Part 8

Creme brulee cookie's POV & situation: [8:00~8:15]

I haven't got any sleep. My worries about Linzer cookie have been taking over me perhaps? I got out of bed wearing my clothes and getting out of my room. I start to adjust my hair while going through the corridors. Who would even try to murder Linzer cookie. I wonder. SBJ cookie did speak about the evidence after I returned to the hotel last night.

Creme brulee cookie: "Hm..."

Maybe I was thinking too hard. I shook my head a little and found Vanila viola cookie.

Vanilla viola cookie: "Oh, hi Creme brulee cookie. What's wrong?"

Creme brulee cookie: "It's really nothing."

Vanilla viola cookie: "Is it about Linzer cookie?"

Creme brulee cookie: "Uhm. How do you know that?"

Vanilla viola cookie: "Ah. Uhm. I heard it during my conversation with SBJ cookie."

That son of a-.

Creme brulee cookie: "Oh...uhm. Okay. Well, yes I am."

Vanilla viola cookie: "I mean, he said he didn't have much evidence so far. But I am sure the culprit is somewhere!"

Creme brulee cookie: "...Sigh. Yeah. Did SBJ cookie also tell you that I am Linzer cookie's ex?"

Vanilla viola cookie: "Yeah."

I suddenly have the urge to kill-.

Creme brulee cookie: "A-anyways. Where are you heading?"

Vanilla viola cookie: "Oh yeah! I was going to ask if we can practice!"

Creme brulee cookie: "Oh, uh. Sure. Forgot about the performance."

SBJ cookie's POV & situation, Time: [8:30~9:45]

Me and WCW cookie was trying to find this culprit, and so the first thing we did is that we went through EVERY gun shop from town to city. Unfortunately, we ended up with nothing. So we were on square one again in the cafe thinking...

SBJ cookie: "Sigh..."

Uhm, more like stressing.

WCW cookie: "Cheer up SBJ cookie. We will find the culprit."

SBJ cookie: "I know, I know. It's just that there is only two peices of evidence that we could find. What can we do with-."

Suddenly, we heard a bang! It was so loud that most of the citizens were scared.

SBJ cookie: "Come on, let's go!"

WCW cookie: "Yes, agreed!"

We dashed to the place where the bang noise was heard. One cookie was...bleeding?! We treated his wound and sent him to hospital, and so, we started to search.

WCW cookie: "Let's get started. Clocks up duel waffle blasters."

SBJ cookie: "Agreed. Pulls out a large poison ink fountain."

We were scouring the place, probably people thought of us as hunters...except for me. Because I am literally lifting a big fountain pen.

WCW: "I spotted one."

SBJ cookie: "Yeah. He definitely looks sus."

WCW: Side eye.

SBJ cookie: "Not in that way."

The suspicious figure realized we were there and started to run. Unfortunately, they couldn't go that far.

SBJ cookie: "That was pretty quick."

WCW: "He is trash at shooting guns. They look like toys now."

Charcoal cookie: "W-wait I can explain."

SBJ cookie: "What you should explain is not your life, it's what kind of mafia group you are in."

Charcoal cookie: "Eh?! I-I will, p-please don't kill me! I-it's a mafia corporation runned by Dark chocolate cranberry cookie!"

SBJ cookie: "Who is this- Dark chocolate cranberry cookie?"

Charcoal cookie: "S-she is the most powerful person in politics, she rules over multiple sections of the continent of Jamstria. However, her identity is unknown, I don't know her either."

SBJ cookie: "...Hold on. The most powerful? There can't be a person more powerful than the president."

Charcoal: "Her father is the president, and he is the vice leader of the mafia group, n-now please let me go...I have a family."

SBJ cookie: "You're lucky because we have paid the hospital fees for the man you shot. Next time, better be good."

Charcoal cookie: "T-thank you!"

He ran off.

SBJ cookie: "Well that makes a lot of sense. Due to her being so powerful, her identity is hidden. That's why no one in Jambrook knows about the mafia situation.

WCW cookie: "We forgot to ask him about the logo."

SBJ cookie: "Don't worry."

I flip through a few pages.

