
  It all started with a girl. A 16 year old girl in fact. All she did was try and run away. Run away from everything her parents made her do and all the work and the just plain abuse. Even as she ran they shot an arrow at her shoulder trying to keep her from running. But it didn't really work because she just kept going limping a small bit.

  She ran until she saw a large castle which she immediately recognized. She smiled and walked inside the kingdom, passing by people who worried and asked why her shoulder bled but she kept walking with no answer. Luckily she had gotten rid of the arrow and was now in pain but arrow free.

  Her black tank top was broken and and dirty along with her gray skinny jeans. Her blonde hair was knotted and the piercing she had in her lip was bleeding. You could say she'd gone through hell.

  She walked to where the guards were. They guarded the quite large castle that stood before her. Once she walked to the closed gates she saw about 5 guards.

  "Are you okay?" One of them said walking towards her.

  "I'm bleeding from my shoulder so I'd assume not" She said.

  "Why don't we walk you to get healed up. You seem pretty beaten up" Another one said.

  "Duh" The girl said. She let the guards walk her inside and immediately when they closed the gates she punched one of the guards in the face and knocked him down with her leg. She then grabbed the other one and kneed him in the stomach.

  She ran through the castle, guards chasing after her, she reached a large door and immediately walked through it. She put her back to the door and closed her eyes. She panted and slid down the door sitting down. She opened her eyes and realized where she was.

  A large throne stood before her and a guy about her age was behind it. He walked out from behind the throne and revealed a sword in his hands.

  "Who are you?" The boy said.

  "Look I have no time for this. I need to talk to the king. This is important" She said.

  "I don't care. Who the hell are you?" He walked over to the girl holding the sword to her throat.

  "My name's Griffon. Can you not threaten me with a sword now?" Griffon said. The boy immediately put down his sword and extended his hand.

  "The name's Geoff." Geoff said waiting for Griffon's hand to meet his. Griffon hesitated but the took Geoff's hand shaking it. "What exactly do you need my dad for?"

  "The only reason why I escaped my house was to tell him of the conditions of my village. He promised no abuse for children but considering I got shot with an arrow in the shoulder by my parents and many others younger than me have experienced similar treatment they aren't following the rule"

  "Oh so that's the bleeding... Well then. Let's do this, you let me take you to the infirmary to help you and I'll let you talk to my dad okay?" Griffon nodded. Geoff opened the door to the throne room which left many guards pointing spears at Griffon's neck. "Guys it's okay. She's with me."

  "But she kneed me in the stomach and ran away" a guard said.

  "Well excuse me if I don't like when people grab my arms and lead me somewhere. It's happened to me before and I'm not gonna run the risk of you fooling me" Griffon rolled her eyes.

  "She's been through tough times. Now get out of the goddamn way." Geoff said. Griffon lightly chuckled at Geoff's attitude towards the guards

  Geoff and Griffon walked through the crowd and then into the infirmary where Geoff grabbed a bandage and alcohol and bandaged her up.

  "Hmm weird" Griffon mumbled to herself.

  "What?" Geoff asked wrapping the bandage around her shoulder.

  "Back at my village they would give us potions to cure us. Not treat us naturally like this. It's kinda weird. But kinda nice." Griffon lightly blushed looking down.

  "Well. Here we try to be nice as possible. I mean a girl as cool and pretty as you shouldn't be treated like you were" In this moment something sparked between these two. They didn't really know what it was. Geoff didn't know where his sudden flirting attitude came from. And Griffon didn't know where the intense blush arrived. But it did.

  This was the day everything seemed to change. Griffon managed to speak to the king. And the people from the village where either incarcerated or executed depending on what they did. The kids were set free and taken in by loving families. Griffon then started living in the castle, since Geoff insisted she did.

  Years later Geoff and Griffon, who had now since then dated for quite a while, got married. A year later the king and queen died, leaving the kingdom to mourn but rejoice when Geoff and Griffon became king and queen.

  Soon another kingdom was created by a friend of the Ramsey family. Leaving no competition for the Ramsey's since they got along so well. This was the Pattillo family, who was formed by the queen and king Caiti and Jack. Minecraftia was a beautiful place. With two kingdoms that thrived. And infinite places to explore.

  But of course, every thing beautiful has it's imperfection. A rose has it's thorn, the moon has it's dark side, the hero has it's villain. In this case it was a man by the name Ryan Haywood, he came from a family who was known to be quiet murderous. Ryan,created a kingdom, which very few people actually chose to be in. A lot of people were kidnapped and taken there, a request of the king, they took the people he deemed unworthy. He would torture everyone who defied him, anone who he thought stood in his way. Everyone became very scared of him, none of the two other kingdoms dared fight him. Eventually he was given the nickname 'Mad King'.

  After many years the Mad King and his army attacked the Ramsey kingdom, luckily the Ramsey's won but this is when we learned the Mad King's motives. He created Griffon's village, and when she escaped it fell apart, so he went for something bigger. And he succeeded.

  Afterwards three other kingdoms were created. No one really knows the origins of the kingdoms but everyone knew the king's stories.

  The first kingdom created after the Mad King's was Mogar's. He was a man wo was raised to feel no fear and is rumored to never even cry. He was known as the Brave King, the one who could take on any challenge with no hesitation and somehow win. With his wife, Lindsay, he protected his kingdom with a sarcastic attitude and ambition.

  The next was Gavino's kingdom,or the Jester king. Unlike the other kings he was very clumsy, and a bit dumb. But in the end he came up on top. He was previously the Mad King's Jester, adding to his name, he somehow managed to escape and was more powerful than he could ever think.

  The last was Ray's kingdom, he was the nicest king. While Ramsey was Strict and rude at times, The Pattillo's were humble but not very good in battle, the Mad King was well Mad, Mogar and Lindsay, even though the were nice, they were more concentrated on battle plans and keeping everyone safe, And Gavino was still kinda dumb, Ray was just right. Being great in battle, incredibly nice, and having a very down to earth and sarcastic attitude.

  In the end there were six thriving kingdoms, who stood tall and strong. At least that is what we are meant to believe
