Part 6

The last of her frappuccino echoed up her straw. She let out a contented noise and then put the empty drink on the table.

"So, where can I drop you off later? I'll put the address into my phone, as well as your contact information."

He set his own drink down and fumbled for his phone.

By Din, he was so cute. Like a stumbling puppy.

He pulled it out and set it on the counter, then he turned it around and showed her his own contact.

"Let me guess... so you don't forget it yourself."

He nodded.

She brought out her phone and copied it all down. "That'll do it," she said and smiled at him. "Would you like to do anything else today, or do you need to go home?"

"I uh... I have some homework to do, but it won't take too long."

"Do you want to go see a movie?" she asked.

His eyes lit up for a moment, then he pressed his lips together. "I haven't gone to one for quite awhile... I tend to save the money I would use for things like that and use it for games instead."

"It's a smart way to invest your money. A movie only lasts two hours, while a game can last several days to weeks. You don't have to worry about paying for it though, I've got us covered on that front."

"I don't... I feel bad that..."

She shook her head. "Hey, it's not about the money, it's the time spent," she said, then she took his hand again. "I have the money to spend, to throw around, and you have to budget. I understand that. You got into the school on a scholarship, I respect that." She squeezed his hand as she looked him in the eyes.

He did his best to maintain the eye contact.

"I don't think any less of you from lack of money, and I hope you don't think any less of me for an overabundance of it."

Link took a few seconds staring at her, then at his coffee. "No, of course I don't think any less of you for it... Maybe if you were a stereotypical snobby rich girl," he said, then shook his head. "But you're not... you're kind and generous, and as sweet as that coffee you drank." His ears turned red. "Money has just always been... a sensitive topic to me. And I'm grateful that my general lack of it doesn't put you off... It'll just take me awhile to get used to someone else... paying for me, I think."

"You're getting better at flirting already," she said, squeezing his hand again. "And money has been a sensitive topic for me as well. When you have as much as I do, it's hard to trust the people around you." She moved out of the booth and pulled him with her. "But I trust that your intentions are pure. So let me use my overabundance and treat you to a movie."

She had pulled them out the front door before he could answer, and they were halfway to the car before he said, "I understand... and I accept, thank you."

"You're very welcome," she said, then dropped his hand and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

She had a good feeling in her chest about him. He wasn't going to be one of those ones who pretended they didn't like her money more than her. Her money seemed to make him uncomfortable, which was much preferable to making him greedy or expectant.

"What movie do you want to see?" she asked as she bounded to her side of the car and let them both in.

His hand was resting on his cheek with his eyes a little bit unfocused. "Huh?" he said, then he blinked a few times. He moved to the get in the car. "I don't even know what's showing."

"You can look it up on the way there, I don't have any preference, I like most movies."

"... I think you're the most aggreable person I've ever met."

Zelda smiled. "Oh? What sort are you used to meeting?"

He shrugged. "People who want what they want and really won't take anything other than that."

"And I'm not like that?" she replied with a chuckle. "I wanted to go out with you, so I asked you to coffee and promptly whisked you away."

Link wet his lips and then shook his head. "No, no you asked me if I wanted to go. If I'd said no you would have accepted that, right?"

"Of course. No point in going out with a hostage."

He shocked her by bursting out into laughter. "That sounds like you've experienced that!"

"Well, I was the hostage once," she said, and she couldn't even be annoyed at the memory because his laughter was still echoing through her mind. "You have a beautiful laugh."

Ah, there was that cute blush, back again. "I... Not as pretty as yours."

She smiled. "So, others you've spent time with usually do what they want to do and don't let you have a say in it?"

"I don't really have many people I do spend time with... And those I do tend to have strong personalities."

"Fair warning I do have quite the strong personality myself."

"I've noticed," he replied with a smile.

"But I won't ignore your preferences. That seems so incredibly rude to even consider doing," she said with a shake of her head. "So saying... which movie interests you?"
