Tomb Of Night

(Mikes View) I struggled to park for two minutes while Cal laughed outside. I finally parked still thinking about how I might be an uncle. I just wonder what she's gonna do. "Mike you need to hurry up we're gonna miss 2012 hurry!" "Ok, I'm coming!" We pushed through the glass Sarah was waving, "Guys I have your stuff." She had two bags of popcorn some candy, chocolate, and drinks. "Thanks, Sarah how much do I owe you?" "No no no no it's on the house." "No fucking way thanks. Cal, can you fill our drinks real quick?" "Sure, Mike." I mumbled to myself, "He's very submissive." "Ooo Michael you're a freak. You guys can chill in the theater no one is there, plus the movie starts in twenty minutes. 

"Awesome thanks, Sarah." Calvin dragged me into theater room 8 and to the last two seats. "Cal I'm right behind you damn. And why did you drag us all the way to the back?" "Well, Mike me and you are up here all alone..." "Cal was not having sex. I'd love to but there's way too much going on for me  right now I'm sorry." "Don't worry about it Mike that was on the back of my mind but it would've been nice. I just wanted to have a quick make-out session." "Oh what the hell." We made out for about 10 minutes. We stopped, "So much for quick." We both laughed. Oh great now I really wanna have sex I chuckled thinking about that thought. People began to pour into the theater. The previews eventually began to play. I, unfortunately, started to drift off to sleep.

2 hours and 40 Minutes Later
As I slept in my blank dream world a bright light popped in my face with the white monarch awaiting me. I opened my eye drowsy seeing the credits going down on the big screen. Calvin fell asleep to his popcorn bucket was empty with his soft drink beside him. "Cal time to go." He awoke groggy as well and said, "huh?" I kissed his left cheek and repeated to him he got his trash while I got my popcorn. We walked to the exit and Cal threw his stuff out. His stomach started to growl, "Mike I'm still hungry." "Dammit here." I gave him my popcorn he smiled brightly Sarah wasn't at the counter no more we could only assume she clocked out. "Mike I gotta go my parents are blowing up my phone for dinner." I nodded and we got in our vehicles we drove until we got to his house.

I got out of my truck and followed Cal to his door. "Mike my parents can't know you ever have been here ok?" "Yeah I get it." His mom opened the door and greeted him then me "Calvin thank God your home. Oh, you brought your friend Michael was it?" "Yes, I guess I already made an impact." "Cal your father wants to speak with you upstairs." Cal sighed and mouthed the words oh shit. "Michael, will you be staying for dinner?" "Nah I was just about to head out." Calvin chimed in Mike please we insist what else do you have to do tonight?" I really wanted to find a spot I can sleep with my truck. "Sure I'll stay." "Wonderful I made a chicken roast with grilled corn, mashed potatoes, and macaroni. Would you please help me set the table while Cal goes upstairs? Cal go tell your father we have company." Cal nodded while being halfway up the stairs. "So uhh what do I call you? Calvin mom?" "Oh, I'm sorry you can call me Mrs. G thanks for asking Michael." 

She began walking me to the kitchen. We strolled by the couch I glanced and noticed Ellie staring intently at me. "Alright, Michael if you could set these plates and silverware." I grabbed everything and placed everything on the spruce table it has a blue table mat across the table with a cross and some pictures above the chair with the wall behind it. The picture on the left was a family picture with them in front of Big Ben Cal had a cowboy hat on, "Huh a long way from home." The other picture was of them in front of the Eiffel tower. But there was another dude in the same cowboy hat. I tilted my head and mumbled to myself, "Who is that?" On the other side of the dining room was a wine cabinet. "Michael can you please get 2 wine glasses and any flavor of the wine." "Yeah of course." She thanked me. I chose a blueberry wine and placed it on the table along with the two glasses. I poured the wine into both glasses. I took out a shot glass and poured some into it and took a shot. One more than another "mmmm blueberry." I put the glass and the wine away. "Michael your good to sit down. "Calvin, Fred! Dinners ready."

