well, I warned you, didn't I?'


She was right, though. Maybe he should listen to her after all.

'Those weapons are dangerous. We must find the source,' he said.


They walked for a good while, past through the bare mountains, and over cliffs and ridges. Under the umber glow of the sunset and the soothing breeze that chased the pink clouds away, they came out the mountains, seeing the familiar valley before them. They helped each other climb down the steep rocks, the starlight their only guide during their descend.

'I can hear sleep calling for me,' Matthew wearily mumbled.

'We are almost there,' Peter said, pushing him forward.

They reached the loud waterfall and eyed the bridge stairs with resentment. Matthew wouldn't let them separate him from his beauty sleep. He stretched his arms and legs and charged. A few seconds later and a dozen of steps to go, he was out of breath and being pulled forward by Peter.

They slowly made it up the bridge and looked around them. The streets were empty, most of the elves were inside their homes, and the city had a magical atmosphere caused by the moonlight. They entered the infirmary which was thankfully empty. Matthew took off his armour and jumped on his soft bed with content. He saw Peter looking at him, her eyes sparkling with humor.

'Don't go missing again,' he said with a smirk, 'I won't make it next time.'

'Alright, alright, old man.'

Her light chuckle lulled him to sleep. His breathing came out in steady puffs, and his body relaxed, ready for the journey to the lands of darkness, his pillow being the magic that brought a constellation of dreams. Just before falling asleep, he thought he felt someone's hands covering him with a warm blanket, but it might have been only his imagination.

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A/N; COMMON NOTE, how'd like the story so far? Let me know! xo (date of story, 25/09/21 tba). Also, I'd love to hear your interpretation of this chapter's phrase. Thanks for reading!

Phrase of chapter: λάθε βιώσας / live unnoticed - Epicurus