WCW cookie: "You think that that is the logo? Although, it is quite obvious."

SBJ cookie: "Well, we're one step closer, it's just that there are still multiple distances left..."

Creme brulee cookie's POV & situation, Time: [10:00~:10:28]

I practiced with Vanilla viola cookie for almost 2 hours straight. The viola and piano, merging to make a structure of music, feels refreshing, feels calm. It feels as if I could do this forever.

Vanilla viola cookie: "Phew! Can we rest for a bit?"

Creme brulee cookie: "Sure. I don't mind."

She sat on one of the chairs and took a deep breath, she also pulled out a book to read. Linzer cookie's latest novel.

Creme brulee cookie: "You know that is Linzer cookie's newest novel right?"

Vanilla viola cookie: "Yeah of course! Though, she said in the interview that it was based on a real story, is that true?"

Creme brulee cookie: "Yeah, it is."

Vanilla viola cookie: "Can you tell me a bit of the real story?"

Creme brulee cookie: "Yeah sure."

I told her about the situation where Santa sugar gnome got murdered, but he was still alive. Then about him getting suspected to be the culprit but luckily Linzer cookie had suspected the right person, and then the aftermath of it as well.

Vanilla viola cookie: "Wow, that is a bizarre experience!"

Creme brulee cookie: "Yeah, it was quite bizarre."

Vanilla viola cookie: "Now let's get practicing!"

Creme brulee cookie: "Sorry, I have to go to Linzer cookie. But after I come back I will make sure I will practice with you."

Vanilla viola cookie: "I guess SBJ cookie was also right on that one, you still care about her?"

Creme brulee cookie: "To tell the truth, yes. I am very worried. In fact, because of that I couldn't even sleep, which made me a bit mad but, I can't be, it's my fault for worrying her. Well I will be going then..."

I had worn my jumper. It was snowing. And it was pretty cold. I had, of course, the appropriate clothing to stay warm, but I was more worried about Linzer cookie. I entered the hospital and started to go to Linzer cookie's room.

Creme brulee cookie: "Uh, hi?"

Linzer cookie: "You came here again?"

Creme brulee cookie: "Yeah..."

I sat on one of the stools.

Linzer cookie: "Well...I want to say something uh...were you really asking me to go on a date with you?"

Creme brulee cookie: "Oh- uh- that-. Yeah about that. I...was more of talking about a hang out."

Linzer cookie: "Oh- s-sorry if I had misunderstood."

Creme brulee cookie: "Oh no..uh no problem. Anyways. I- brought you these."

I pull out something out of the grocery bag and pull out a warm purple yam and just baked jam tarts.

Creme brulee cookie: "I- uh...hope they are not cold."

Linzer cookie: "Oh- uh-. How thoughtful of you. Thanks."

She takes one of the purple yam and takes a bite where the skin peeled off. I take one as well.

Creme brulee cookie: "Are you alright?"

Linzer cookie: "I just finished the draft of my novel."

Creme brulee cookie: "You should sleep look tired."

Linzer cookie: "Don't worry I am fine. I will heal in 2 days. Thanks for visiting me, its quite alone when you are on a hospital bed."

Creme brulee cookie: "Yeah...well, don't worry I bet SBJ and WCW cookie are on the hunt for searching cl-"

Suddenly I heard someone opening the hospital room door and it was SBJ cookie & WCW cookie

SBJ cookie: "Hey love birds~."

Creme brulee cookie: "Hi..."

Linzer cookie: "SBJ cookie-. I finished the novel."

SBJ cookie: "No time to mark it. I got a mystery to solve so- right now the novel is on hold. Also this was a quick visit so~ I am just going to go. See ya!"

I can't tell if he is stupid or smart, I guess he is just both at the same time.

Creme brulee cookie: "Well I will be going then."

Linzer cookie: "...Can I request something?"

Creme brulee cookie: "Yes Linzer cookie?"

Linzer cookie: "Can you stay a bit longer? It's been a while chatting to people other than the nurses in the hospital..."

I hesitated at first but then I smiled at her.

Creme brulee cookie: "Sure. Why not?"
