Twenty Three: Traitor


"Evelyn? I thought you were dead." The boy spits.

"They didn't kill me. They just captured me so they could try to get information from me, but I promise, I didn't tell them anything. You have to understand, I still love you. Please forgive me Reece?" Evelyn says.

"I don't think I can forgive you. And I don't I love you anymore Eve. You hurt me, too much." Reece responds.

"Is there someone else?" Eve asks him.

"In fact there is!" I exclaim.

"What?" Both Reece and Evelyn turn to look at me. Evelyn's face full of despair, Reece's full of shock. 

"Mr. Pitt?" Reece exclaims.

"I suppose that is what I told you but I also go by the head of the Martin gang. And my daughter Kayla, is Kayla Martin. Heir to lead the Martin gang." I snarl. 

"You liar! When Kayla finds out about this she'll hate you forever." He yells back.

"Ahh well, then she did her job well. She knows, everything. She never cared for you and never will. You're worth nothing to her. I know my daughter and I know that Tyler is perfect for her. He joined my gang a few months ago and I led him straight to Kayla without either of them knowing" I sneer at Reece, "Now you Evelyn have a choice. You tell me what I want to know about the Walsh gang or I kill Reece."

"Don't tell him anything Eve!" Reece croaks.

"If you don't want the love of your life to die, SPEAK," I say raising a gun and aiming it at Reece.

"Don't do it, Eve. My life isn't worth it." Reece mutters.

"How adorable" I laugh.

"It is worth it Reece. It is." Eve says crying.

"Where is the gang stationed?" I ask as I flick off the safety.

"Underneath the Gorrila club." 

"Who is the next Heir?" 


"Who would the next Heir be if Reece died?"




"TRAITOR!" Reece yells.

"Excellent. Zayne! Please capture Max and Luke. Oh and summon Kayla and Tyler. I want them here." I say with a cackle. This will be fun!


Edited August 26, 2022

Xoxo Maryann
