The Arbiters.

As Emperor returns to the base, he has a solemn look on his face.

Observer: "Emperor, the arbiters have requested your presence."

Emperor: "The arbiters have requested my presence... Alright, let's see what the others want."

As Emperor enters the base and disappears from Observers sight, she frowns from what she heard.

Observer: So, that's why he doesn't like his title."

As Emperor entered the meeting place, he was pleasantly surprised.

Emperor: "Hello, I didn't expect everyone to be here. Hello Antiochus, I thought you weren't working with the sirens."

Temperance: "It's temperance, and that was a lie to trick the azur lane."

Emperor: "Alright, hello Strength, I haven't seen you in a while."

Strength: "Maybe we can battle later."

Emperor: "I don't know. I wouldn't want to destroy the entire base calming you down."

Strength: "You got no jewels, but IT WAS ONE TIME!"

Emperor: "Alright, If you say so. Hermit, up to your old tricks as always?"

Hermit: "Like always. I caused a Crimson Axis fleet to retreat with my corrosive mist."

Emperor: "Ugh, I remember that. I was bedridden for the best part of two weeks because of that.

Hermit: "Hahaha, it was worth it though to beat you."

Emperor: "How about a fair fight next time huh. And least but not least, Empress. Except I've seen you around so it was no surprise."

Empress: "Hello Emperor, but do you know why you've been called here?"

Emperor: "No, Observer just came and told me about this meeting five minutes ago. But anyways, what's going on? With all the arbiters here, something big must be happening."

Observer Zero: "You're certainly right, something big is going on.

Emperor: "Observer Zero, it's a pleasure to see you again."

Observer Zero: "No need for pleasantries, I cannot feel them anyway. But now for the matter at hand. Empress..."

Empress: "Of course. Now, Observer Zero called us here because she wants an arbiter to oversee the Orochi process."

Hermit: "Isn't Observer overseeing that project. Let her keep control."

Observer Zero: "The problem is, Observer is smart but can't view the whole picture."

Emperor: "I will help Observer run the Orochi project and lead the sirens to victory."

Observer Zero: "Oh. You will help the project. Tell me why Emperor, it intrigues me."

Emperor: "I've already interferes in the project already and I've been providing the Sakura Empire with the cube anyway."

Observer Zero: "But you lost one to Azur Lane, did you not? How do you plan to get it back?"

Emperor: "I would not say I lost it. I would say that it simply switched hands. Besides, it doesn't matter if it's Sakura Empire or Azur Lane, it will gather data and as long as we get it back, it will still allow the Orochi to run."

Empress: "Zero, he does have a point. All we would have to do is infiltrate Azur Lane and get it back."

Observer: "Alright. Emperor, you will oversee this project to its fruition. I hope to see an expedient end to this conflict."

Emperor: "Thank you Observer Zero, I will excuse myself now. Good day to you."

As Emperor walks away, everyone gets the feeling of hostility that Emperor has towards Observer Zero, except Zero herself, since she does not understand emotions.

Observer: "How did the meeting go? What happened?"

Emperor: "Gather everyone, I wish to speak to them about some changes in command over this project."

Observer: "As you wish."

Once everyone gathers, Emperor speaks about the changes.

Emperor: "Everyone, I won't take up much of your time, as your all very busy with the project. I, Emperor, will be watching over this project. But still, everything is still under Observer. I am simply helping to finish the project quicker."

Emperor: "Thank you for your time. Back to your posts."

Once everyone leaves, Emperor leaves and goes to lay down in his room. He lays down and thinks about Observer Zero.

Emperor: Damn Observer Zero, making me in charge of this project. Damn you.

And that's it. I decided to make Emperor hate Observer Zero because why not.

See you later

