
20.14 5 Jan

Igarashi looked over. Nana was still sitting there, fidgeting with his fingers. He hadn't talked that much since their first encounter. Kazuma got himself at home pretty fast. Igarashi had never liked Kazuma but he understood it meant a lot for Mutsumi-senpai to have his brother there. Iga didn't like the extra he brought with him though. Nana leaning against a shelf doing nothing, just using HIS hoodie and HIS joggers. He was useless, not to talk about annoying. Shinomiya had hurt his knee because of him, he knew it wasn't intentional or more like he had his reason but it still bothered him. Igarashi couldn't stop glaring at the blonde. He was probably just blaming everything on Nana now, this random stranger. Igarashi was stressed, Serinuma still hadn't gotten back and they would have to go and look for her. A part of him knew that he had to make up a plan for the next part... in case they didn't find her. He was their new leader, after all, someone had to take up the role while Serinuma was gone and neither Shi or Mu qualified. Kazuma and Mutsumi were watching the parking lot and Shinomiya-kun was off, deep into his rabbit thoughts. Now that they were more people they could probably make up a rescue squad without leaving anyone alone but it was too late to go in the night. Too dark. Shinomiya didn't care to bring up Serinumas lack of presence anymore. There was this heavy feeling of hopelessness dragging them down. Nana looked uneasy. It looked like he wanted to run away, Igarashi wouldn't mind if he did. Suddenly Nana looked at him, their eyes met for a split second before he looked away again.

"Whatcha staring at?"

"Nothing", the blonde kept playing with his fingers. "Aren't you the one who's starring", he was right. "Makes me... uncomfortable".

"It makes me uncomfortable having you here", Igarashi wouldn't let him win. "Why don't you leave huh? Don't you have anywhere else to be?"

"Not really", was he really dumb enough to challenge him? "Plus there's food here and Kazuma doesn't seem to mind having me around".

"Well, I do. Get the fuck out. We don't need you here, just leave", Igarashi couldn't stop himself from lashing out. All the emotions he had repressed for so long just overwhelmed him. He wanted Nana out. Out right now. Igarashi could feel his brow bone twitching. Nana glared back. It didn't seem like he would be giving up anytime soon.

"I'm not going anywhere now. It's dark outside, I'm staying", Nana stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. That bastard!

"I don't care if you die out there, you're getting out!", Shinomiya woke up from his thoughts at that point and rushed in to stop Igarashi.

"She wouldn't have done that", he squealed as he tried to force Igarashi to stand down.

"Well she's not here so I'm your new leader and I want him out", Igarashi pushed him aside and walked up to Nana. Grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie and started to drag him out. Nana fought back and threw a strong fist at Iga. Soon they were on the ground brawling like animals. Shinomiya didn't dare to intervene. Iga kicked Nana in the belly, Nana hit Iga on the nose and so on so forth. Igarashi was on top of Nana, locked Nana's wrists by his side, faces inches apart as they breathed heavily. Igarashi found his chance and grabbed Nana in an armlock. Nanashima gritted his teeth and groaned out in pain. Iga smiled, victory. You're out.

"Nanashima?! Igarashi, what are you doing?" Serinuma yelled at the top of her lungs and rushed in to pull them apart together with the others. She was back. Igarashi thought she was running towards him but instead, she threw herself at Nana.

"Serinuma? No way that's you", he seemed surprised. Did they know each other? Serinuma embraced him and nuzzled her little nose into his scalp. Igarashi looked away and noticed Nishina standing there. They succeeded. They could finally travel somewhere safe!

"We have good news and bad news", Kazuma sighed. "Serinuma is alright and she brought a helicopter to save us...but we're out of gas so we can't fly it to safety. We'll have to look for some tomorrow".

"Guess boss is back", Shinomiya patted Igas shoulder jokingly.

"Wait, so you were their boss?" Nana was shocked.

"Well they're my classmates", she smiled sweetly at the blonde. Why was he so annoying?!

"You know each other?" Shinomiya asked the two. Serinuma nodded happily.

"He's my childhood friend"

"That piece of ass is your dear childhood friend?!" Igarashi couldn't believe his ears. There was no way! No way!

22.13 5 Jan

Nana laid beside her on the floor. They'd been talking nonstop since she came. She told him about the others, the helicopter, the escape and he told her about Kirari and Kazuma. The old man who had controlled the helicopter was out with Shinomiya and watching the parking lot. They all had different shifts. Serinuma had cried when he told her about Kirari but he hadn't. It was dry, no tears left but it felt good talking about it with someone close. She started rambling about a bunch of old memories about the three of them together on adventures, sometimes her older brother would join. But he was dead now, together with her mom. She didn't know anything about her dad, maybe he was out there somewhere. Maybe his mom was out there, somewhere too. He held her hand, looking at her in the dark. It was so small, she was so small. What had happened to the chubby little girl with the big round cheeks at the park? She was still there, right in front of him, just a lighter version.

"No way he would do that, he's such a nice guy. I thought you would've liked him, become really good friends when you met... well you weren't supposed to meet like this", she whispered.

"He's a prick. An absolute asshole, I don't get you", Nana chuckled. Serinuma squeezed his hand.

"He's not. He's just been through a lot like the rest of us", she yawned.

"Yeah but he's still a bastard", Nana heard her light breathing, could see the shape of her chest slowly rising up and sinking down- she was asleep. Nana rolled over, closer to her, so close so that he could feel her breath hitting his face. Serinuma, his guardian angel had arrived once again.