Cal and Mr. G came down and sat. Cal looked like he was faking a smile. "Alrighty everyone roasted chicken with grilled corn, mash, and macaroni. "Looks, like it's really a good mom." "Thanks, Calvin." Everyone began eating, Calvin's dad said to me. "So Michael are you and Cal in any of the same classes?" "Uhh yeah, Algebra 2 I think that's it, to be honest." "Well do your parents know you're here?" "Yeah totally." He looked at me. Shit, he knows I'm lying I can tell he's not the biggest fan of mine. He grew aggravated, Cal are those piercings new?" He looked embarrassed and looked down, "Yes sir." "So you skip school with your delinquent new friend of yours and skip school what else did you two do? Drugs oh get a tattoo?" "Honey please we have company." "Fuck the company this little brat skips the school we had to pay for he couldn't even keep in school for two fucking days!" What's your excuse now? Bullying again. If you can't handle school you might as well drop out as your brother did." Cal looked down ashamed. "Charles please." Enough of this Cal may have to deal with this but I don't.

"Fuck of Charles, get the hell of your son's dick and let him live!" "Excuse me how dare you to speak to me like this in my own home." "Oh ok but it's ok for you to talk to your son and blood like that in his place of comfort." Calvin's mom stood up, "Everyone calms down!" Cal got up. His dad stood up and then asked, "Cal why are you wearing a jacket?" "I uhh." Cal held his arm I could tell he was getting nervous. "Dad hmm I..." Shit, what should I do? Mrs. G then asked, "honey what's wrong you look nervous." Oh god, he's gonna get in so much trouble. I could help him cover up or I shouldn't say anything god what do I do? I took a deep breath, "Hey stop interrogating your son he's just cold! You know they say the one interrogating is very probable to hide a lot of secrets. So what are you hiding Charles? Why don't you share with the table." "That's enough you and your trouble are not welcome around my son or home anymore as soon as you entered this home I knew exactly the type of person you were!" "Oh and that is?" "Trouble just all kids are these days. Now leave this house." I got up and walked flipping him off.

Calvin rushed after me. I made it to the front door. "Mike, I'm so sorry he's a douche." "It's whatever Cal I just wanted to make sure you didn't get your tattoo found out." "I need you to pick me up tomorrow if we hang out he took my keys." "Sure I just have to meet with Karas boyfriend in Geralds Creek." "Well good luck with that and your new life on the road." "Thanks." We hugged and I went to my truck and started texting Johnny.

Me: Hey John

Abuser Johnny: Uhh hi do I know you??

Me: Uhh Michael Kara's little brother...

Abuser Johnny: Oh sup little man

Me: Don't call me that fuck face we need to talk. 

Abuser Johnny: Hey why tf are you so hostile??

Me: You hit my sister you're a dick!

Abuser Johnny: IM SO SORRY THERES NO EXCUSES. I have just been drinking.

Me: You are a football player you shouldn't be drinking I could ruin you right now.

Abuser Johnny: Heys there's no need for that I'm trying to get better I swear.

Abuser Johnny: You're a fucking freak!  

Me: Watch it. I'll make your life a living hell. But srs I wanna help mainly for my sister's sake where can we meet? Geralds Creek?

Abuser Johnny: Fuck that weirdo I'm not meeting you anywhere!

"Shit gotta get creative what can I say to get him to meet me? Uhhh fuck ok...ok let's try this."

Me: I bet the police would love to hear that you abuse your girlfriend with very visible bruise marks while you have the scent of alcohol a mile away.

Abuser Johnny: Fine ill take your help... You said the creek, right? 

Me: Come alone. I wanna talk.

Alright, let's drive. I drove on and on until I drove into an abandoned parking lot surrounded by woods. "Let's have some fun." I hopped out of the truck and grabbed my graffiti bag. "This half a mile of an abandoned lot is just a giant canvas." I pulled out some of my paints and thought of what to paint. I began spraying blue flames merging together and bursting into the letter M + C. 2 Hour Later. "Boom that looks awesome. Shit, my phone is in the truck. I jogged back to the truck and grabbed my phone I had a missing text from my dad.

Dad<3: Hey Michael do you want some late-night driving lessons?

Dad<3: I promise ill make you the best driver on the road.

Dad<3: Mike I'm having a long talk with your mom you won't be out of the house for 2 long.

Dad<3: No 16-year-old son of mine will be kicked out of his place of comfort.

Dad<3: Mike are you ok?

Me: Yeah I was working on a project we can.

Dad<3: Give me 20 minutes ill be there love you.

Me: I love you 2 

I shared my location with my father and chilled out in my truck. I fed Harry and Camillo. "Me and you guys against the world."
