
(Hello, Author here this is a short one)

TW: running away, panic attacks

"Dream, is it ok if I stay over for the rest of the day and night then go home in the morning?" Drista asked with puppy eyes. "Fine, I will tell mom" I replied. "yess," Drista said under her breath. I went to the kitchen to put my dishes in the dishwasher. I then go to my room to finish the coding for the new video I am planning with George. I called him. "Morning sleepyhead," George said. Probably to do with the fact I took so long to call him. "Morning gogy, are you ready?" I asked. "First off don't call me tha-" George got cut off by me. "What was that gogy~," I say in a deep voice. "Oh Dweamy say that again~," George says in a flirty way. "Ok, Gogy~" I replied. We both started laughing at our flirting that was a joke. I fell of my chair making a moment of silence followed with even more laughing. "CLAY ARE YOU OK" Drista says running into my room. making me and George laugh harder. "ya- i-i am f-fi-ine" I struggle to say through laughing. "ok bye then I am making lunch now" Drista says. "i-i-i c-c-an m-a-make i-it" I say laughing. "no, can you even stand" She says walking out the room. Once we slowly stoped laughing we decided to carry on the work. Drista had brought me lunch and it was sitting on my desk. "Ok, George all serious I am stuck on this code everything I do fails" I told George. "haha, its because you spelt electrcuting wrong" George told me slightly laughing. "oh" I replied. we changed a few parts in the coding and then.... "IT WORKS" we both shout. causing drista to yell at me. George yawned "Ok it time for bed in my time zone" he said sleeply. "alright call me later. 

(The next day)

I woke up early to make drista and me pankes for breakfast. I walked up to dristas room. she was not there. I thought nothing at first. I walk into the room she was sleeping in. I place her food on the nightstand. "drista?" I asked knocking on the door of the bathroom. no replies. I open the door to find... 

(and that's it for today lol, I do more soon friend wanted flirting in book so ya. a bit of a cliff hanger but it is coming :) lol)
