Chapter 1

For over a centery I've lived in secret, Hiding in the shadows alone in the world until now, I'm a vampire, and this is my story..


Stefan POV:

I was looking down at my large, silver ring with a small, round lapis lazuli stone, The Ring I have now my ex girlfriend who I loved gave me it, my name is Stefan Salvatore and I'm a vampire..

I heard a knock on the door as I turned around I see my uncle " you ready"he said I nodded, I'm here in mystic falls to start new, I had a brother his name was Damon, The reason why I say I had a brother is because we don't talk we went our separate ways he stayed and killed I left to start a new life without killing and without him..


Elena POV:

Dear Journal

its been a year since my parents died everyone is keeping asking me if I'm okay and even though its not okay I'm just going to put on my fake smile and say " I'm fine, thanks"

I put my journal away as I put it in my bag and went downstairs as I see my brother Jeremy and my aunt I made my self some breakfasts as I made my way out the door

I entered the school building as I see my crazy best friend Caroline "elena"she said I smiled and waved " hey Caroline"I said as she looked at me " how are you"she asked I sigh " I'm fine"I said and she smiled

we made our way to our classes as we stopped at the office seeing a boy with a  leather jacket " aw can't even see his face, but he looks hot from the back"Caroline said I laughed " how do you know that, you haven't even seen his face"I said as she shrugged " I just know"she said as I shook my head at my best friend I looked at ahead as I see Jeremy god this kid " I'll be back"I said as I made my way to the bathroom

I entered the bathroom as I see Jeremy I cornered him as I checked his eyes " seriously jer, your stoned, I can't cover you, I know I did in the summer but that's it"I said " just leave me alone"jer said "no!, jer you need to stop"I said as someone flushed the toilet as I looked I see a boy he looks at me I just look back at jer " don't tell me what to do Elena"jer said as he pushed me aside and made his way outside I sigh I look at myself And the mirror please help me with jer

I made my way outside as I bumped into someone "Pardon.."he said as i looked up at those Leafy Green sparkling eyes "i-uh-i-um-bye"I said stuttering as I walked past him great Elena you can't even speak infront of him,


Stefan POV:

Who is that girl I feel so drawn to her but something about this girl made a vibration inside me, she looked like someone I once knew...Katherine, but she can't be her, Katherine is dead, they burned her, plus Katherine is a vampire, she's a mortal

I made my way to my first class history as I took a seat which was across from this girl, who was she?, I really want to get to know her? as I couldn't help but concentrate because I already lived everything the teacher is teaching

my mind and body always made me look at this mysteriest women I guess she noticed I was staring at her that she looked back and looked at me that didn't cause me look away in fact I stared at her and smiled as she looked away

Elena POV:

I couldn't help but feel someone look at me I looked at the behind me and see the new guy look at me he kept staring at me and smiling I turned around and starred at the front when my phone vibrated indicating I have a text message

From Caroline

Hawty staring @ u

I couldn't help but smile this guy why is he causing me to feel this way?


I know this is much similar to the vampire diaries, but I'm trying to make it my own the only thing that's will be the same are the characters, and how they meet oh and the part where there at the cemetery that's it..btw what they say to eachother, I'm making it my own I don't want to copy what they say... anyways thanks for reading this is my first official Stelena book I hope you guys enjoy, I'm in love with them I know one day they will get back together in the vampire diaries!!! untill next time my love

btw sorry for all the POVs( point of view) I'm just use to writing that way


