Hide and Seek

Cyden's POV

I really have screwed up!

The plan was just to give Emily more time to get used to the idea of being the queen and living at the palace. I'd already decided that Emily is the only one and for weeks I've had the engagement ring sitting on my nightside table. The reason couldn't look her in the eye was because I was still trying to figure out the perfect way to propose.

Seeing Emily so confident in her decision to leave crushed any hope I had left, and then the earpeircing scream that followed stopped my heart.

Not caring about appearances, I bolted towards the direction Emily left and the scream originated. With every stride my heart filled with dread of what I might find. And then I came across a row of smashed windows and the sound of footsteps thud from upstairs.


Scanning the area I find no sight of Emily. Then the tell tail siren starts to pierce the sudden chaos of guards flood each and every corridor of the palace.

"Come with me Prince Cayden" one of the head guards orders as we sprint off to the familiar direction of the age room. Hopefully Emily is already there. Rushing down the bloody corridors I take in the deviation around us, already many palace guards have fallen and more are sure to follow. Bullets fly through the chaotic air, echoed by murderous screams and blood shed. Abruptly my attention is snapped forwards when I crash into the back of the guard infant of me.

"We're here your highness" he hastily explains as his hands press a sequence of bricks on the wall before the fireplace moves, revealing a passageway.

"Thank you" I say as I venture into the dim walkway and down the concealed steps. With my mind solely focused on Emily's safety I numbly find myself wondering into the royal safe room, blinded by the harsh artificial lighting. Blinking fiercely, my eyes scan across the room wanting to meet only one pair of soft blue eyes.

"Oh Cayden, thank goodness your alright" a high pitched voice penetrates my search. "Darling I was so worried" a pair of slim arms engulf me without warning. Ignoring this attempt at distraction form those blue eyes, I once again can the room repeatedly.

"Cayden you're safe. What took you so long?", all theses useless questions aren't helping. Becoming frustrated I push the arms away from me and rush around the room looking every inch for any sight of the golden girl my heart longs for.

"Son calm down everything's alright" A strong voice pulls me away from underneath one of the many beds in the cold room.

"No!". Finally my head clears and I see the sight before me; my parents concerned looks while the Elite stare wit a cross between confusion, worry and fright. The most shocking thing that really brings me fulling back into the present is the state of the area that I had completely destroyed while in pursuit of my angel, my one. Beds completely flipped, sheets and pillows torn and lamps smashed. Taking in a shaking breath everything becomes clear, I loose everything if I loose her. "Where is she?".

"Emily isn't here, the guards couldn't find her. Cayden I promise once everything is safe we will form a search party and we will find here" my father pulls me towards the back of the room.

"No. I can't just sit here while she's out there terrified, possibly hurt or worse" exhausted with this pointed conversation I try to push pat his broad figure. Before I can Im stopped by my mothers soft hand taking mine in hers.

"Cayden, you know you can't go out there with all the rebels still looking for us. You're the heir to the throne and the future king" my father continues to argue.

"If it was mum that was out there would you go and find her?" and with that I storm past everyone before anyone has the chance to stop me.

I'm coming Emily, just hold on.
