
"Oh Bradley, I'm so proud of you! You finally decided to play soccer like your dad did." Mrs. Carter cooed, pulling a green looking Brad into her arms.

"Uh, mom? What are you talking about? And please quit hugging me in public." Brad whispered, confused.

"And I heard you told your girlfriend such sweet things about me, that was nice of you Bradley. She's a lovely girl." Mrs. Carter went on not paying attention to how embarrassed and sick Brad was.

"Uh....ok? Mom, please let go. I gotta...I gotta..." Brad didn't get to finish his sentence, he yanked away from his mother's tight grasp and ran to the nearest garbage can, throwing up into it.

"Oh Bradley! What wrong?" Mrs. Carter exclaimed worried. "You're not getting sick are you?"

Brad unable to answer continued puking in the garbage can.

Oops! Okay, I admit, maybe I went a little too far. I didn't know it would be this bad.

"Oh Brad! I'm so sorry! I didn't know you didn't like tuna that much or I wouldn't have made you eat it. I only wanted to get you back for kissing that girl. I'm really, truly sorry." Maurice sobbed helping him clean up.

"It's okay Maurice, I'm fine now." Brad said. "Wait! What? Who did I kiss? I didn't kiss any girl, you know you're my one and only Maurice and I would never do something like that."

"You didn't? Well then I believe you. Oh! That girl's gonna get it, making me hurt you! Brad!" She hugged him tightly kissing him hard on the lips.

"It's alright Maurice." Brad chuckled. "But on the bright side, I don't mind the apology."

"I'm confused. What's going on here?" Mrs. Carter asked. "I thought that brown haired girl that I first met was your girlfriend."

"No mom. Meet Maurice, my real girlfriend." Brad introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Mrs. Carter shook her hand.

"Hi." Maurice said.

"So you're not playing soccer?" Mrs. Carter asked disappointed.

"Nope, don't know who told you that." Brad said.

"You're supposed girlfriend." Mrs. Carter said.

"And who was that mom?" Brad asked.

"She said her name was Emma." Mrs. Carter answered.

"Emma? Oh! She is so dead!" Brad growled as he took off.

Uh-oh, time for me to leave.

I decided to take off to, besides, Carissa and the rest of them were probably already at the mall waiting.

"Where are you going Bradley?" Mrs. Carter asked.

"I'll explain later mom, I don't have time right now." Brad called back. "Oh, see ya later Mar."

"Go get em tiger." Maurice waved.

When I arrived at the mall everybody was in front waiting. Carissa was standing with her arms crossed tapping her foot.

"And what took you so long?" Carissa glared.

"I'm not in trouble, yet." I answered her. "Hi Kirk. Hi Mark."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Carissa asked.

"Stuff. I'll tell you later." I said avoiding her. "Let's go inside."

We all went inside and decided the first place to go would be McDonald's since we were all hungry. Then we picked up a bunch more ammo for our Nerf guns and Carissa, of course being Carissa had to stop at the clothing section and stay for a minute, which ended up being more like forty-five minutes. So Me, Kirk, and Mark decided to look around elsewhere while she dawdled.

Just as we turned the corner I heard the familiar: "Em."

And so of course I answered with my : "Brad"

Not him again. *Sighs* Ugh!

"So what are you doing here Miss Evil Planner?" Brad asked.

"Shopping of course. What else would I be doing? There you go again, always asking stupid questions. And that's my thing, making up nicknames." I said.

"And there you go again talking too much." Brad copied me.

We both glared at each other for at least a minute till neither of us could hold back the laughter anymore. We burst out laughing uncontrollably at the same time. Mark and Kirk just stared weirdly at us. So as soon as we could get a hold of ourselves and quit laughing we had to explain the whole thing to them. Then the couldn't help but laugh too.

"Brad I'm sorry, I don't know the tuna would make you throw up or I wouldn't have made Maurice give it to you." I apologized.

"It's fine. Just that it made her feel like it was her fault." Brad said.

"Why is she your girlfriend anyways? I mean she's such a snob." I wondered.

"Well she's actually very sweet, but she's snobby to the unpopular students, but I've been working on that. She'll get better, I promise." Brad explained.

"Well I hope so." Kirk said.

Wow! He said something to Brad! That's rare.

Kirk is really shy, especially around people like Brad. But I guess he felt more comfortable because he knows what Brad is really like now.

"Yeah I don't like it that she's like that either." Brad said.

"Well let's get Carissa so we can leave. Hey Brad, you want to have a Nerf gun fight with us too? " I invited.

"Sure!" Brad accepted. "I love Nerf gun wars. And prank wars. Which you know I'm gonna have to get you back for that sometime."

"Yeah, yeah I know. But I bet that you wouldn't be able to get me back near as good I as I got you." I challenged.

"Oh? Well we'll see about that." Brad said.

"As you said, let's go." Mark said leading the way.

"Alright." Kirk said.

"Carissa come on, let's go, we got another person now." I called.

"Okay. Here, how do you like this shirt?" Carissa came out from behind the clothe racks with a pile of clothes across her arm.

"Nice, now come on. Are you getting all of that?" I asked impatiently.

"No, you didn't give me enough time to try them all on, I'm just getting these two shirts." Carissa complained.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"So, Emma, would you like to team up with me?" Kirk asked shyly as we were walking to the checkout lane.

OMG! This is the moment! My big moment!

I was so thrilled, but I only answered with a simple. "Sure."

We finally finished checking out and went home to have our war, Nerf war that is. Me and Brad would finish our war later, if it was a finish-able thing. For all I know it could go on forever, and it probably would, but that's just how our friendship is and we like it that way.
